The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-WHO

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1782.03.26  Baltimore  CITATION Who but has read that celebrated fable [fl] 
1751.10.07  Charleston  CITATION Who can describe the horrors of that night [fl] 
1752.03.16  Boston  CITATION Who can describe the horrors of that night [fl] 
1767.11.17  Charleston  CITATION Who can grieve too much, what time shall end [fl] 
1772.11.20  Portsmouth  CITATION Who can say unto the Lord, what doest Thee? [fl] 
1769.08.17  Charleston  CITATION Who can the doctrine of that sage debate? [fl] 
1742.05.06  Paris  CITATION Who can to this curs'd law submit [fl] 
1742.05.27  Paris  CITATION Who can to this curs'd law submit [fl] 
1783.10.04  Charleston  CITATION Who commended the beauty of another's eyes [fl] 
1782.11.02  New York  CITATION Who dares-tho' ev'n of patriot name [fl] 
1755.10.16  Charleston  CITATION Who don't remember the last hurricane [fl] 
1774.04.22  Portsmouth  CITATION Who 'er with curious eye has rang'd [fl] 
1769.10.26  Charleston  CITATION Who first taught souls enslav'd, and realms undone [fl] 
1776.05.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Who from a state of rags and care [fl] 
1776.07.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Who from a state of rags and care [fl] 
1773.08.23  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Baldock must needs know the mill [t], tune of lyric 
1773.08.27  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Baldock must needs know the mill [t], tune of lyric 
1773.08.28  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Baldock must needs know the mill [t], tune of lyric 
1773.09.06  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Baldock must needs know the mill [t], tune of lyric 
1773.08.23  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Versailles must needs know the King [fl] 
1773.08.27  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Versailles must needs know the King [fl] 
1773.08.28  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Versailles must needs know the King [fl] 
1773.09.06  London  CITATION Who has e'er been at Versailles must needs know the King [fl] 
1773.01.28  London  CITATION Who has not heard, what few have seen [fl] 
1771.09.30  New York  CITATION Who is the happy man? 'Tis he alone [fl] 
1770.12.28  London  CITATION Who is this, that strikes my wond'ring eyes? [fl] 
1773.02.18  Williamsburg  CITATION Who knew thee, Eyre! but when thy death they hear [fl] 
1773.03.15  Philadelphia  CITATION Who knew thee, Eyre! but when thy death they hear [fl] 
1773.06.15  Charleston  CITATION Who on mount Calvary do I see? [fl] 
1774.04.07  New York  CITATION Who on mount Calvary do I see? [fl] 
1775.08.09  Worcester  CITATION Who puts a doublet on a horse [fl] 
1764.08.17  Portsmouth  CITATION Who seeks to please all men each way [fl] 
1767.01.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Who sees pale Mammon pine amidst his shore [fl] 
1746.04.29  Annapolis  CITATION Who sees with equal eyes, as god of all [fl] 
1769.04.06  New York  CITATION Who sets is heart on things below [fl] 
1768.05.23  London  CITATION Who shames a scribler? break one cobweb thro' [fl] 
1774.07.28  Norfolk  CITATION Who shames a scribler? break one cob-web through [fl] 
1761.06.19  London  CITATION Who sings the source [fl] 
1746.04.10  London  CITATION Who steals my purse, steals trash [fl] 
1772.02.06  Williamsburg  CITATION Who steals my purse, steals trash [fl] 
1768.12.02  London  CITATION Who steals my purse steals trash, quote from Shakespeare 
1770.12.06  London  CITATION Who steals my purse steals trash, quote from Shakespeare 
1772.07.30  London  CITATION Who steals my purse steals trash, quote from Shakespeare's Othello [t] 
1774.09.01  London  CITATION Who steals my purse steals trash, steals nothing, quote from Shakespeare 
1774.09.08  London  CITATION Who steals my purse steals trash, steals nothing, quote from Shakespeare 
1771.11.15  London  CITATION Who steals my purse, steal's trash; 'tis something, nothing [fl] 
1772.10.16  New London  CITATION Who strives to mount Parnassas hill [fl] 
1767.01.01  Williamsburg  CITATION Who, that beheld the lovely boy expire [fl] 
1782.09.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Who then is free? the wise alone [fl] 
1783.02.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Who to his plighted faith and vows [fl] 
1776.10.07  New York  CITATION Who was the man kiss'd Pat last night? [fl] 
1772.01.23  London  CITATION Who was the man? (Oblivion seize his name [fl] 
1760.03.28  Portsmouth  CITATION Who' wealth was poured like a rolling tide [fl] 
1783.05.17  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rustics state [fl] 
1783.04.23  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1783.04.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1783.05.03  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1783.05.07  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1783.05.10  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1783.05.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Who with the gen'rous rusties state [fl] 
1739.09.14  Williamsburg  CITATION Who wou'd have thought that Bella's frown [fl] 
1781.12.20  Norwich  CITATION Who Would have Thought It? [t], tune of lyric [beg] On the day set apart 
1778.02.26  Worcester  CITATION Who would not die, in his great country's cause [fl] 
1778.03.05  Worcester  CITATION Who would not die, in his great country's cause [fl] 
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