Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Vickers MS, 1770

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1  Luccys Delight (t)  //543211+/6543//6543/1+564//543211+/6543
Vickers MS, 1770 
1  Non Muchtons Hunt (t)  //5-115-/6-114//321/7-227//651+/5346//  Vickers MS, 1770 
1  Lord Baths Gate (t)  //1+131/5131//1+131/5131//1+51+3+/2+72+5
Vickers MS, 1770 
2  Sudden Thought, The (t)  //3115-/3-1-4//313453/42254//3115-/3-7--
Vickers MS, 1770 
2  What You Pleas (t), or Trip to Scarbray (at)  //3456/3451+//3451+/65//3456/71+2+3+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
2  Wilks Fancy (t)  //131/242//353/27-6-5-//131/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
3  Much to Do About Nothing (t)  //31-/11-//123/432//11-/11-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
3  Jack a Latton (t)  //123451+/5331+//5331+/53//123451+/5331+
Vickers MS, 1770 
4a  Capper Fay (t), or Mrs. Salvins Real (at)  //112/1432//17-15-/4-3-2-1-//223/2543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
4a  Wife of My Own (t)  //6-7-6-/13/13//6-7-6-/13/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
4b  Calledonans Rant, The (t)  //1234/332//16-5-4-/5-1-1-5-//1234/332//
Vickers MS, 1770 
4b  State Holders Jigg, The (t)  //1231/234//34531/7-237-5-//1231/234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
4b  Lady Warkworths Real (t)  //1351+/646//5321/2222//1351+/646//  Vickers MS, 1770 
5a  Steel's Jigg (t), or Harliquins Jigg (at)  //11/132//1/7-6-//5-4-3-/2-3-4-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
5a  Buildings In Harliquin, The (t)  //11/55//323/1//1-1-/2-3-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
5a  Ritchmond Ball (t)  //54/32125-//123125-/123125-//465454/343
Vickers MS, 1770 
5b  School for Lovers, The (t)  //15/35//4624//35/13//  Vickers MS, 1770 
5b  Tipp Haf, The (t)  //311+1/1-1123//422+2/2-2234//5335/6446  Vickers MS, 1770 
6a  Long Room at Scarbray (t)  //11/131/345//11/131/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
6a  Camerons Got His Wife Again (t)  //1+563/55556//1+563/22222+//1+563/24+3+
Vickers MS, 1770 
6a  Jacks Frinds Is Never Pleasd (t)  //1432/313453//1432/16-6-7-//1432/313453
Vickers MS, 1770 
6a  Life of Man, The (t)  //3262/1+222+//1+653/1231//3262/1+222+//
Vickers MS, 1770 
6b  Jack Alive (t)  //1/323//2/4//53/42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
6b  Real of Tullack, The (t)  //2+567/2+753+//2+567//1+643+//2+567/2+5
Vickers MS, 1770 
6b  Reed House Rant, The (t)  //54/32/14+//3+1+/2+2/26//54/32/13+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7a  Macdonalds Real (t)  //223/6223//2231+313//223/2345//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7a  Love In Village (t)  //135/1+531//135/427-5-//135/1+531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7a  Lady Jane Stuarts Rant (t)  //345671+/543//4262421+2//345671+/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7a  Byers Maggott (t)  //15-5-3/1231//25-5-7-/2342//3112/3453//
Vickers MS, 1770 
7b  Parth Inch (t)  //2575/22224//146-4/11113//2575/22224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7b  Bony Ladd, The (t)  //3217/671+53//4653/22225//3217/671+53//
Vickers MS, 1770 
7b  Scots Come Over the Border, The (t)  //531/16-5-//5-13/21//422/21//  Vickers MS, 1770 
7b  New Dannal Cooper (t)  //5/671+/7657//6434/55//313313/27-227-2/
Vickers MS, 1770 
8a  Caggers of the Canninggate, The (t)  //1313/561+6//531+3/2222//1313/5671+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
8a  Pheasants Dance, The (t)  //34/565//43/234//531/6-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
8a  Show Me the Way to Wallington (t)  //642/753/1+//531/121/345//  Vickers MS, 1770 
8b  Jene Dang the Weaver (t)  //5+5555/5656//5+5555/3+2+1+//3+6666/676
Vickers MS, 1770 
8b  Swallow, The (t)  //3135/1+1+4+//3+2+1+3+/2+226//3135/1+4+
Vickers MS, 1770 
8b  New Hay Makers, The (t)  //123/42//353/27-5-//123/42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
8b  Hesians Camp (t)  //1+53/121//5-6-7-/17-1//1+53/121//  Vickers MS, 1770 
9a  Deval Stik the Minister (t)  //22224/36-3//432/3113//22224/36-3//  Vickers MS, 1770 
9a  Lord Kanreys Real (t)  //1+1+//1+321//1+57/6567//1+564/531+3//  Vickers MS, 1770 
9a  Kiss Hir Sweetly (t)  //351+5/651+5//351+3+/2+224//351+5/655+6
Vickers MS, 1770 
9b  Fidlers Jigg, The (t)  //531/135//3+4+3+/2+1+//753/35//  Vickers MS, 1770 
9b  Fidlirs Magaott, The (t)  //3112+/3+2+1+//775/27-7-2+//3112+/3+2+3
Vickers MS, 1770 
9b  As You Like Itt (t)  //32153/4564//32153/424//32153/4564//  Vickers MS, 1770 
10a  Double Kisses (t), or Kiss Hir Twise (at)  //1+57/1+2+3+1+//1+53/4227//1+53/1+2+3+1
Vickers MS, 1770 
10a  Little Benton (t), or Cuddy Splutter (at)  //7521+/7571+2+7//7527/64671+6  Vickers MS, 1770 
10a  Scoth Contention, The (t)  //11153/5353//22262/6261+//11153/5353//  Vickers MS, 1770 
10b  Irish Jigg, The (t)  //121/121//7-17/7-17//121/121//  Vickers MS, 1770 
