Citation - Boston Gazette: 1773.09.20

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Index Entry Band of music, 64th Regt, in Boston, to play in benefit concert for Selby 
Location Boston 
20 Sep 1773:21 (963)
Music.  For the benefit of Mr. Selby, organist of the King's
Chapel, on Wednesday the 22d of September instant, being the
anniversary of his Majesty's coronation, will be performed
at Concert-Hall, a grand concert of vocal and instrumental
music, first violin by Mr. Morgan, to be assisted by the
band of his Majesty's 64th Regiment.
  First Act.
Overture, ---- Mr. Handel.  Song, duet and chorus.
Organ concerts.  Song.  The Hallelujah Grand Chorus in Mr.
Handel's oratoria of the Messiah.
  Second Act.
Sinphonia.  Glee, in three parts, composed in the year 1600. 
Solo violin, ---- Mr. Morgan.  Handel's grand Coronation
Anthem in 22 parts.
 [pointing hand]  Tickets at half a dollar each to be had at
Miss Cummings in Cornhill, Mess Cox & Berry in King-street,
and at Mr. Selby's house facing Deacon Storer's in
Sudbury-street, Boston.  To begin precisely at 7 o'clock.
  Mr. Selby having been at great pains and expence to have
his concert elegantly performed, humbly hopes to be
patronized by his friends and the public.

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1773.09.20 
Publisher Edes and Gill 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0006424
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