Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Duport MS-3, 1825

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01  Exchange, The, Sett Dance (t)  //1+2+/1+6//53/35//15/35//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
01  George Anna, Franch Cotillion, Composed for Miss Reinagle (t)  /51+53//11/22//3/46//543/  Duport MS-3, 1825 
02  Fair Sex, The, French Cotillion (t)  //3/46//5/4321//7-1/23//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
02  Valley, The, Cotillion (t)  /11//7-7-/17-13//27-5-/464//3135/  Duport MS-3, 1825 
03  Glouster, Franch Cotillion (t)  //1/1+//1+72+7/5//4321/7-123//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
04  Church Hymn (t)  //534//565//432/32345//534//565//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
05  All Is Vanity (t)  //11111//12//33333//34//55555//53456//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
05  Soldiers Joy, The A New Cotillion (t)  //5313/5313//51+/1+76//5313/5313//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
06  Bright Mother (t)  //15-1/313//5654/31//465/434//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
06  Pantaloon, The (t)  //131/7-27-//131/5-//131/7-27-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
07-8  What Happiness (t)  //135//543//321//17-//242//31//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
07  Coquette, The (t)  //34/55//66/5//1+71+2+/3+4+2+//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
09  Helas, quelle douleur remplit mon coeur (fl)  //1/353//1464//3/217-2//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
09  De Tanti Palpition, Italian Air (t), or Hail to the Happy Day (at)  //3/33//3234/5//454343/25//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
10  Allemand (t)  //17-12/11//22/33//4345/64//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
11  Duport's Hyme, Made This In Dublin in 1786 for a Solo (t)  //61+7//563//1+3+2+//71+6//4+4+2+7//3+3+
Duport MS-3, 1825 
12  Allemande Publish 1783 (t)  //1/4321//7-5/5//6-/17-6-5-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
13  Allemande (t)  //11/1//22/2//33/353//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
14  Franch Air (t)  //35/46//54/35//23/15//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
14-15  Basket Cotillion, The (t)  //3+2+/1+76//53/12//333/321//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
15  Nouvelle Waltz (t)  //342//136531//7-25427-//15-6-7-12//342/
Duport MS-3, 1825 
15  Hurrah! Hurrah! A Swedish Patriotic Air (t)  //15-/5-1//16-/6-4//31/27-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
16  Oh! Mary, When the Wild wind Blows (t)  //35/567//1+2+/1+7//65/61+//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
17  How Sweet It Was to Love (t)  //12/32//11+/53//23/46-21//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
18-19  When Morning Thro' My Lattice Beams (t)  //5-3-1/17-//42/7-//5-3-1/17-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
19-20  Comin' Thro the Rye, Scotch Ballad (t)  //55/53+//2+1+/2+3+//55/65//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
20-21  Parting Kiss, The (t)  //5-32//13-5-//4-2-7-12//135-//5-32//13-
Duport MS-3, 1825 
21  Tyrolese Air (t)  //113355//53+1+51+//2+4+67//1+1//113355/
Duport MS-3, 1825 
22  My Soldier Love (t)  //12/33//42/3//32/212//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
22-23    //35/35//31/5-//1231/216-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
23  Duke of Yorks March, The (t)  //111/333//5353/155//1+51+5/1+531//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
24-26    //33/323//44/434//351/247-//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
27-29  Kinlock (t)  //3+2+1+/535//646/531+2+//3+2+1+/535//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
30  Duport's Waltz Published by Carr Baltimore (t)  //15-3//15-5//311+//55//65432//54321//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
31  Duport Last Waltz at Doctr Dabney (t)  //11231//22342//7-7-127-//12315-//11231/
Duport MS-3, 1825 
32    //15-/317-//15-/217-//17-/13//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
32  Polka (t)  //5-5-/317-//15-/317-//17-/24//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
32    //5-3/4-2//3-1/111//3/2212//  Duport MS-3, 1825 
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