10b  Love for Love (t)  //311/311/355/53//422/422//  Vickers MS, 1770 
10b  Heigh Way to Eglinton, The (t)  //1+2+1+/1+53//1+53/13+//1+2+1+/1+53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
11a  Downeys Houmours (t)  //1351+/3+4+5+3+//2+775/6424//1351+/3+4+
Vickers MS, 1770 
11a  Mile to Ride, A (t)  //535/1+2+1+/765//1+53/353/56//  Vickers MS, 1770 
11a  Butter Clout, The (t), or Taylers Button (at)  //1+1+6/5321//2345/6567//1+1+6/5321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
11a  Comical Corner [Spelling From Index] (t)  //113/427-5-//113/51+//6426/5313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
11b  New Sunderland Pear (t)  //135/1+4+//3+5+3+/2+75//61+6/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
11b  Success to the Fleet (t)  //14/313//1+5/313//46/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
12  Hast to the Wedding (t)  //3-1-4-/5-53//212/316-//5-3-5-/5-13-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
12  Ducks Dang Over My Daddy, The (t), or Miss Peakes Delight (at)  //1+5/321//232/767//1+5/31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
12  Kitty Fisher (t)  //3531/3113//3531/4224//3531/3531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
12  O But Sandys Braw (t)  //3151/7-224//3113/454//3151/7-224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
13  Havannah Fleet Is Comeing (t)  //1123/4321//1+1+76/5432//1123/4321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
13  Kisd Behind the Garden (t)  //765/42//31/21+//765/432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
13  Lass If I Cum Neigh, The (t)  //5-131/217-//5-131/1+5//71+75/427-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
13  Something New (t)  //1+1+/1+53/11//1+1+/1+53/1+2+3+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
14  Wapping Jigg (t)  //46/424//353/13//1+6/72+7//  Vickers MS, 1770 
14  Captain Lockard's Real (t)  //1+554/321//22+2+3+/4+3+2+3+//1+654/31+
Vickers MS, 1770 
14  Up Stairs and to Bed (t)  //12/31//27-/16-//6-3/316-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
15  Saylers Is All at the Barr, The (t)  //313/27-2/13//242/7-27-/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
15  Cuddle Me Cuddy (t)  //456/422/422//456/422/31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
15  Had the Lass Tel I Won at Hir (t)  //2661+//7564//2661+/3153//2661+/7567//  Vickers MS, 1770 
15  Lady Mackimtosh Real (t)  //51+1+7/1+2+3+1+//7543/43217-2//11+1+7/
Vickers MS, 1770 
16  Kentish Crikketers, The (t)  //531+3/5316//531+3/22234//531+3/5314+//
Vickers MS, 1770 
16  I Canot Ken My Own House (t)  //3555+/3+2+1+//61+53/2222//3555+/3+5+2+
Vickers MS, 1770 
16  Bowl Away (t), or Lasses of Litchcow (at)  //351+/531+//3+2+1+71+3/22224//351+/531+
Vickers MS, 1770 
17  Warmouth Lads (t)  //11+/35//27/7-2//11+/35//  Vickers MS, 1770 
17  Moor the Keel Canny Laddy (t)  //1+54/45642//531/7-127-5//1+54/45642//  Vickers MS, 1770 
17  Welcome to the town (t)  //11156/5456//1111+6/5323//11156/561+2+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
17  Drummer, The (t)  //671+6/33//5671+/2+1+7//671+6/334+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
18  Parson In Boots, The (t)  //22/22//231/7-6-5-//11/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
18  Parson and His Boots, The (t)  //11/11//121/345//11/131//  Vickers MS, 1770 
18  Shuffle and Cutt (t)  //531/217-/6-16-//416-/6-3/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
19  My Harts Away with My Own Dear Honey (t)  //321/7-5-6-//121/165//321/15-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
19  Little Wot Yow Whaw Comeing (t)  //11131/416-//11131/27-5-//11131/4231//  Vickers MS, 1770 
19  Raking Quallity, The (t), or Four Bare Legs Together (at)  //34/543/432//123/32/17-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
20a  Welcom All Hear Again (t)  //3+2+7+1+5/31//345313/4227//3+2+7+1+5/3
Vickers MS, 1770 
20a  Colliers Doughter, The (t)  //4222/26-//1231/35565//4222/26-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
20a  Tallock Goram (t), or What the Devil Als You (at)  //3151/27-2//3151/3551+//3151/27-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
20a  Miss Parkers Real (t)  //5-112/15-3-5-//1-223/2123//5-112/1653/
Vickers MS, 1770 
20b  Lads of Our Alley, The (t)  //1131/3231//2664/27-7-2//1131/4231//  Vickers MS, 1770 
20b  Black Hammelton (t)  //36-/6-5/5432//36-/6-1/17-6-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
20b  Cendle Gill (t)  //12/34//321/7-6-5-//12/34//  Vickers MS, 1770 
21a  Dukes Real, The (t)  //1116/535//2227/27-7-2//1116/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
21a  Salers Wedding, The (t)  //3453/27-7-2//3151/3151//3453/27-7-4+//
Vickers MS, 1770 
21a  Fisher Laddy (t)  //753+1+/2+764//753+1+/2+71+//753+1+/2+7
Vickers MS, 1770 
21a  Sheer Low Bony Lass (t)  //1+7653/5225//1+7653/5115//13+3+3+/72+2
Vickers MS, 1770 
