The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1761.12.07  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t] (Farquhar), to be performed in New York 
1761.12.07  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t] (Farquhar), to be performed in New York 
1782.01.16  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.19  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.26  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.01.30  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.02  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.06  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.09  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1782.02.13  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1770.11.20  Charleston  CITATION Constant Couple [t], for sale by Wells, Robert 
1760.05.15  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], performed in Annapolis 
1760.05.15  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], performed in Annapolis 
1774.05.30  Charleston  CITATION Constant Couple [t], performed in Charleston 
1774.05.30  Charleston  CITATION Constant Couple [t], performed in Charleston 
1758.10.02  Jamaica  CITATION Constant Couple [t], performed in Jamaica 
1778.03.04  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], tickets will be admitted at the Inconstant [t] 
1778.03.07  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], tickets will be admitted at the Inconstant [t] 
1752.09.28  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
1752.12.07  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
1760.04.10  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
1760.04.24  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
1772.09.24  Annapolis  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Annapolis 
1782.12.31  Baltimore  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Baltimore 
1766.02.25  Charleston  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Charleston 
1750.05.28  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1753.10.01  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1753.10.01  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1768.03.31  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1768.04.04  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1768.04.04  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1769.05.29  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1769.05.29  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1773.07.01  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1773.07.01  New York  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in New York 
1766.12.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1766.12.18  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1767.07.06  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1769.11.16  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1778.02.14  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1778.02.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Philadelphia 
1752.04.17  Williamsburg  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Williamsburg 
1768.05.12  Williamsburg  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Williamsburg 
1768.05.12  Williamsburg  CITATION Constant Couple [t], to be performed in Williamsburg 
1775.03.09  Williamsburg  CITATION Constant Reader, author of lyric [beg] Peace to thy royal shade, illustrious 
1776.08.15  Boston  CITATION Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1776.08.19  Boston  CITATION Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1776.08.22  Boston  CITATION Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1776.08.26  Boston  CITATION Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1776.09.02  Boston  CITATION Constant, runaway Negro, plays violin 
1783.12.16  New Brunswick  CITATION Constant Swain, The [t] [beg] I'll haste me to some shady grove 
1772.02.24  Albany  CITATION Constant swains and lasses true [fl] 
1772.04.24  Portsmouth  CITATION Constant swains and lasses true [fl] 
1729.01.13  Boston  CITATION Constant, Tim, author of lyric [beg] While fair Belinda's various strains 
1774.12.01  Williamsburg  CITATION Constantia, come at Hymen's call [fl] 
1760.11.04  New York  CITATION Constantini [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1760.11.10  New York  CITATION Constantini [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1760.11.24  New York  CITATION Constantini [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
1783.11.08  Portsmouth  CITATION Constantly I go to meeting [fl] 
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