Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Rogers MS, 1656

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1  Sir Thomas Fairfax's March (t)  //1/6-7-1//2/5-6-7//1/3-2-1-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
2  Nan's Masque (t)  //7-12/123//3234/345//5456/56767//  Rogers MS, 1656 
2  Almaine (t)  //33/7-2//17-6-1/7-1234//55/24//  Rogers MS, 1656 
3  Fairest Nymphs the Valleys or Mountains Ever Bred, The (t)  //12/17-6-//5-/3-4-5-//6-7-/12//  Rogers MS, 1656 
4  Scots March, The (t)  //1+64531//444+6+//5+3+1+2+5//1+2+3+2+1+
Rogers MS, 1656 
5  Prince Rupert's March (t)  //3/5//676/5//3+2+1+/3+2+1+//  Rogers MS, 1656 
6  One of the Symphonies (t)  //5/3//27-6-/5-6-7-//11/2345//  Rogers MS, 1656 
7  One of the Symphonies (t)  //5-/11//7-12/312//345/515//  Rogers MS, 1656 
8  Sarabande (t)  //111//11/223//33//44//44//  Rogers MS, 1656 
8  When the King Enjoys His Own Again (t)  //5-5-/11//2345/323//46-/7-3//  Rogers MS, 1656 
9  Almaine (t)  //3/332//16-2/17-6-5-6-//7-6-7-17-6-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
10  Trumpet Tune, A (t)  //3454/32//6-4/32//3454/32//  Rogers MS, 1656 
10  Essex's Last Goodnight (t)  //3556//565//654456//533//7-223//  Rogers MS, 1656 
11  Almaine by Thomas Strengthfield (t)  //33/2312//7-6-/5-6-7-//11/2345//  Rogers MS, 1656 
12  Courant to the Last Almaine by thomas Strengthfield, The (t)  //34231/543217-/6-7-6-6//56453/5671+7/67
Rogers MS, 1656 
12  Rupert's Retreat (t)  //1+1+76/7765//1+323/2//1+1+76/7765//  Rogers MS, 1656 
13  Almaine by Thomas Strengthfield (t)  //6/32//16-7-6-7-/6-33//321/523//  Rogers MS, 1656 
14  Courant to the Former Almaine by thomas Strengthfield (t)  //6-7-/1/7-7-12//32/15/654//3/66/545//  Rogers MS, 1656 
14-15    //336//556//771+//7676//3+3+3+//  Rogers MS, 1656 
15-16  Nightingale, The (t)  //323/15//312//31/34//  Rogers MS, 1656 
16-17  Courant Beare (t)  //11/7-1/2212//34/54/534//217-6-/5-1/7-6
Rogers MS, 1656 
17  Sarabande Beare (t)  //33/32/121//7-1/23/232//45/17-/123//  Rogers MS, 1656 
18  Courant Beare (t)  //34/55/434//32//34/56/434//  Rogers MS, 1656 
18-19  Almaine (t)  //32/17-//112//32/34//  Rogers MS, 1656 
20  Courant (t)  //15-/11/212//31//1231/4323//  Rogers MS, 1656 
21  Courant Beare (t)  //361+76//56567//1+55663//43237-12317-1/
Rogers MS, 1656 
22  Courant Beare (t)  //1+71+2+//2+1+76534//55567//1+2+1+1+2+1
Rogers MS, 1656 
23-24  Battle, The. the Soldiers' Summons (t), or Soldiers' Summons, The (at)  //34//53//56//75//52//  Rogers MS, 1656 
24-25  Battle, The. March of Foot, The (t), or March of Foot, The (at)  //333/33//3333/33//345/43//  Rogers MS, 1656 
25-26  Battle, The. the March of Horse (t), or March of Horse, The (at)  //555//54321//555//54321//1+73//  Rogers MS, 1656 
27-28  Battle, The. the trumpets (t), or Trumpets, The (at)  //3/33//5//33/53//1//333/33//5//  Rogers MS, 1656 
29-30  Battle, The. the Irish March (t), or Irish March, The (at)  //34352//3546352//3234//322112//11//  Rogers MS, 1656 
31-32  Battle, The. Bagpipes (t), or Bagpipes (at)  //4345//6363//4345//6//4345//  Rogers MS, 1656 
32-35  Battle, The. the Drum and Flute (t), or The Drum and Flute (at)  //123423//423423//4345432//3234321//2123
Rogers MS, 1656 
36-37  Battle, The. the March to the Fight (t), or March to the Fight, The (at)  //22/226//5//32343/353//1//  Rogers MS, 1656 
38  Battle, The. Tarra-tantarra (t), or Tarra-Tantarra (at)  //115-115-//111111115-//111115-1111//15-