21b  Tristram Shandy (t)  //3115/6543//4321/25-5-2//3115/651+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
21b  Tom Jones (t)  //5/4//313/27-5-//13/27-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
21b  Devil In a Bush, The (t)  //1+54/321//7-123/4223//1+54/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
21b  Droppet, The (t)  //1-3-5-1/3531//2427-/6-15-3-//1-3-5-1/3
Vickers MS, 1770 
22a  Basket of Oysters, The (t), or Green Sleeves (at)  //11/123//27-/5-7-//16-/6-7-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22a  Sleeping Maggee (t)  //4323/57-23//4245/36-13//4323/57-23//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22a  My Lovers Butt a Lady Yett (t)  //1+131/1+1167//1+131/62267//1+131/1+4+3
Vickers MS, 1770 
22a  Cooks Persuite, The (t)  //1+/1+//5432/31//1+/1+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22b  Cruds and Cream (t)  //11+/1+31//27/721//11+/1+31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22b  Now or Never (t)  //3113/4224//3114+/3+2+//3113/4224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22b  Spread Eggal, The (t)  //31+/646/535//41+/646/2+75//  Vickers MS, 1770 
22b  Stark Madd (t)  //1+154/31167//1+153/27-7-67//1+153/6454
Vickers MS, 1770 
23  Arguiles Bowling Green (t)  //13/1+2+3+2+//1+71+6/5432//13/1+2+3+2+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
23  Sweet As Shuggar Candy (t)  //2435/4664//241+4/24//2435/4664//  Vickers MS, 1770 
23  Money In Both Pockets (t)  //535/535//646/646//535/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
23  Denty Davy (t)  //54/32//17-/1//15/3453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
24  Ladeys Pay Thing, The (t)  //33/345//22/25//11/123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
24  Jack Gone a Sheering (t)  //1234/51/35//74/43/27-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
24  Cammeronians Rant, The (t)  //51111/5131//5116/543//42222/4232//  Vickers MS, 1770 
25  Miss Murrey's Real (t)  //1+53/353//1+53/33+2+//1+53/353//  Vickers MS, 1770 
25  Cows Corrant, The (t), or Gallop and Shite (at)  //765/43//642/21+//765/43/  Vickers MS, 1770 
25  Jack Holms Real (t), or Lady Wemishs Real (at)  //5-2/234//313/27-5-//5-2/234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
26  Stannerton Hopping (t)  //464/365/313//1+2+1+/1+53/56//  Vickers MS, 1770 
26  Sunderland Peer (t)  //35/646/531//24+/3+4+5+3+/2+2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
26  Hexham Lassess (t)  //2665/4564//2665/3113//  Vickers MS, 1770 
26  Pipers Maggot, The (t)  //31/123/531//353/1+53/567//  Vickers MS, 1770 
27  Quakers Wife, The (t)  //123/5-3//21/7-6-5//123/5-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
27  Heighlander Kisd Hiss Mother, The (t)  //1553/5151//1553/27-5-7-//1553/5151//  Vickers MS, 1770 
27  Hey for Nothing (t)  //1+5/311/313//1+6/422/422//  Vickers MS, 1770 
27  Chips and Shavins (t), or Blind Mans Ramble (at)  //1+531/432//123453/4226//1+531/432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
28  Sunderland Lassess (t)  //31234/53//1234/5351+//31234/53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
28  Steer the Guile (t)  //112/15-3-1-//114/3531//112/15-3-1-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
28  Last Thought, The (t), or Brook Lock (at)  //311/533//311/11+1+//311/533//  Vickers MS, 1770 
28  Kitty Will You Marry Kate (t)  //11/5331+//11/351//11/5331+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
29  Short Apron, The (t)  //533/1+33//3+33/422//5331+33/  Vickers MS, 1770 
29  Lass and the Mmoney Is All My Own, The (t)  //531/123//43/21//531/123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
29  Bon Gowe (t), or Capagechine (at)  //11/7-1//232/234//11/7-1//  Vickers MS, 1770 
30  Winser Forrest (t)  //1361/7-257-//6321/7-6-5-4-//3-5-13-/4-
Vickers MS, 1770 
30  Kiss Hir Fast Hir Mothers Comeing (t)  //1+54/3153//2727/27-42//1+54/3153//  Vickers MS, 1770 
30  Stannop In Wardale (t)  //565/365/313//53/353/56//  Vickers MS, 1770 
30  Bob and Jone (t)  //64/23/4//53/13/24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
31  Wood and Married and aw (t)  //765/435/123//55/51+3/51+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
31  Kiss Hir Beyond Ye Haystack (t)  //55+43/217-2//31243/27-///55+43/217-2//
Vickers MS, 1770 
31  Polly the Lass (t)  //353/1+2+1+/75//61+6/531/24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
31  Castle Downs, The (t)  //12/31//42/31//353/217-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
32  Over the Moor a New Way (t)  //1231/5-5-5-31//2131/6-6-6-6-//1231/5-5
Vickers MS, 1770 
32  Litchfield Racess (t)  //11/13//531/27-5-//11/13//  Vickers MS, 1770 
32  Thomas and Sally (t)  //135/4321//2346-2/7-6-5-//15-3/25-4//  Vickers MS, 1770 
33  Lad with the Trousers On, The (t)  //26-1/7-5-7-/6-4-6-//11/121/7-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
33  Hey to Ye Camp (t)  //1+3+1+/2+75//61+3/21//355/55//  Vickers MS, 1770 
