Citation - Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia: 1754.06.06

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Index Entry Actor, Adcock, Mr, to play Prince of Tanais in Tamerlane [t] 
Location Philadelphia 
6 Jun 1754:23 (1328)
By desire, (being the last night of performing) For the
benefit of Mr. Adcock.
By a Company of Comedians from London, at the New Theatre in
Water-street, on Wednesday next, being the 12th instant,
will be presented a tragedy, called
with the fall of Bajazet, Emperor of the Turks.
The part of Tamerlane, to be perform'd by Mr. Singleton.
Moneses, by Mr. Rigby. Axalla, by Mr. Bell. Prince of
Tanais, by Mr. Adcock. Stratocles, by Mr. Miller. The part
of Bajazet, to be perform'd by Mr. Malone. Omar, by Mr.
Clarkson, Dervise, by Mr. Lewis Hallam. Haly, by Master L.
Hallam. Selmia, by Mrs. Bacceley. And the part of Arpasia,
to be perform'd by Mrs. Hallam.
To which will be added, a farce, called,
A Wife well managed; or, A Cure for Cuckoldom.

Generic Title Pennsylvania Gazette-Philadelphia 
Date 1754.06.06 
Publisher Franklin, B., and D. Hall 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1754 
Bibliography B0036063
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