The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-GRAND

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1772.10.12  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1772.10.19  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1772.10.26  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1772.10.26  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1773.09.20  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1773.09.20  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1773.09.20  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem (22 parts) (Handel), to be sung at benefit concert 
1772.10.01  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem [t] (Handel), in concert program 
1772.10.15  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem [t] (Handel), in concert program 
1772.10.22  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem [t] (Handel), in concert program 
1772.10.29  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem [t] (Handel), performed well at benefit concert 
1772.11.02  Boston  CITATION Grand Coronation Anthem [t] (Handel), performed well at benefit concert 
1761.01.26  New York  CITATION Grand court conven'd on important occasion, A [fl] 
1771.11.07  Annapolis  CITATION Grand design in Grecian schools was taught, The [fl] 
1783.09.06  France  CITATION Grand dieu, tes jugemens font remplis d'equite' [fl] 
1773.02.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Grand Dieu! Tes Jugemens [t] [beg] Great God, thy judgements are supremely 
1761.11.16  London  CITATION Grand Festal Symphony [t] [beg] King shall rejoice in thy strength, The 
1761.11.26  London  CITATION Grand Festal Symphony [t] [beg] King shall rejoice in thy strength, The 
1756.05.17  Boston  CITATION Grand French Gasconade... [t] [beg] My monarch bids me tell you (wid his 
1770.05.15  London  CITATION Grand Martial Piece [t] (Rush), played after toasts at Lord Mayor's dinner 
1770.05.17  London  CITATION Grand Martial Piece [t] (Rush), played after toasts of Middlesex Freeholders 
1774.03.31  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.04  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.07  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.11  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.11  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.14  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.18  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
1774.04.18  Boston  CITATION Grand Military Simphony [t] (Morgan), to be performed, with kettle drums 
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