33  Coffee and Tea (t)  //1+54/313453//11+1+2+/765//1+54/313453/
Vickers MS, 1770 
34  If You Will Not Have Me You May Lett me Go (t)  //5-1/13/21//7-2/24/32//  Vickers MS, 1770 
34  Stay and Take Your Breaches We Ye (t)  //1353/1+32//1353/6561+//42+31+/2+323//  Vickers MS, 1770 
34  Whipper and Girder (t), or Rangers Frolick (at)  //11/135//313/53//11/135//  Vickers MS, 1770 
35  Cuddy's Wedding (t)  //131/27-5-7-//131/6-432//1331/7-127-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
35  Over the Water to Charly (t)  //565/54//313/11//565/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
35  My Lads Over Bony for the Coal Trade (t)  //234561+/7564//3113/1+33//234561+/7564/
Vickers MS, 1770 
35  Ranton Heighlander, The (t)  //22265/4564//3113/1+331+//22265/4564//  Vickers MS, 1770 
36  Scotch Bonett, The (t)  //1234/5342/2345/6666//1234/671+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
36  Sham Boy, The (t), or Marquis of Granby, The (at)  //15/535//61+3/21//15/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
36  Over Soon to Marey Yet (t), or Brees of Belqueder (at)  //34515/335//34515/4225//34515/335//  Vickers MS, 1770 
37  Scamton Scade (t)  //123453/1+553//1+553/2+223//123453/1+55
Vickers MS, 1770 
37  Keel Row, The (t)  //313/424//313/25-//313/424//  Vickers MS, 1770 
37  Last Pint of Ale, The (t)  //113/227//671+53/43217-2//113/227//  Vickers MS, 1770 
37  Isle of Sky, The (t)  //1+535/1+535//421+/2+67//1+535/1+535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
38  Wedding Shoos (t), or Bath Medley (at)  //11+/765//671+/543//642/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
38  Mery Lassess, The (t)  //313/1+3+//2+75/1+6//531+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
38  Bessee Bell and Mary Gray (t)  //7-2/234//323/11//7-2/232//  Vickers MS, 1770 
39  Can House, The (t)  //1+54/34517//1+3+1+/71+2+57//1+54/34514
Vickers MS, 1770 
39  Cuntry Bunkkin, The (t)  //4/3//232/7-5-//14/323//  Vickers MS, 1770 
39  Ladey Delight (t), or Charley and His Trowser On (at)  //531/456//535/35/531/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
39  Cold and Raw (t)  //26/65//671+/531//232/654//  Vickers MS, 1770 
40  Lards of Dunce (t)  //1+1/131/131/65//671+/535/  Vickers MS, 1770 
40  Yorkshire Trip, The (t)  //11+/531/353//11+/531/7-25-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
40  Seaking the Gallaway (t)  //65/43//246/642//65/42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
41  Jackkys Made a Wedding Ont (t)  //3151/3113//27-47-/27-7-2//3151/3114//  Vickers MS, 1770 
41  Room for Beauty (t)  //1+113/27-7-2//1+114+/3+5+3+1+//1+113/2
Vickers MS, 1770 
41  Smal Drink Wont Comfort Mee (t)  //123/1+71+//1+53/53//123/1+67//  Vickers MS, 1770 
42  Norththumbarland Lady, The (t)  //131/7-27-//26-6-/6-7-//131/7-21//  Vickers MS, 1770 
42  Patecoats Loos (t)  //31/27-5-//31/27-5-//7-7-/7-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
42  Jack I Never Leave the (t)  //1345/4323//1345/41/1345/4321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
43  Creem Pott, The (t), or Kirn Staf (at)  //12/34//535/671+//12/34//  Vickers MS, 1770 
43  Sint Patriks Day In the Morn (t)  //11/123//565/531//323/316-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
43  Lintins Frolick (t)  //34531/531+5//351+3/43217-2//34531/531+
Vickers MS, 1770 
44  Trip to Leads, A (t)  //156/1+7651+3//135/7226//156/1+76563//  Vickers MS, 1770 
44  Old Wife Beyond Ye Fire, The (t)  //321/7-224//321/31+64//321/7-224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
44  Jacks Getton a Wife (t)  //432/26-1/23//432/456/543//432/26-1/23/
Vickers MS, 1770 
44  Mantuamakers Frolick, The (t)  //1+654/3135//1+3+2+1+/7572+//1+654/3135
Vickers MS, 1770 
45  Brickmakers Frolick, The (t)  //3113/27-7-2//16-6-1/7-5-4-3-//6-7-12/3
Vickers MS, 1770 
45  Wile Him Away Gingling Gordy (t)  //1+53/1+13//1+53/22+7//1+53/1+13//  Vickers MS, 1770 
45  Cowple of Pigians, The (t)  //323/14//321/7-6-5//7-1/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
46  My Wife Is a Wonton Young Thing (t)  //1+2+1+/1+53//1+/56//71+7/742//  Vickers MS, 1770 
46  Foots Figaries (t), or Green Grows the Rushays (at)  //11132/3113//22265/6223//4564/5313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
46  Brekken at Branton (t)  //73/343//62/242//73/343//  Vickers MS, 1770 
46  Bobby Shafto (t)  //3531/354//2427-/242//3531/354//  Vickers MS, 1770 
47  Wel All Gett Breaches When Jemy Comes Home (t)  //356/531//277/65//351+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
47  Risty Gulley (t)  //1234/51/31//7-2/24/32//  Vickers MS, 1770 
47  Busty Gulley (t)  //1+567/1+5//355/765//2+671/2+2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
47  Dusty Miller, The (t)  //345/321//722/432//345/327-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
47  Jack O Th Green (t)  //7-2/13/24//35/524/31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
