Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Hewitt Cots-1, 1803

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2  Ete, L' (t)  //17-12/3153//217-6-/5-6-7-5-//17-12/321
Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
3  Coradin, La (t)  //11/22//3234/55//11/22//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
4  Ete, L' (t)  //3123/3212//11/154//3135/4231//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
5  Ribado, La (t)  //13/123//4/21//7-12/5-6-7-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
6  Ete d' Un Champs Elezer, L' (t)  //55/44//3/332//117-/1234//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
7-8  Supreme Bon Ton, La (t)  //13/55//7-2/44//33/22//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
9  Gerard, La (t)  //1+1+/1+3+1+//55/543//66/671+//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
10  Hapoza, La (t)  //55/33//131/5-5-//3-4-5-/6-7-1//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
11  Granili, La (t)  //1/123//2/234//531/427-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
12  Vivouotto, La (t)  //55/55//5432/11//22/33//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
13  Saluerne, La (t)  //1+1+5/3234//553/11//227-/5-5-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
14  Zelande, La (t)  //1/3//5/1+53//234/654//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
15  Fanfare, La (t)  //35/427-//15-/13//24/654//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
16  Ete, L' (t)  //5671+/5671+//54/2432//1321/7-217-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
17  Duere, La (t)  //5313/531+6//53/123//427-7-/427-7-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
18  Franklin, La (t)  //53/247-2//2131/5-6-5-4-//3-1-3-5-/4-3-
Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
19  Darby, La (t)  //5-3-5-/15-1//3153/25-7-//27-2/424//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
19-20  Darby, La (t)  //11327-//6-6-6-//7-7-6-5-7-//6-13-6-//1
Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
21  Candies, La (t)  //5-3/15//31+/53//1232/17-6-5-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
22  Eliza, La (t)  //1+1+/1+5//66/55//77/71+2+3+//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
23-24  Devertissante, La (t)  //1+/1+//1+3+2+//1+765/4321//7-7-/7-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
25  Tosite, La (t)  //55/1+1+//665/4321//7-2/5-7-//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
26  Perine, La (t)  //11/7-123//43/3432//11/7-123//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
27-28  Deras, Le (t)  //15-/31//531+5//4321//7-123/4275//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
29  Hearen, L'. Menage (t)  //33/543//217-1/1321//7-6-16-/5-554//  Hewitt Cots-1, 1803 
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