Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Nevell MS, 1591

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1-8  My Ladye Nevels Grownde (t)  //7-6-7-//123//27-//11//252//  Nevell MS, 1591 
9-14  Qui Passe: for My Ladye Nevell (t)  //55//534//5432//545//65//  Nevell MS, 1591 
15-19  Marche Before the Batell, The (t)  //555/56//7/75671+//2+2+2+/2+1+//  Nevell MS, 1591 
20  Battell, The. the Souldiers Sommons (t), or Souldiers Sommons, The (at)  //34/53//56/75//555//1+1+1+6/777//  Nevell MS, 1591 
21  Battell, The. the Marche of Footemen (t), or Marche of Footemen, The (at)  //33/33//3333/33//345/43//  Nevell MS, 1591 
22-23  Battell, The. the Marche of Horsmen (t), or Marche of Horsmen, The (at)  //555//54321//555//54321//32//  Nevell MS, 1591 
24-25  Battell, The. the trumpetts (t), or Trumpetts, The (at)  //333/5//3353/1//33333/5//  Nevell MS, 1591 
26-27  Battell, The. the Irish Marche (t), or Irish Marche, The (at)  //34/352//3546/353//3234/3212//  Nevell MS, 1591 
28-29  Battell, The. the Bagpipe and the Drone (t), or Bagpipe and The Drone, The  //21231/217-6-7-//15-/5//6567/1+5//  Nevell MS, 1591 
30-33  Battell, The. the Flute and the Droome (t), or Flute and The Droome, The (a  //123/423//423/423//4/345432//  Nevell MS, 1591 
34-36  Battell, The. the Marche to the Fighte (t), or Marche to the Fighte, The (a  //33/335//4//32343/353//1//  Nevell MS, 1591 
37  Battell, The. the Retreat (t), or Retreat, The (at)  //1+/5//3/1//1+/5//3/1//  Nevell MS, 1591 
38  Battell, The. the Buriing of the Dead (t), or Buriing of The Dead, The (at)  //154//32//654/32//154//  Nevell MS, 1591 
39  Battell, The. the Morris (t), or Morris, The (at)  //5/67//1+2+1+//76/7567//1+//  Nevell MS, 1591 
39  Battell, The. Ye Souldiers Dance (t), or Souldiers Dance, Ye (at)  //345/321//5-6-/5-//345/321//  Nevell MS, 1591 
40-42  Galliarde for the Victorie, The (t)  //5-6-7-//17-6-5-//123//4321//2216-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
43-53  Barelye Breake, The (t)  //333//334//555//523//444//  Nevell MS, 1591 
54-57  Galliards Gygge, A (t)  //112//323453//432//31531//112//  Nevell MS, 1591 
58-67  Huntes Upp, The (t)  //353//652//3453//653//4566//  Nevell MS, 1591 
68-76  Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La (t)  //1234//56543//21214//456576//5443//  Nevell MS, 1591 
77-80  Firste Pavian, The (t)  //377/31+7//76654//57//3+3+52+//  Nevell MS, 1591 
81-83  Galliarde to the Firste Pavian, The (t)  //61+7//65//676562+//73+//2+71+//  Nevell MS, 1591 
84-86  Seconde Pavian, The (t)  //15345//27-12//33217-//1//115-6-7-1234/
Nevell MS, 1591 
87-89  Galliarde to the Second Pavian, The (t)  //32511+7//64465//424321//7-5-2//55//  Nevell MS, 1591 
90-93  Third Pavian, The (t)  //1//17-6-7-//7-17-//1123//217-6-5-6-7-/
Nevell MS, 1591 
94-95  Galliarde to the third Pavian, The (t)  //53123451//453427-5-//7545671+2+1+7//54
Nevell MS, 1591 
96-98  Fourth Pavian, The (t)  //6-7-/12//34/32//2117-6-/7-17-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
99-101  Galliarde to the Fourth Pavian, The (t)  //17-/12/34//5/4354545434//54321//4321//
Nevell MS, 1591 
102-106  Fifte Pavian, The (t)  //6/34//56/71+//1+77/545//  Nevell MS, 1591 
107-109  Galliarde to the Fifte Pavian, The (t)  //653//456//764//53//1+75//  Nevell MS, 1591 
110-113  Pavan to the Sixte: Kinburgh Goodd (t), or Kinburgh Goodd (at)  //12//3/1//2/3//4//32//  Nevell MS, 1591 
114-116  Galliarde to the Sixte Pavian, The (t)  //1232//11//2343//2//3454//  Nevell MS, 1591 
117-120  Seventh Pavian, The (t)  //5/44//3/25//54/5//  Nevell MS, 1591 
121-124  Eighte Pavian, The (t)  //56/7//1+671+//2+1+765//6567/1+2+3+2+//
Nevell MS, 1591 
125-132  Passing Mesures, The: the Nynthe Pavian (t), or Nynthe Pavian, The (at)  //6-3/321//7-123/217-6-//7-1212/3217-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
133-139  Galliarde to the Nynthe Pavian, The (t)  //17-12//31217-6-//7-5-6-7-1//27-127-//1
Nevell MS, 1591 
140-143  Voluntarie for My Ladye Nevell, A (t)  //1/1//1/1//2/2//2117-6-5-17-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
144-148  Will You Walke the Woods So wilde (t)  //11/15-//6-5-/3-//4-5-6-/7-6-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
149-155  Maidens Songe, The (t)  //2123//443//2134//543211//2123//  Nevell MS, 1591 
156-162  Lesson of Voluntarie, A (t)  //43/52//1+/76//1+5/6//  Nevell MS, 1591 
163-172  Seconde Grownde, The (t)  //345//65//43//456//76//  Nevell MS, 1591 
173-180  Have with You to Walsingame (t)  //7-6-5-2//11//3454//315-//3454//  Nevell MS, 1591 
181-185  All In a Garden Grine (t)  //3217-6-//36-5-4-33//6654//56-7-15//576
Nevell MS, 1591 
186-188  Lord Willobies Welcome Home (t)  //36/54345//66-12/3//365/6566-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
189-193  Carmans Whistle, The (t)  //11/7-5-//6-6-/5-//6-/5-1//  Nevell MS, 1591 
194-203  Hughe Ashtons Grownde (t)  //66//1+7654//567//533//671+2+3+//  Nevell MS, 1591 
204-210  Fancie, A (t)  //123/45671+6//756/52+//2+1+767/1+61+71+
Nevell MS, 1591 
211-220  Sellingers Rownde (t)  //5567//1+1+2+3+//2+1+767//1+//55567//  Nevell MS, 1591 
221-228  Munsers Almaine (t)  //14-5-/6-5-6-5-6-5-4-5-//17-1/2121217-1
Nevell MS, 1591 
229-233  Tennthe Pavian, The: Mr. W. Peter (t)  //6-7-/12//3432/17-6-7-//17-5-/6-//  Nevell MS, 1591 
234-236  Galliarde to the tennthe Pavian, The (t)  //3-6-5-3-//6-327-//17-6-//5-3-4-//5-4-2
Nevell MS, 1591 
237-242  Fancie, A (t)  //265654//354243//326563//42417-6-233//3
Nevell MS, 1591 
243-245  Voluntarie, A (t)  //345/46//671+2+/3+4+5+//4+3+/2+1+76//  Nevell MS, 1591 
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