Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Hurst Cot, 1775

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13  Medecin Extravagante, Le (t)  //5653/21234//5653/1+653//5653/2125+3+//
Hurst Cot, 1775 
14  Diable Boiteux, Le (t)  //135/535//671+6/531//135/535//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
15  Moulinet, Le (t)  //13/2342//3453/27-5-//13/2342//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
16  Voyageur Royal, Le (t)  //345/535//535/535//646/535//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
17  Bons Enfans, Les (t)  //3215/671+53//4653/22225//3215/67853//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
18  Election General, L' (t)  //1+1/321//232/767//1+5/32//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
19  Fracas des Medecin, La (t)  //1+535/1+535//4221+/2+667//1+535/1+535/
Hurst Cot, 1775 
20  Pont Neuf, Le (t)  //1+71+5/4321//3543/422///1+71+5/4321//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
21  Plaisirs des Anglois, Les (t)  //31/1321//7-4/4654//3567/1+654//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
22  Bonnett Ecossois, La (t)  //1234/5342//1234/66//1234/51+76//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
23  Paresseux, La (t)  //131/3531//7-27-/2427-//131/351+3//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
24  Hospitalite des Irlandois, L' (t)  //16-/5-3-//5-/5-6-//1/212//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
25  Feste du Village, La (t)  //34/565//43/234//531/6-2//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
26  Insulaires Glorieux, Les (t)  //1351+/543//1+3+2+1+/2+22//1351+/543//  Hurst Cot, 1775 
27  Belle Angloise, La (t)  //321/7-6-5-4-//3-5-13/25-5-//321/7-6-5-
Hurst Cot, 1775 
28  Esprit de Contradiction, L' (t)  //1+151/6151//1+151/6151//1+53+5/2+54+5/
Hurst Cot, 1775 
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