Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1781.10.13

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Index Entry Balls, essay, offered to Americans as lure from England, in satire 
Location Portsmouth 
13 Oct 1781:11,12,41 (25/1302)
A Dialogue between the United States of America, and the
different Princes of Europe. . . [at bottom of 2nd column:]
Prince William Henry.  I have allowed, gentlemen, all these
cand  [bottom of page torn off; text reconstructed from
CJ&WA, 4 Oct 1781:]  [idates to speak before me, and without
the least interruption:  They have made you brilliant
offers, but mine will be much more brilliant.  My father,
the best of Kings, has sent me here, persuaded that you
cannot refuse me the crown, when you come to know] what I
have to offer you.  I promise you titles, orders, ribbands,
and a nobility.  I will establish among you electorates,
dukedoms, baronies, and lordships.  I will be your emperor,
your King, your statholder; in one word, whatever shall
please you.  I will give you feasts, balls, and diversions. 
I will call the arts and sciences to your country.  I will
have superb equipages, excellent musick, comedians,
mistresses, bruisers and prize-fighters, chamberlains,
masters of the horse, and cupbearers.  Gold and diamonds
shall flow among you. . . [12 lines in same vein]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1781.10.13 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0024511
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