The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1773.08.12  Cheshire  CITATION Comedian, excellent, Sam Johnson known as 
1773.08.23  Cheshire  CITATION Comedian, excellent, Samuel Johnson known as 
1773.09.04  Cheshire  CITATION Comedian, excellent, Samuel Johnson known as 
1775.01.19  London  CITATION Comedians See also Actor 
1754.04.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, announces performance in Philadelphia 
1754.06.06  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, announces performance in Philadelphia 
1754.06.06  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, announces performance in Philadelphia 
1754.06.13  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, announces performance in Philadelphia 
1754.04.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, performance in Philadelphia 
1754.06.20  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians from London, performance in Philadelphia 
1781.10.04  Boston  CITATION Comedians, offered to Americans as lure from England, in satire 
1781.10.13  Portsmouth  CITATION Comedians, offered to Americans as lure from England, in satire 
1781.10.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Comedians, offered to Americans as lure from England, in satire 
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