Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762

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1  Pinkie House (t)  //3235/321//5356/51+7//6561+/5321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
1  O Jean I love thee, a very old tune (t)  //17-1/6-7-//12/321//7-5/5-6-//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
2  Pentland Hill, a new Scotch air (t)  //1154//31+7//671+5//3345//1123//6-654//
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
3  She rose and let me In (t)  //6-3/36//54/34//321/7-121//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
3  Down the burn Davie (t)  //17-/6-7-12//321/134//51/6543//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
4-5  Boat-man, The (t)  //51+/543//4321/55//61+71+2+/3+4+3+//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
5  Iohn Hay's bonny Lassie (t)  //5-6-11//1231//217-1//275-//5-6-11//123
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
5  Be Constant still, an old Tune (t)  //35-6-//16//5321//234//55-6-//11+//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
6  Tweed Side (t)  //15-6-//1234//3232//15-6-//1432//132//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
7  Yellow hair'd Laddie, The (t)  //3567//1+2+3+//56543//212//3567//1+71+2
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
7  Thro' the wood Laddie (t)  //6-1212//31+5//61+653//3212//3432//3112
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
8-9  Lass of Paty's Mill, The (t)  //321/345//1+2+/3+5//671+7/6543//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
9  Bonny Gray ey'd Morn, The (t)  //17-12/321//3456/56//5653/4321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
10-11  Sweet Anny frae the sea beach came (t)  //6-1/36//317-6-/17-6-5-//6-1/36//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
11  I'll never leave thee (t)  //1235//321//2653//211//1235//321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
12-13  Allan Water (t)  //12/3235//6561/23432//12/3235//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
13  Jockie blyth and gay (t)  //34321//656//1+5321//234//34321//671+//
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
14  Down In the broom (t)  //5123/51+53//2123/2+3+//1123/1+765//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
14  Glancing of her Apron, The (t)  //1+765/1+53//444+3+/2+7//1+765/1+53//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
14-15  Polwart on the Green (t)  //321/543//5/1+2+//3+2+3+/4+3+2+1+//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
15  Old Welsh Tune, An (t)  //6-6-7-13//221//7-7-6-//343217-//6-6-7-
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
16  Last time I came o'er the Moor, The (t)  //321/1+2+//3+2+1+/765//61+/6535//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
17  Braes of Balendine, The (t)  //3556//5671+//71+2+3+//654321//212//355
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
17  Country Lass (t)  //111+1+2+3+//2+1+75//653235//61+1//111+
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
18-19  Alloa House (t)  //367//1+76//52+767//51+7//6367//1+1+2+/
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
19  My Apron Deary (t)  //1232//15-6-//7-217-//6-5-6-//17-1232//
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
20  Birks of Invermay (t)  //56/5321//2123/6-1//5-6-5-3-/5-15-//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
21  Rosline Castle (t)  //6-34/323//4321/7-17-//6-67/1+76//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
22-23  An thou wert my ain thing (t)  //5-6-/1234//21/6-//15-/123//4321/345//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
23  Katharine Ogie (t)  //367/67//1+2+71+/671+//2+3+/2+767//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
23  Auld Rob Morrice (t)  //16-5-//6-11+//5321//232//1216-5-//6-11
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
24-25  Banks of Tay (t)  //5-6-1//12123//2321//6-16-//5-6-1//5-6-
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
25  Katies Complaint (t)  //5323//11+//72+767//5567//1+1+2+3+2+1+/
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
26  Bushaboon Traquair (t)  //3-5-/123//21234/24-//3-5-/3217-6-//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
27  Benney side, a new Scotch Air (t)  //6-13/671+76//5321/212//32/12321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
27  I wish my Love was In a mire (t)  //132/13-//2-1-2-3-/6-5-//15-/1232//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
28  Jockie and Sandie. The Melody of this is very old (t)  //6-13//65//3215//217-6-5-//6-13//6567//
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
28  Lochaber (t)  //33345//321//622//212//34321//6-5-42//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
29  Gilderoy (t)  //6-6-7-/17-12//321/212//35-/16-5-3-//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
29  Cold Frosty Morning (t)  //5-6-11//11//234321//6-5-//5-6-12//351+
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
30  Mill O, The (t)  //35-/5-1//6-5-6-1/212//35-/4321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
30  Williams Ghost (t)  //334/55//671+/765//1+56/35//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
31  Peggie I must Love thee (t)  //6-1/13//2321/6-5-//6-1/1234//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
31  Gallow Shiels (t)  //34/31+6//5321/23//12/3235//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
32  O Dear Mother what shall I do (t)  //121//356//1+2+3+2+//1+65//1+61+51+//66
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
32  Bonny Christy (t)  //5321/5-6-12//321/143//217-/71+//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
33  Bonny Jean (t)  //1123/5-6-//12/321//46/5321//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
33  Broom Cowdenknows, The (t)  //23/56//5323/11+5//61+2+/1+2+3+5//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
33  Gill Morice (t)  //33/23//65/321//55/67//  Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
34  Solitude (t)  //6-17-6-//361+//765671+//34//321//7-123
Peacock Scotch Airs, 1762 
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