The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1748.06.09  Newcastle  CITATION Bagpiper, British deserter named Murray, Thomas 
1748.06.16  Newcastle  CITATION Bagpiper, British deserter named Murray, Thomas 
1748.06.23  Newcastle  CITATION Bagpiper, British deserter named Murray, Thomas 
1737.08.18  Dublin  CITATION Bagpiper, Handy, Matthew, death reported, Carolin composed funeral dirge 
1737.09.30  Dublin  CITATION Bagpiper, Handy, Matthew, death reported, Carolin composed funeral dirge 
1767.12.04  Scotland  CITATION Bagpiper, Highland, M'Gregor, Donald, death announced, ae 107 
1771.11.18  Tunbridge Well  CITATION Bagpiper, Highland, mask at ball in Tunbridge Wells 
1756.12.18  Drogheda  CITATION Bagpiper, in Drogheda, wife delivered of three children with misformed hands 
1768.10.13  London  CITATION Bagpiper, in London, played before the feast of the Company of Surgeons 
1771.09.16  Boston  CITATION Bagpiper, in lyric [beg] Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time 
1746.07.31  Norfolk  CITATION Bagpiper, in Norfolk, in procession for victory at Culloden 
1778.04.02  Perth  CITATION Bagpiper, in Perth, in procession, for recruiting party 
1753.09.13  Sunderland  CITATION Bagpiper, in Sunderland, in procession to wedding 
1753.10.11  Sunderland  CITATION Bagpiper, in Sunderland, in procession to wedding 
1772.06.18  London  CITATION Bagpiper's Hall, Caen-wood would be called if Mansfield accepted Bute offer 
1772.07.20  London  CITATION Bagpiper's Hall, Caen-wood would be called if Mansfield accepted Bute offer 
1776.09.04  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.10  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.18  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.19  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.23  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankee's Day 
1776.09.23  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.28  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.28  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.10.11  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, in procession for St Yankey's Day 
1776.09.18  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yanke Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.23  London  CITATION Bagpipers, highland, in London, to play Yankee Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.04  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.10  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.19  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.23  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.28  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.09.28  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1776.10.11  London  CITATION Bagpipers, Highland, in London, to play Yankie Doodle [t], in procession 
1737.08.18  Dublin  CITATION Bagpipers, in Dublin, in procession for funeral of Matthew Handy 
1737.09.30  Dublin  CITATION Bagpipers, in Dublin, in procession for funeral of Matthew Handy 
1732.11.30  Lancashire  CITATION Bagpipers, in Lancashire, play for wedding of elderly couple 
1780.09.02  London  CITATION Bagpipers, in London, in march for Lord Gordon 
1782.03.16  London  CITATION Bagpipers, in London, lead Scotch division in Gordon riots 
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