48  Button That Suits the Cloth, The (t)  //323/131//123/1+54//323/131//  Vickers MS, 1770 
48  Ragg, The (t)  //1+3/353//4564/22+//1+3/353//  Vickers MS, 1770 
48  Welsh Fuseliers, The (t)  //1321/2432/1321/5-5-5-5-//1321/2432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
48  Hemp Dressers, The (t)  //1321/2432//31+27/1+1+1+1+//1+2+3+4+/5+
Vickers MS, 1770 
49  Jacks Be the Daddy Ont (t), or Buttard Peas (at)  //351+/2+71+5//351+/2+224//351+/2+1+1+5/
Vickers MS, 1770 
49  Peas Strow, The (t)  //1231/4231//25-5-6-/7-6-5-//2342/4231//
Vickers MS, 1770 
49  Rakes O Mellow, The (t)  //1+7654/345//1+7654/31+2//1+7654/314//  Vickers MS, 1770 
49  Our Bride Is No Maid (t)  //1+1+/654/321//1+1+/642/75//  Vickers MS, 1770 
50  Black Jack (t)  //5-5-/11//232/212//343/321/  Vickers MS, 1770 
50  White Jack (t)  //1+2+/3+2+1+//1+76/543//66/671+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
50  Jack Lintels Jigg (t)  //1+6/63/1+//1+6/61+/71+2+7//  Vickers MS, 1770 
51  Scots Meashur, The (t)  //1+3+2+7/1+653//4653/2222//1+3+2+7/1+65
Vickers MS, 1770 
51  Dimple, The (t)  //1+3+1+/2+757//6426/5315//1+3+1+/2+5+4+
Vickers MS, 1770 
51  Sandy Over Lee (t)  //3515/3551+//5321/26//3515/3511+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
51  Trew Britton, The (t)  //1321/1321//1+653/2123//1321/1321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
52  Welcome Home My Dearey (t)  //31/15-/3-//2-2/24/32//  Vickers MS, 1770 
52  Trip to the tender (t)  //135/1+53//42/234//135/1+53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
52  Iirish Lassess, The (t)  //31/121//34/531//7-5-/5-7-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
53  Kriden Fair (t)  //135//1+3+//2+75/61+6//531/46//  Vickers MS, 1770 
53  Figkit, The (t), or Fy Get to the Byre besse (at)  //7262/7221+//7262/3111+//7262/4671+/2+1
Vickers MS, 1770 
53  Madd Besse (t)  //32/12//34/543//424/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
54  Frolick, The (t)  //3+1+1+/51+1+//3153/1+531//3+1+1+/51+1+
Vickers MS, 1770 
54  Wooden Shoos (t)  //1/123//2/234//321/217-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
54  Prusian Lads, The (t)  //131/7-27-//6-7-16-/27-6-5-//131/7-27-/
Vickers MS, 1770 
55  Lochhails Real (t)  //62222/651+//31111/3551+//62222/651+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
55  Jack Stuard (t)  //22245/6424//53131+313//22245/2+4+6+1+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
55  Chery Cheak Lass, The (t)  //4654/5313//1+3+1+6/2+5//4654/3567//  Vickers MS, 1770 
56  Be Merey and Wise (t)  //123451/6151//35/61+//6/2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
56  Wanton Wedow, The (t)  //3213/4624//3513/217-6-/5-3//3213/4624/
Vickers MS, 1770 
56  Mery Mortals, The (t)  //3542/37-7-2//3543/4112//3542/317-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
56  Honey Pott, The (t)  //464/42//353/31//464/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
57  Lasses of Sterling (t)  //15/535/61+//15/543/21//  Vickers MS, 1770 
57  Balgene's Bowling Green (t)  //121/17/427-/7-2//121/13+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
57  You'l Never by Like My Other Good Man (t)  //321/7-5-//121/234//321/7-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
58  Humers of Reken (t)  //345/567//646/535//642/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
58  Prince of Wailes Jigg, The (t)  //1+/535//646/535//1+/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
58  Contented Farmer, The (t)  //121/31//51/31//5-6-5-/7-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
59  Kilwinder Lodge (t)  //3115/34515//1+5345/4225//3115/34515//  Vickers MS, 1770 
59  Trip to Winchomb, A (t)  //1/5-1//31/5-1//2/5-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
59  Hawton Feast (t)  //11/353//1+1+/1+53//11/353//  Vickers MS, 1770 
60  Why Did You Promise to Marry? (t)  //11/121/7-5-//11/123/427-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
60  Lady Warkworths Real (t)  //26-6-6-6-/446//5432/1231//26-6-6-6-/44
Vickers MS, 1770 
60  Jollity, The (t)  //121/5-4-//3-5-/1//123/231//  Vickers MS, 1770 
64  Arons Maggot (t)  //131/3531//7-27-/2427-//131/351+3//  Vickers MS, 1770 
64  My Dear Jewall (t)  //111+/1+554//3113/27-6-5-//111+/1+554//
Vickers MS, 1770 
64  Man In the Moon, The (t)  //131/353//232/456//567/1+2+3+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
65  Prusian Hornpipe, The (t)  //1234/531+6//5432/15-//5671+/2+3+4+3+//
Vickers MS, 1770 
65  Stage Hornpipe, The (t)  //1+5/5654//3456/557//1+51+2+/3+6+5+4+//
Vickers MS, 1770 
65  Kings Hornpipe, The (t)  //5313/5313//51+1+/1+76//5313/5313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
66  Colpies Hornpipes (t)  //1+543/2342//11+/1+76//71+2+3+/4+6+5+4+
Vickers MS, 1770 
66  Colpies Do. (t)  //5/4321//7-127-/5-4-//3-5-17-/6-143//  Vickers MS, 1770 
66  Promenade, La, Cottillon (t), or King of Denmarks Faverit (at)  //15/32//34/32//15/31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