Rogers MS, 1656 
38-39  Battle, The. the Battle Joined (t), or Battle Joined, The (at)  //1111/1111/1111//5-5-5-5-/5-5-5-5-/5-5-
Rogers MS, 1656 
39  Battle, The. Retreat (t), or Retreat (at)  //1+/5//3/1//1+5/31//  Rogers MS, 1656 
40  Battle, The. the Burying of the Dead (t), or Burying of The Dead, The (at)  //154//32//654//32//154//  Rogers MS, 1656 
41  Soldiers' Delight, The (t)  //3453231//5-4-3-3-5-3//34543231//223//3
Rogers MS, 1656 
41  Courant (t)  //15-17-1//12123//323127-12//7-6-5-6-5-/
Rogers MS, 1656 
42  Sarabande (t)  //11117-6-//7-7-121211//3333456//4454323
Rogers MS, 1656 
43  Masque, A (t)  //321/7-6-//5-6-7-/17-//6-7-5-6-/4-5-3-4
Rogers MS, 1656 
43  Courant (t)  //33217-6-7-//12212//34545323//222//2217
Rogers MS, 1656 
44  Sarabande (t)  //3456543//4556//234521234//54342121//32
Rogers MS, 1656 
44-45  Lie Still, My Dear (t)  //1/7-6-//5-3//21/1/13/33//  Rogers MS, 1656 
46  Chestnut, The (t)  //15/43//21/7-6-5-//12/34//  Rogers MS, 1656 
47-48  Cloris Sighed (t)  //55/5//5/53+//2+55//57/7765//  Rogers MS, 1656 
49  Now Ye Spring Is Come (t)  //6-7-/123//432/321//25-5-/5-11//  Rogers MS, 1656 
50  Oh Jesu Meek (t)  //1+2+/71+//76/56//2+1+/1+7//  Rogers MS, 1656 
50-51  Courant (t)  //34513212//12334//5567656//555//6654533
Rogers MS, 1656 
51  Courant (t)  //71+2+57656//56771+//2+2+3+4+3+2+3+//2+
Rogers MS, 1656 
52  Masque (t)  //55/545//6654/334//5313/27-5-7-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
53  Courant (t)  //3217-17-6-7-//6-3344//454325654//36765
Rogers MS, 1656 
54  Almaine (t)  //1+2+/3+2+//1+2+1+76/55//65645/3212//  Rogers MS, 1656 
55  Lupus' Air (t)  //61+//71+656//61+7-12//331+//1+2+1+51+/
Rogers MS, 1656 
56  Could Thine Incomparable Eye (t)  //1+56//73/21//1/5//3/1+//  Rogers MS, 1656 
57-58  Almaine: Mr. Johnson (t)  //11/12//32/1234//55/44//3/3//  Rogers MS, 1656 
58-59  Mock-nightingale (t)  //12/31//5/5-54//57-/7-54//  Rogers MS, 1656 
60  What If the King Should Come to the City (t)  //6-6-11//21231//454323//32123//6-6-17-1
Rogers MS, 1656 
61  King's Complaint, The (t)  //13//2317-1//1217-6-//5-5-7-//7-17-6-5-
Rogers MS, 1656 
62  Almaine (t)  //63/671+//2+3+1+71+/7//1+71+6/73+//  Rogers MS, 1656 
62-63  Courant (t)  //511+7751+2+//3+3+4+3+2+3+//1+2+1+77656
Rogers MS, 1656 
63  Sarabande (t)  //313217-//16-17-3-//5-6-7-123//23121//5
Rogers MS, 1656 
64  My Delight (t)  //3127-5-6-5-//7-12125-//7-16-5-//7-4325
Rogers MS, 1656 
65  Scots Tune, A (t)  //3-/5-//6-/5-//2+1+7/2+1+7//  Rogers MS, 1656 
66  Irish Joy, An (t)  //67/1+7//6/3//56/76//5/5//  Rogers MS, 1656 
66  Almaine (t)  //11/22/321/22//345/43//21/1//  Rogers MS, 1656 
67  Spaniard, The (t)  //31115-//17-12//311311//3234//5//  Rogers MS, 1656 
67    //667/1+76//771+/2+1+7//667/1+1+2+//  Rogers MS, 1656 
68  Sarabande, A (t)  //313//26-17-5-//7-7-1//223//33456//  Rogers MS, 1656 
68  Phoenix, The (t)  //315//567//1+56//467//1+56//  Rogers MS, 1656 
69  Faithfull Brothers, The (t)  //117-1//23434//517-1//212//115//  Rogers MS, 1656 
70  Courant, A (t)  //345//5434//3//2//345//6434//  Rogers MS, 1656 
71-72  This Soldier Loves (t)  //5551+5//5567//1+776//5//1+76//  Rogers MS, 1656 
72-73  Charon, O Charon (t)  //333//53//112//324//3451//  Rogers MS, 1656 
74-75  Hornpipe (t)  //113132345//13121234//6-16-17-123//5-7-
Rogers MS, 1656 
76  Almaine (t)  11/2345//3/567//1+2+71+/656//  Rogers MS, 1656 
77  Courant by Thomas Strengthfield (t)  //1+1+2+1+71+2+//54323212//123234567//42
