Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Johnson CD-7, 1756

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1  Frolick, The (t)  //13/5321//7-122/234//5654/3432  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
1  N. O. (t)  //154/321//7-12/5-//3-5-1/321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
2  Irish Lasses (t)  //32/121//121/543//25-/5-7-5-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
2  Castle Down (t)  //12/31//42/31//3453/27-5-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
3  Miss Ash's Maggot (t)  //31/13//42/24//35/67  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
3  Fox, The (t)  //13/24//31/27-5-/13/24  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
4  Brig of Anas, The (t)  //6-7-6-/7-5//217-6-/5-6-7-5-//6-6-7-6-/
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
4  Bow Chelter (t)  //131/27-5-//131/2//131/43  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
5  Irish Lawyer, The (t)  //1+5/535//535/53+2+//1+5/543  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
5  Stoko Room, The (t)  //1+/671+//754//35/4+3+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
6  Phebe's Rant (t)  //13/53//1+/53//6/42  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
6  Miss Corbet's Delight (t)  //3234/32//17-/12//345/54  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
7  Molley's Fancy (t)  //1+/34/531//671+/2+1+2+/7//1+3+1+/34/53
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
7  Trip to Newmarket, A (t)  //11/2342//33/1351+//11/2342  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
8  Ward's Maggot (t)  //12/34//54/321//21/7-6-5-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
8  Daniel's Rant (t)  //35/7-//123/43//65/6-7-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
9  Running Poney, The (t)  //1+1+1+/1+1+1+//1+53/135//1+1+1+/1+1+1+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
9  Paul's Humour (t)  //11/123//42/234//31/15-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
10  Harlequin Sorcerer (t)  //1+1/34//531/1+53//51/34  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
10  Polley's Delight (t)  //12/3456//71+53/4321//2325-/3431  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
11  Orange Grove (t)  //31/123//27-/6-5-//31/12  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
11  Parlor, The (t), or Harlequin Ranger(alias) (at)  //5/6//543/21//7-7-1/5-1  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
12  Windsor Forrest (t)  //61+3+6/573+5//62+1+76/5432//1361/2472+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
12  Lap Dog, The (t)  //1+/54//321/321//7-1/23  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
13  Saucy Eyes, The (t)  //5-6-5-/27-5-//4/35//232/26-4-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
13  I'm Married and I Can't Come (t)  //135/531//671+/531//135/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
14  Miss Cambilina's Delight (t)  //155/166//1+76/531//155/135  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
14  Blithe Lass of the Spey, The (t)  //3215/643453//423/42+//3215/643453  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
15  Chloe In Good Humour (t)  //353/135//61+7/1+3//644/533  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
15  Fingalian Haymakers (t)  //121/321//1+/71+//2+22/21+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
16  Visiting Day, The (t)  //5/353//4/242//313/217-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
16  Beau Trinculo the Sailor (t)  //531/315-//6-7-/12//345/61+3  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
17  Miss Kezia's Wish (t)  //135/535//61+4/321//135/535  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
17  Merry Joblon's Humour (t)  //55/1+//71+2+7/1+1//55/1+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
18  Jean Pudding and Jauck Roast a Beef (t)  //5-1/1//135/543//22/2  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
18  Cumberland's Heroe (t)  //345/1+5//1+5/1+3+//1+2+3+/3+1+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
19  Modesty Bit, The (t)  //11+/56/531//11+/71+/2+//3+/71+/2+75  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
19  Kiss and Away, A (t)  //5/5//123/15-//123/3  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
20  Rumpus, The (t)  //317-1/3153//4212/4561+//317-1/3153  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
20  We Are All of a Bunch (t)  //111/111//135/531//7-7-7-/7-7-7-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
21  Smarts of New Tunbridge Wells, The (t)  //321/345//671+6/456//2342/6-21  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
21  Island of Love, The (t)  //5/1+//71+2+7/1+1//654/351+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
22  Industrious Billy the Nissarian (t)  //1+76/567//1+2+3+/1+41+//2+3+4+/5+3+1+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
22  Monsr. Bodkin My Lady's Taylor (t)  //5/35//6-/24//321/7-6-5-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
23  Gilded Room, The (t)  //1+71+/54//345/1//5-6-/7-1  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
23  I Wish I May Die If I Do (t)  //35/1+3+//2+1+2+/1+5//35/1+2+3+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
24  Veteran's Pride, The. to the Right About (t)  //3+1+1+/755//671+2+7/1+11//3+1+1+/755  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