67  New Way of Carding & Spining (t)  //323/13/5-3//7-6/531/345//  Vickers MS, 1770 
67  New Way of Getting Barns, The (t)  //14/313/27-5-//14/313/1+5/  Vickers MS, 1770 
67  Gold In Gopins (t)  //343/31//7-17-/7-5-//16-27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
67  Such a Wife As Willy Had (t)  //5-112/321//321/427-//5-112/324//  Vickers MS, 1770 
68  Barwick Billy (t)  //51/15/6543//51/15/35//  Vickers MS, 1770 
68  Bony Pit Lad, The (t)  //131/7-27-//131/7-27-//123/27-5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
68  Scots Hall (t)  //642/242//642/27//642/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
69  Reveiw, The (t)  //331/442//3131/27-6-5-//331/442//  Vickers MS, 1770 
69  Newburn Lads (t)  //5313/5313//7534/757//6424/6424//  Vickers MS, 1770 
69  New Christenmiss Day (t)  //313/51+53//1+2+1+76/2+225//313/51+53//
Vickers MS, 1770 
70  Hay Times Coming (t)  //65/43/46//1/3/57//  Vickers MS, 1770 
70  Fairly Shot on Hir (t)  //16-/3-6-//14/316-//16-/3-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
70  Round About Faryhil (t)  //35-/27-5-/46-/6-12//35-/27-5-/  Vickers MS, 1770 
71  Majar, The (t)  //323/121//121/345//323/121//  Vickers MS, 1770 
71  Coolen, The (t), or Lar Drummer Rant (at)  //3154/6453//3154/7-2342//3153/6453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
72  Clashing at Hir (t)  //1235/423//4226/4227-//1235/423//  Vickers MS, 1770 
72  Christenmiss Day In the Morning (t)  //12/36/543/1//234/36-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
72  Haul Away the Howser (t)  //7-6-5-6-/7-127-//3217-/521//7-6-5-6-/7
Vickers MS, 1770 
72  Mery Wedding, The (t)  //3+5+3+/2+765//61+6/5321//464/351+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
73  Alcy Marly (t)  //323/11//11+1+53//323/11//  Vickers MS, 1770 
73  Bony Lad to Marry Me, A (t)  //6-112/4565//4212/5456//6-112/4561+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
73  Down the Waggan Way (t), or Beer Stairs, The (at)  //757/646//5313/51+//757/646//  Vickers MS, 1770 
74  Tea Room, The (t)  //1+3+/2+75//61+6/531//46/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
74  Drive Hakky (t)  //6331/235//6332/16-4-6-//6331/2342//  Vickers MS, 1770 
74  Nancy Dawson (t)  //12/34//53/13//23/43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
74  Shilanagary (t)  //133/244//133/46//133/425//  Vickers MS, 1770 
75  Brest Knot (t), or Looking Glass (at)  //15-15-/13321//7-5-7-5-7-2217-//15-15-/
Vickers MS, 1770 
75  Recrutin Offiser, The (t)  //1+2+3+/2+1+7//1+/543//456/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
75  Mery Scot, The (t)  //113/51+1+7//6223/4567//1+653/424+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
75  Bread and Cheass (t)  //3111/17-//6-4-4-4-/6-114//3112/55-5-5-
Vickers MS, 1770 
76  Kisd Hir Under the Coverlid (t)  //21+/765/42//434/24/531//21+/765//  Vickers MS, 1770 
76  Cow Bitt of the Millers Thum (t)  //5653/531+3/561+3/2226//5313/5555+4+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
76  Hunt the Hare (t)  //1351+/7564//3153/2123//1351+7564//  Vickers MS, 1770 
77  Sick and Very Badd (t)  //5-1/12/3//27-/7-2/4//  Vickers MS, 1770 
77  Barley Shugger (t)  //31/3453//27-/2342//31/3453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
77  Old Roger a Coverdill (t)  //6-11/11+/531//7-2/242/7-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
78  Ranton Roaring Willy (t)  //531/131/356//71+7/742/456//  Vickers MS, 1770 
78  Over the Moor Amang the Hather (t)  //5-112/1216-//6-223/2321//5-112/351+5//
Vickers MS, 1770 
79  Horse and Away to Newmarkett (t)  //654/323//131/31+//654/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
79  Cowkow Nest, The (t)  //3231/3+2+1+//7535/654//3231/7-227-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
80  Wedding What Ever Come Out, A (t)  //123/1+6//531/234//62/23//  Vickers MS, 1770 
80  Baulk, The (t)  //6-3-3-1/6-1//7-5-52/7-2//16-36/53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
80  Heighland Laddys Hornpipe, The (t)  //1132/43//224564/224564//1131/43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
80  Hey My Nanny (t)  //32/7-25-//7-25-/32//7-25-/6-14//  Vickers MS, 1770 
81  Own Kend Dery O (t)  //16-5-6-/123//1321/26-6-2//16-5-6-/11+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
81  Mery Thought, The (t)  //17-6-/7-5-5-34//5342/317-5-//17-6-/7-5
Vickers MS, 1770 
81  Fox Hunter Jigg, The (t), or Don't Be Lasy (at)  //123/32//354/32//16-6-/6-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
81  Larry Grogan (t)  //313/313//27-2/27-2//3453/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
82  Barly Cake (t)  //12/3551+//5321/27-6-5-//12/3551+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
82  Drops of Brandy (t)  //123/323/323//123/531/51+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
82  How Can I Keep My Maden Head (t)  //11112/3213//2123/6561+//11112/3213//  Vickers MS, 1770 