Rogers MS, 1656 
78  Sarabande (t)  //1111217-//6-7-127-7-1//222212321//7-12
Rogers MS, 1656 
78-79  Almaine (t)  //5-5-6-7-124//35654//32314543//223212//
Rogers MS, 1656 
79  Courant (t)  //3332121//1237-6-7-6-//6-7-1217-6-//5-5
Rogers MS, 1656 
80  Almaine (t)  //12/32//1217-6-/5-5-//6-5-6-4-5-/3-2-1-
Rogers MS, 1656 
81-82  I Wish No More (t)  //6531+5//6567//3534323//211//33453//  Rogers MS, 1656 
82-83  Sarabande: Thomas Strengthfield (t)  //6-6-33345//671+7676//551+3454//32121//
Rogers MS, 1656 
83-84  Love Is Strange (t)  //32/13+//3+2+1+2+/1+//3432/3456//  Rogers MS, 1656 
85-86  Almaine Mercury (t)  //366//633/4//33/3217-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
87  Glory of the North (t)  //1+1+/1+2+3+//2+3+1+2+/75//3453/6543//  Rogers MS, 1656 
88  Almaine (t)  //671+//765//6345//543//567//  Rogers MS, 1656 
89  Mercury (t)  //3333//321//16-15-//5-6-4-//4-4-4-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
90  Courant (t)  //1+2+1+//751+2+//3+3+3+//2+2+1+//7//  Rogers MS, 1656 
91  Courant (t)  //1234//5656//5//1+71+//6656//  Rogers MS, 1656 
92  Phil Porter's Lamentation (t)  //1123//111//4654//22//4565//  Rogers MS, 1656 
93  Vocal Lesson. Psalm 42 (t), or Psalm 42 (at)  //6-/6-7-//11/234//33//51/43//  Rogers MS, 1656 
94  Vocal Lesson. Must Your Fair Inflaming Eye (t), or Must Your Fair Inflaming  //33/37-//17-6-/6-//534/54323//  Rogers MS, 1656 
95  Vocal Lesson. Since 'tis My Fate (t), or Since 'Tis My Fate (at)  //55512//3211//55563//3323//332116-//  Rogers MS, 1656 
96-97  Vocal Lesson. No Flatt'ring Pillow (t), or No Flatt'ring Pillow (at)  //654//53/4//345432/2//  Rogers MS, 1656 
98-99  Vocal Lesson. Baloo, My Boy (t), or Baloo, My Boy (at)  //321/123//5-5-//6-34//53/5//  Rogers MS, 1656 
100  Vocal Lesson. I'll Wish No More (t), or I'll Wish No More (at)  //653//1+5//656//73//53//  Rogers MS, 1656 
101  Vocal Lesson. Dearest Love, I Do Not Go (t), or Dearest Love, I Do Not Go (  //12//31/345434//5/5//4567/65//  Rogers MS, 1656 
102-103  Vocal Lesson. No, No! I Tell Ye no (t), or No, No! I Tell Ye No (at)  //6654/355//543/255//57-1//  Rogers MS, 1656 
104-105  Vocal Lesson. O That Mine Eyes (t), or O That Mine Eyes (at)  //366//1+/1+1+71+//56671+/7567//  Rogers MS, 1656 
106-107  Vocal Lesson. Yes, I Could Love (t), or Yes, I Could Love (at)  //323/16//654/33//5673/1+6//  Rogers MS, 1656 
108  Vocal Lesson. Let God, The God of Battle, Rise (t), or Let God, The God of  //333/23//11/7-//555/43//  Rogers MS, 1656 
109  Vocal Lesson. Sing to the King of Kings (t), or Sing to the King of Kings (  //112/34//5/222//32/2//  Rogers MS, 1656 
110-111  Vocal Lesson. Psalm 39, Verse 12 (t), or Psalm 39, Verse 12 (at)  //366//1+56//73/5//5671+5/34//  Rogers MS, 1656 
112  Vocal Lesson. I Pritheee, Sweet (t), or I Pritheee, Sweet (at)  //1+76/536//65/6//623/434567654//  Rogers MS, 1656 
113  Vocal Lesson. Fire! Fire! (t), or Fire! Fire! (at)  //31//53//654//3517-//2/222//  Rogers MS, 1656 
114  Vocal Lesson. Come, You Pretty False-Eyed Wanton (t), or You Pretty False-E  //11/12//34/27-//11/7-1//  Rogers MS, 1656 
115  Vocal Lesson. All You Forsaken Lovers, Come (t), or All You Forsaken Lovers  //667/1+5//63/42//3217-/6-3//  Rogers MS, 1656 
116-117  Vocal Lesson. Think Not, Dear Love (t), or Think Not, Dear Love (at)  //16-7-12/37-//21/7-2//51/7-1//  Rogers MS, 1656 
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