24  Ludlow's Rant (t)  //1234/5321//7-23451/7-12//1236/71+45  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
25  Under the Water (t)  //1+7/65//43/21//1+7/65  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
25  Temple Rakes, The (t)  //1313/5351+//2424/6462+//1313/5351+2+3+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
26  Ally Croaker (t)  //1/11//1/1//21/7-1//23/45  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
26  Molly Zouch's Frisk (t)  //13/51+//3+1+/53//1+5/31  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
27  Bonny Lass, The (t)  //31/42//53/61+//53/13  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
  Simple George (t)  //12/34//5/3+//2+1+/71+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
28  Do It If You Dare (t)  //5/353//4/242//313/27-5-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
28  Miss Fickle (t)  //31/121//1+/71+//531/123  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
29  Captain Wrangle (t)  //1+53/1+53//2345/61+//3+2+1+/3+2+1+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
29  Trip to the Spaw (t)  //15/535//61+3/21//1+76/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
30  Pretty Ribon, The (t)  //1/321//7-12/5-//6-7-1/6-5-4-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
30  Do or I Die (t)  //11+2+3+/11+2+3+//2+1+2+3+/65//671+6/53
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
31  I Wou'd Be Pretty (t)  //121/34/531//671+/543/2//121/34/51+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
31  Shade, The (t)  //13/25//3/21//3/21  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
32  Pray Don't Touch Me (t)  //5/7-1//23/4//323/6-7-1  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
32  Is She Not Pretty (t)  //1535321/7-27-27-6-5-//1534321/5-7-1//  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
33  Don't You Teaze Me (t)  //1/54//3453/27-5-//6-7-16-/5/3-1-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
33  O You're Pretty (t)  //121/31//51/6//543/234  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
34  O Fie (t)  //154/321//7-12/5-//15-1/321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
34  Shake Him In a Blanket (t)  //1+/34/531//671+/2+1+2+/7//1+3+1+/34/53
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
35  Simper, The (t)  //1+/72+7//1+/76//54/32  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
35  I Think I Do It (t)  //35/15//1+/35//1+/35  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
36  Shour and Bar O (t)  //232/642//1+/72+//676/642  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
36  Ogle, The (t)  //3/432//3/432//36/54  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
37  Smith's Whim (t)  //5/1+71+//2+1+7/1+71+//567/1+53  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
37  Duane Delight (t)  //34531/3551+//34531/7-225//34531/3551+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
38  Prince George for Ever (t)  //55554/33332//1543/32//5342/3127-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
38  Bedford Lady, The (t)  //4321/25-5//4321/34556//5321/25-1-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
39  Little Swiss, The (t)  //35/56//564/531//35/567  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
39  Shutter's Disappointment (t)  //1111135/5351+53//1111135/1+5327-5-//11
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
40  Willingham Frolick (t)  //1324/3524//345654/32127-5-//123234/345
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
40  Drinking German, The (t)  //54/3215//43/217-6-5-//54/3211+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
41  Bucks of Breadhelmstead, The (t)  //556/56531//5531+/5312//556/564531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
41  Danceing Apothecary, The (t)  //54/3113//5335/1+553+//2+1+/75+4+3+2+1+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
42  Tahtch'd House, The (t)  //11131/5653//1+2+1+3/2325-//11131/5653  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
42  Parson Adams (t)  //1+2+1+7/1+54345//671+543/23127-5-//1+7
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
43  Taylor's Measure, The (t)  //11135/11135//1+53+1/2+75432//11135/1+5
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
43  Mc. Neil's Blunder (t)  //1313/5351+//1+76543/23127-5-//1313/535
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
44  Ma Mout, La (t)  //212322/25//4321/217-6-5-3//212322/25  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
44  Don't Be Silly (t)  //1+76/5313//4217-/15-3-1-//1+71+6/53123
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
45  Irish Lottery, The (t)  //2+1+71+/2+1+7656//5434/543213+//2+1+71
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
45  Lamb Skinnet (t)  //135531/4661+//135531/7-223//135531/466
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
46  Pretty Sally (t)  //1+5555/5315//4321/7-1225//4321/34551+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
46  Amillia (t)  //3345/654345//4562/17-//3345/456576  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
47  Every Man In His Humour (t)  //345/456//531/2342//3453/4564  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
47  We All Be Merry (t)  //31123/4226//531+3/22254//31123/4226  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
48  Mathews Frighted at the Highwayman (t)  //11135/3113//22246/4224//3557/71+53  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
48  It's Three O Clock We All Have Another Dance (t)  //135/1+2+1+3//2123/212325-//135/1+2+1+3