82  Scheame, The (t), or Star, The (at)  //311/13//422/25//1+76/564//  Vickers MS, 1770 
83  Bony Lass (t), or Ellingham Hall (at)  //323/416-//12114//323/416-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
83  Trip Ot the Landry, A (t)  //13/24//35/24//4321/7-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
83  Buckette, The (t)  //345/531/345//671+/531/234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
84  Willy Wilky (t), or Coblers Hornpipe (at)  //513453/5116//513453/25-5-6//513453/513
Vickers MS, 1770 
84  Andrew Carr (t)  //35/531/531//36/671+72//  Vickers MS, 1770 
84  Lady Hammeltons Rant (t)  //111345/3214//217-7/2172//111345/3214//
Vickers MS, 1770 
84  Seldom Cleanly (t), or Clarty Bich the Maden (at)  //35/61/35//72/27/65//  Vickers MS, 1770 
85  Hey to Cooper (t)  //121/34//51+/531//41+/31+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
85  Bowl of Bigg (t)  //121/34//565/321//6-7-6-/7-1//  Vickers MS, 1770 
85  Cock and the Bull, The (t)  //543452/3117/546+5+6+6/72+2+7//  Vickers MS, 1770 
86  Caprice, The (t)  //3212/3555-//6-15-3-/2-2-2-2-5//3212/34
Vickers MS, 1770 
86  Behind the Door (t)  //1-1/1232/16-15-/3-4-3-2-//1-7-/1232//  Vickers MS, 1770 
86  Sixes and Sevans (t)  //13/53/13//25/7-2/5-7-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
87  Carrick Real (t)  //1213/5555//561+5/33331//2323/66661+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
87  Mery Wakefield (t), or Shipwreck, Ye (at)  //351+/1+53/1+53//572+/2+75/2+4//  Vickers MS, 1770 
87  Tods Assemly (t)  //16-1+/75//634/32//17-6-/432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
88  Drop, The (t)  //353/1+53/424//2+4+2+/671+/75+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
88  Pill, The (t)  //15/315//415/315//7-2/26-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
88  Harmatage, The (t)  //767/567//1+54/345//1+54/234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
89  We Are All Forsaken for What Siller (t)  //32/7-27-/6-16-//13//316-/7-24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
89  Confederatcy, The (t)  //3521/661+//5321/22225//3531/671+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
89  Bob Sheer Harvast (t)  //345/13/5//345/13/1+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
89  Patteys Delight (t)  //353/11+72+7/54/353/242//  Vickers MS, 1770 
90a  Trip to Bath, A (t)  //345/1+54//31/13//456/22+1+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
90a  Ritchard Snary (t)  //1/321//64/32//1/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
90a  Misart, The (t)  //121/35//1+5/65//671+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
90b  Pritty Dick Hornpipe (t)  //321/4642//321/1+71+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
90b  Buchers Hornpipe, The (t)  //1+1+1+/1+76//5432/1231//1+1+1+1/1+4+3+
Vickers MS, 1770 
91  Boney Miller, The (t)  //23/21+/7//13/36/53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
91  Heigh Way to Inverniss, The (t)  //1231/22//1231/6-6-/1231/2123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
91  Charming Molley (t)  //1213/5653//2324/61+//2+4+2+1+/651+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
91  Lady Murreys Real (t)  //5131/5111+//5135/6221+//5135/1+2+3+2+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
92  Lady Boyes Rant (t)  //11115/3153//22224/217-2//11115/3153/  Vickers MS, 1770 
92  Trip to Grindthorp (t)  //121/123//411/16-//7-27-/6-16-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
92  Lanox Love (t)  //11131/4231//25-5-5-5-/7-127-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
92  Ellingen Assembley (t)  //3+2+1+3+/2+765//4346/5321//3+2+1+3+/2+
Vickers MS, 1770 
93a  North Aston Frolick (t)  //15-/15-//123/432//31/31//  Vickers MS, 1770 
93a  Strike the Bell (t)  //554+/3+1+2+7//647/64671+6//554+/3+1+2+
Vickers MS, 1770 
93b  Thatch'd House, The (t)  //14/3453//1+5/3453//14/3453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
93b  Modest Dolly (t)  //351+3/462+4//351+3/22224//351+3/462+4/
Vickers MS, 1770 
93b  Isle of May, The (t)  //5/1+//565/543//234/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
94  Beverley Assembly (t)  //1351+/5342//3142/3142//1351+5342//  Vickers MS, 1770 
94  Will Wimbels Rant (t)  //31/154//31/143//22-/2-43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
94  Pray Sir Be Civil (t)  //11135/1+531//5-5-5-7-2/427-5-//11135/1
Vickers MS, 1770 
95  Mid Way, The (t)  //1+2+1+/767//1+76/543//42+/31+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
95  Trip to Scoth Bridge (t)  //311/123//422/234//345/61+3//  Vickers MS, 1770 
96  Mery Counseler, The (t)  //5311+/654//42+2+3/22234//5311+/654//  Vickers MS, 1770 
96  Ralishing Bitt, The (t)  //1+13453/243453//1+13543/654322+//1+135
Vickers MS, 1770 
96  Duch Scipper, The (t)  //15-1/321//27-5-/4//321/7-127-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
97  Houmours of Dublin, The (t)  //1+11/121//232/22+7//1+11/121//  Vickers MS, 1770 
