The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-EPIGRAM

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1783.12.04  Bennington  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] As demons near his Celia stood 
1782.01.19  Richmond  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] As the papers inform us, a person of note 
1750.01.08  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Bob telling his repining friend 
1781.07.24  Salem  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Bravely to aim at something to make known 
1774.09.29  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Britain's sons line the coast of Atlantic all oe'r 
1779.05.01  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Common soldier, who has broke, The 
1756.11.01  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Cries Blakeey to Byng, as he kept at a distance 
1743.06.02  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Deep, deep in S----'s blundering head 
1760.01.17  Boston  CITATION Epigram, French, source of lyric [beg] Oprest with taxes L--s' vassals groan 
1775.01.05  Norwich  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] From list'ners, spies, th' informer, and the knave 
1751.12.09  New York  CITATION Epigram From the Midwife... [t] [beg] For her husband deceas'd, Sally chants 
1756.10.14  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Full Five and Fifty Days brave Blakeney stood 
1769.05.22  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Hal, holds it for a certain rule 
1778.08.03  Poughkeepsie  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] How hard is your Congress' exacted conditions! 
1767.12.24  Williamsburg  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] I gave, --'twas but the other day 
1779.01.02  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] In music we find 
1735.01.13  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] In Newgate, a book seller once said to his friend 
1781.08.23  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] King's body coachman has cut his own throat 
1777.02.04  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Man who submits without striking a blow, The 
1761.06.05  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Mars, inform'd that some wits, with inquisitive eye 
1781.07.02  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] My leader's name (but more perhaps my own) 
1783.01.31  New London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] North tho't a peace would do no harm 
1783.02.01  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] North thought a peace would do no harm 
1770.06.07  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Of outs and inns, the common sins 
1742.05.06  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Old honest Cato, tho' his death drew near 
1783.08.25  Boston  CITATION Epigram on a Lady [t] [beg] Ye graceless wits, who neither praise 
1766.11.27  Williamsburg  CITATION Epigram on a Late Great Commoner [t] [beg] On banks of Weser, and of Rhine 
1766.09.29  Boston  CITATION Epigram on a Late Great Commoner [t] [beg] Some folks still aver, after this 
1770.04.12  New York  CITATION Epigram on a Late Marriage, An [t] [beg] At length, gay Polly, you have paid 
1770.04.16  New York  CITATION Epigram on a Late Marriage, An [t] [beg] At length, gay Polly, you have paid 
1770.04.20  New Haven  CITATION Epigram on a Late Marriage, An [t] [beg] At length, gay Polly, you have paid 
1770.04.20  New London  CITATION Epigram on a Late Marriage [t] [beg] At length, gay Polly, you have paid 
1753.01.15  New York  CITATION Epigram on an Ugly Woman Singing [t] [beg] Whilst in the dark on thy soft 
1753.02.08  Boston  CITATION Epigram on an Ugly Woman Singing [t] [beg] Whilst in the dark on thy soft 
1763.10.31  Boston  CITATION Epigram on Mr W--s's Most Zealous Regard... [t] [beg] Poor Teague one day, a 
1769.11.23  New York  CITATION Epigram on the Conquest of Corsica [t] [beg] Flowing tide that thunders o'er 
1728.03.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Epigram on the Coronation [t] [beg] Tis not the crown, nor brilliant gems 
1767.01.30  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram on the Death of a Friar [t] [beg] Friar dy'd the other day, A 
1760.10.13  Boston  CITATION Epigram on the Foregoing Paragraph [t] [beg] Nine taylors makes a man, the 
1760.11.06  London  CITATION Epigram on the Foregoing Paragraph [t] [beg] Nine taylors make a man 
1760.01.21  Boston  CITATION Epigram on the French King, An [t] [beg] Lewis, whose heart is cas'd with 
1783.09.03  Chatham  CITATION Epigram on the late Earthquake in Sicily [t] [beg] Calabria's towns are 
1759.06.29  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram on the Pope's Conferring the Title...[t] [beg] Of late we have heard 
1774.10.20  New York  CITATION Epigram on the Quebec Bill [t] [beg] Could James the Second leave his grave 
1753.01.29  Boston  CITATION Epigram on Two Spiteful Brothers [t] [beg] With sobbing voice, upon his 
1771.03.22  New London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Our grandsires were all Papists 
1770.06.01  Charleston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Gouty to Gawkee, Pray what do you mean? 
1770.06.04  Hartford  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Gouty to Gawkee, Pray what do you mean? 
1770.06.07  Newport  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Gouty to Gawkee, Pray what do you mean? 
1781.03.01  Worcester  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Jemmy, I've sent to Thomas the Printer 
1760.10.20  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Lewis, in fifty-two, Britain, I swear 
1782.02.13  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.02.21  Fishkill  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.03.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.03.07  Worcester  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan, to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.03.27  Chatham  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.04.06  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Says Satan to Jemmy, I hold you a bet 
1782.12.14  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Seduc'd by error, to misfortune born 
1768.07.13  Oxford  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Since downy Doctors spend their time 
1771.02.25  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Spain's tyrant we're told is a turner by trade 
1761.06.22  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Tho' Pitt has lost a legge 
1783.03.01  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Thro' Pancreas church-yard as two taylors were walking 
1758.05.12  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] To fast for ourselves! who, 'tis decent enough 
1769.08.10  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] War! why let it come: War is a game 
1769.08.28  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] War! why let it come: War is a game 
1769.09.08  New London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] War! Why let it come: War is a game 
1770.05.07  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Watchman, quoth Jack, it is none of our doing, The 
1757.08.13  New Haven  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Well, friend! hast heard the farce that late has been 
1758.02.06  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] What bustle and talk 
1758.01.27  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] What martial spirits reign'd in Harry's days 
1777.04.09  London  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] What needs a proclamation for a fast? 
1764.07.12  New York  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] When faction was loud, and when parties ran high 
1773.12.09  Westchester  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] When from the preacher's lips this truth divine 
1756.11.04  Portsmouth  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] When our small garrison gave up at last 
1760.10.13  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] Ye foes to Prussia, truth, and right 
1765.09.30  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] You say the ministery are young: tis truth 
1765.09.23  Boston  CITATION Epigram [t] [beg] You say the ministry is young: 'tis truth 
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