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
49  Trip to the Fountain, A (t)  //1+71+2+3+1+/7671+2+5//671+54/35//1+71+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
49  Bucks Delight, The (t)  //34555/53+//2+1+71+/2+1+765432//34555/5
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
50  Captain Otar (t)  //13/27-2//13/27-2//6-7-1/5-3-1-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
50  Robin Hood (t)  //3131/5321//6-6-/6-//3131/5321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
51  Nothing Like It (t)  //345351+/3453531//345351+/53127-5-//345
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
51  Free and Easy (t)  //1234/5364//5653/222234//6753/45671+6  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
52  Murry's Dimple (t)  //3+1+/2+75//671+6/531//35/535  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
52  Who So Joyous As We (t)  //121/1+2+1+//76/5//462/351  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
53  Little Driver (t)  //31111/3153//1+653/22224//35543/46654  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
53  Sweet Lips (t)  //35/545651+//35/543451//35/543453  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
54  Old Campaigner, The (t)  //12113/5651+//12113/53127-5-//12113/536
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
54  Captain Bobbodil (t)  //1351+/72+24//351+3/21+72//1351+/72+24  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
55  Let's All Be Jolly (t)  //135/1+53//5555/55-//135/1+53  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
55  Cream of the Jest, The (t)  //565/54//345/671+//565/54  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
56  French's Humour (t)  //3513/247-2//135-3-/2-2-2-2-4//3513/247
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
56  Rigdum Funnidos (t)  //54/32//34/56//531/642  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
57  Trim Bush (t), or Horne's Delight (at)  //1535/11+71+//531234/35327-5-//1535/11+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
57  Sweet If You Love Me (t)  //56/543451//23/217-125-//56/543451  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
58  Friskey Sue (t)  //1231/35//1+5/1+5//1231/35  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
58  Sr. Humkin Buzz (t)  //1+5/3453//15/3453//1+5/3453  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
59  Soft and Sweet (t)  //1113/55553//1+71+2+1+3/212325-//11113/
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
59  Leadbury Feast (t)  //1+53453/135135//1+53453/7-247-24//1+53
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
60  Sr. Dillbury Didle (t)  //1+54/345315//4321/7-127-5-//1+54/34531
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
60  Independant Elector, The (t)  //1+/53+//2+1+7/1+5//644/533  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
61  Three Good Fellows, The (t)  //6/367/1+2+//5/357/2+3+//1+76/367/1+3+1
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
61  Colemore's Whim (t)  //121/31//351+/531//7-7-/7-12  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
62  Kimmer, The (t)  //531/31+//531/61+//565/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
62  Tittle Tattle (t)  //17-1/17-1//17-1/25-//212/212  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
63  P'et En Lair, The (t)  //12/321//7-127-/27-5-//12/321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
63  Just As I Was In the Morning (t)  //1+1/3453//232/767//1+1/3453  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
64  Rakes of London (t)  //1+/5//671+/543//234/5-6-7-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
64  Lucky Minute, The (t)  //321/27-5-//6-7-/12//2-2-/2-2  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
65  Monkey, The (t)  //556/564531//5531+/5312//556/564531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
65  Trip to Hampstead, A (t)  //13/56//531+/531+//531/235  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
66  Mouse Trap, The (t)  //321/671+5//321/1+22//321/671+5  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
66  Johnny Commenda (t)  //34/565//43/234//531/6-2  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
67  Trip to Kendal (t)  //3211/111/111//17-1/234/321//622/222/24
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
67  Miss Ratlif's Fancy (t)  //5-5/567/675/32//33+/2+75  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
68  I'll Touzle Your Kurchie (t)  //6-16-/16-1//323/67//1+76/51+3  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
68  Busk the Bairns (t)  //6-3/123//6-3/16-//6-3/123  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
69  Trip to Hanover (t)  //1/1+//323/321//1/6  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
69  Busk Up Your Plaids (t)  //1351+/553//553/442//1351+/551+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
70  Mile to Ride, A (t)  //535/1+2+1+/765//1+53/353/56//535/1+2+1
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
70  Cadger Watty (t)  //51+/53//131+//51+/53  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
71  Fair Lawn (t)  //6/642/642//5/531/345//6/645/62+1+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
71  Lads of Lauder (t)  //321/667//1+653/55//321/223  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
72  Favourite Cat, The (t)  //5136/531//27-6-7-1/27-5-7-//5136/5311+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
