The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-LIFE

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1769.05.08  Baltimore Cty  CITATION Life a Bubble [t] [beg] What a constant round of pain 
1782.03.16  Richmond  CITATION Life a Bubble [t] [beg] What a constant round of pain 
1760.08.04  New York  CITATION Life and Death...[t], part of Pasquin [t], for sale by Watt, James 
1760.08.11  New York  CITATION Life and Death...[t], part of Pasquin [t], for sale by Watt, James 
1760.08.18  New York  CITATION Life and Death...[t], part of Pasquin [t], for sale by Watt, James 
1767.06.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1782.02.27  London  CITATION Life fawning slaves as ever crawl'd [fl] 
1772.10.29  New York  CITATION Life, how vainly held a blessing [fl] 
1772.11.20  New London  CITATION Life, how vainly held a blessing [fl] 
1772.12.04  Portsmouth  CITATION Life, how vainly held a blessing [fl] 
1772.02.17  Albany  CITATION Life in Short [t] [beg] Man's life, like any weaver's shuttle, flies 
1739.04.09  Boston  CITATION Life is a solemn scene on which depend [fl] 
1770.08.17  New London  CITATION Life is Vanity [t] [beg] How gay at first life's cheerful dawn 
1748.02.08  Charleston  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Life! the dear precarious boon! 
1749.07.27  Philadelphia  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Life, the dear precarious boon 
1773.01.07  Williamsburg  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Life! the dear precious boon! 
1748.07.18  Boston  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Like to the falling of a star 
1738.08.07  Boston  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Man by necessity compell'd must go 
1765.01.04  Portsmouth  CITATION Life [t] [beg] Man, by necessity compell'd, must go 
1781.11.03  Charleston  CITATION Life of David Garrick [t], for sale at Wells's Stationary, Music...Shop 
1781.11.10  Charleston  CITATION Life of David Garrick [t], for sale at Wells's Stationary, Music...Shop 
1781.11.17  Charleston  CITATION Life of David Garrick [t], for sale at Wells's Stationary, Music & Book Shop 
1774.06.14  Hartford  CITATION Life of Delia...Birthday Ode [t] [beg] Autumn once more with boundless bount 
1772.01.02  Williamsburg  CITATION Life of God in the Soul of Man [t], in satire 
1772.01.07  London  CITATION Life of God in the Soul of Man [t], in satire 
1780.01.13  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.25  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.27  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.01  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.03  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.08  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.15  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.17  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.24  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.29  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.02  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.07  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.09  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.14  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.16  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.21  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.23  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.28  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.30  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.04  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.06  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.11  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.13  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.02  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.09  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.11  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.23  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.06  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.15  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.22  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.27  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.29  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.07.04  New York  CITATION Life of Henry V [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.13  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.25  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.01.27  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.01  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.03  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.08  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.15  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.17  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.24  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.02.29  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.02  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.07  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.09  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.14  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.16  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.21  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.23  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.28  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.03.30  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.04  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.06  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.11  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.13  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.04.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.02  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.09  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.11  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.18  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.05.23  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.06  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.15  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.20  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.22  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.27  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.06.29  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1780.07.04  New York  CITATION Life of Henry VIII [t], for sale by Robertson, A and J 
1776.09.14  Philadelphia  CITATION Life of man to represent, The [fl] 
1767.06.15  Boston  CITATION Life of slander, scrawl, and quarrel past, A [fl] 
1783.12.24  Montmorency  CITATION Life of the Hero, as Well as of the Sage [t] [beg] Oh Liberty! Heaven's 
1778.10.14  London  CITATION Life or Death of Old England [t] [beg] To save six rascals, 'tis the common 
1778.11.07  Boston  CITATION Life or Death of Old England [t] [beg] To save six rascals, 'tis the common 
1748.02.08  Charleston  CITATION Life! the dear precarious boon! [fl] 
1749.07.27  Philadelphia  CITATION Life, the dear precarious boon [fl] 
1773.01.07  Williamsburg  CITATION Life! the dear precious boon! [fl] 
1783.02.24  Boston  CITATION Life thou dear, deceitful guest! [fl] 
1783.03.01  Newport  CITATION Life, thou dear, deceitful guest! [fl] 
1775.05.05  Salem  CITATION Life, valient Townsent, in thy peaceful shades [fl] 
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