72  Old Woman's Oratory, The (t)  //5331/123451+//53217-/6-1+//5331/123451
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
73  Bob Short's Whim (t)  //313/535/1+5//313/535/3+2+//313/535/1+5
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
73  Flanders Merchant, The (t)  //31/35//42/46//31/35  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
74  Trip to Windsor, A (t)  //134/533/1+22/2//134/535  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
74  Sunning-hill Wells (t)  //311/511//5-7-2/454//311/511  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
75  Tom's Delight (t)  //121/31/531//121/31/27-5-//121/31/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
75  Miss Charlot's Fancy (t)  //121/34/531//121/35/427-//121/34/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
76  Wooten Undridge Assembly (t)  //55/56//342/31//56/543  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
76  Jack Austin's Humour (t)  //556//53/42//3/1  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
77  Harlequin Ranger (t)  //15-3-/1-35//135/1+5//1+53/64  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
77  Islington Assembly (t)  //1-1/1//31/1//43/21  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
78  Jew's Restoration, The (t)  //32/17-//16-/6-//32/17-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
78  Countess of Coventry's March (t)  //46/6//35/5//24/31  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
79  Lunn's Rigg (t)  //1+5/1+3+1+//71+6/57//1+76/564  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
79  Installation, The (t)  //153453/153453//4231/6-6-//153453/15345
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
80  Woodward's Rant (t)  //31/131/531//31/131/27-5-//31/131/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
80  British Carnival (t)  //61+6/573//61+6/72+5//1+3+5/2+4+2+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
81  Shade, The (t)  //11+/71+6//564/32//135/7-24  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
81  Oracle, The (t)  //1+1/35//64/46//53/42  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
82  Monsieur Timbertoe (t)  //351+/351+/2+75//2+75/2+3+4+/3+2+1+//3+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
82  Mrs. Jumpo (t)  //6-6/316/316-//7-5/27-5/27-5-//6-7-12/3
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
83  Miss Betsey Thoughtless (t)  //123451+/6453//4653/422//123451+/6453  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
83  Spread Eagle, The (t)  //31+/646/535//31+/6471+/2+75//31+/646/5
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
84  Review, The (t)  //331/442//3131/217-5-//331/442  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
84  All's Well That Ends Well (t)  //1+5/531//646/531//646/531  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
85  Inspector, The (t)  //311/311//355/543//422/422  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
85  Diamond, The (t)  //15315/315316-//7-527-5/27-527-5-//1531
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
86  Hot Work (t)  //1234/56543//42+23/25-//1234/5671+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
86  Pompey the Little (t)  //116-/12//3135/27-5-7-//116-/112  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
87  Stay and Take Your Petticoat with You (t)  //1+7/65//64/32//3234/32  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
87  Merry Jack (t)  //351+3+/2+765//5+3+2+1+/72+75//3+2+1+/7
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
88  Stand Up and Dance (t)  //1+/1+5//1+/1+5//1+5/43  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
88  O What Shall I Do (t)  //134/51+//4534/21//134/571+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
89  I Wonder at It (t)  //671+/56//54/31+//61+/51+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
89  Is If You Can (t)  //1+5+/3+4+5+//67/1//671+/571+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
90  Shamboy (t)  //15/535//671+3/21//15/535  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
90  Miss Burchell's Humour (t)  //56//53/21//7-1/23  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
91  As Soon As You Please (t)  //132/132//15-5-/5-3-//6-17-/217-  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
91  What's That to You (t)  //531+/65//421/7-1//234/567  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
92  Bristol Fair (t)  //123/3//234/4//3453/43  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
92  Sam's Humour (t)  //5-12//3/21//3/21  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
93  Prince Edward's Jigg (t)  //63/17-//17-1/6-3//671+/76  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
93  Curtissimo's Frolick (t)  //1+54/321//3+2+1+/2+75//1+54/321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
94  Joe's Jigg (t)  //121/35//232/46//121/345  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
94  Westminster Hall (t)  //351+7/65//62+4+3+/2+1+7654//351+7/653+
Johnson CD-7, 1756 
95  Who Can Love Him (t)  //14/3217-//12/3//323/4321  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
95  How Can You Do So (t)  //1+/54/321//5/64+3+/2+1+7//4/34/567  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
96  Bride's Garter, The (t)  //6-/12//321/7-6-//6-7-6-/56  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
96  Jack Daw (t)  //32/11//356//56/1+3+  Johnson CD-7, 1756 
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