97  Just a Going (t)  //34531/34531//427-5-/427-5-//4544+/3433
Vickers MS, 1770 
97  Taylers Measure, The (t)  //11135/11135//1+53+1+/2+75432//11135/1+
Vickers MS, 1770 
97  Captain Cambles Ramble (t)  //15-1/313//535/1+//565/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
98  Lads of Are, The (t)  //7654/5221+//7657/1+71+2+//7654/5227-//
Vickers MS, 1770 
98  Plowmans Reel, The (t)  //123454/3113//123453/27-7-2//123453/645
Vickers MS, 1770 
98  Miss Gunnings Real (t)  //321/7-1254//3513/25-2//321/7-1254+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
99  Will This Please You (t)  //1/7-127-//15-3-/15-3-//1/7-127-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
99  Shutters Houmours (t)  //1345/3127-//1345/24//3127-/16-5-4-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
99  Smiling Dickkys Jigg (t)  //1+3+/2+75//671+6/531//46/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
100  Sun Beams, The (t)  //1+536/5317-//6-642/5315//1+536/5317-//
Vickers MS, 1770 
100  Raylands Houmours (t)  //1234/51+//72+75/6432//1234/51+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
100  Trip to Carlisle (t)  //13/367//1+76/531//13/353//  Vickers MS, 1770 
101  Wedding In the West, The (t)  //11142/314//2345432/47-7-2//11142/313//
Vickers MS, 1770 
101  Card and Spin (t)  //11+/12/3//27/65/427-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
101  I Lost My Love I Care Not (t)  //42/456//553/13//42/456//  Vickers MS, 1770 
101  Old Waggan Way (t)  //355-6-/5-3-5-1//3431/6-4//355-6-/5-3-5
Vickers MS, 1770 
102a  Saylers Delight, The (t)  //12/34/543//243/27-3/2342//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102a  Old Siman Ye King (t)  //6-7-1/121/15-//6-7-1/123/46//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102a  Lasses Pissess Brandy (t)  //23452/3127-//2557-23//23452/3127-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102a  Gett Hir Boo (t)  //52/34/52//7-/5-/6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102b  Smockfeild Lane (t)  //353/13//46/24//353/13//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102b  Lilly Bullery (t)  //121/43//27-2/44//451/43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102b  Well Done Jack (t)  //5363/534//317-6-/5-7-7-6//5363/534//  Vickers MS, 1770 
102b  Jene Come Tey Mee (t)  //313/53//424/61+//313/54+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103a  Athol Bray (t)  //321/345671+//3213/22225//321/34563//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103a  Seller Door Key, The (t)  //31/15-/1//31/14/3453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103a  Wheel of Life, The (t)  //111/123//222/234//333/345//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103b  Shutters Hornpipe (t)  //11/1234//5342/1321//22/2465//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103b  Hornpipe (t)  //11+/1321//21+/2432//3456/71+2+3+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
103b  Hornpipe (t)  //134/3531//4321/7-6-5-4-//3-5-2-3-/7-2-
Vickers MS, 1770 
104  Hornpipe (t)  //34/5321//11+76/6543//6432/5321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
104  Prusian Hornpipe, The (t)  //3234/512//3234/543//271+/765//  Vickers MS, 1770 
105  Flowers of Edenbourgh, The (t)  //5-5-6-/112//3135/4321//7-56-4/5-6-7-1/
Vickers MS, 1770 
105  Shautley's Hornpipe (t)  //1-5-13/43217-2//345345/44-4-5-//1-5-13
Vickers MS, 1770 
106  Black's Hornpipe (t)  //15-3-4-/5-7-24//3531/17-6-5-//4-6-21/7
Vickers MS, 1770 
106  Black's Hornpipe (t)  //15-31/5356/427-2/17-6-5-//6-4-3-4-/2-1
Vickers MS, 1770 
106  Miller of Mansfield, The (t)  //121/321/531/25-//121/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
107  Blind Phillip Dead (t)  //1114/313//2427-2/7442//1114/311+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
107  Hare In Ye Corn (t)  //5/567//654/321//42+/31+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
107  Drown Drowth (t)  //3453/1+54/31//3453/422/24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
108  Blowzabella (t)  //54/321//42/31//54/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
108  Muirland Willie (t)  //6-7-/12//34/53//11/53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
108  Silly Old Man (t)  //11/11+6//531/21//234/62+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
109  Gallowy Tom (t)  //123/323//16-6-/6-5-//123/123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
109  Lady Tarsichens Rant (t)  //6-6-16-/22223//6-113/44446//531+3/2222
Vickers MS, 1770 
109  MacPharsons Rant (t)  //1213/22223//1213/6-5-//1213/22223//  Vickers MS, 1770 
110  Sulters of Sulkirk (t)  //2456/531+//654321/3456//531+/72//  Vickers MS, 1770 
110  St. James Bason (t)  //2456/531+//654321/3456//531+/72//  Vickers MS, 1770 
110  St. James Bason (t)  //11/234//51+/75//66/71+2+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
110  Lumps of Pudding (t), or Shives of Bread (at)  //17-6-/6-65//323/6-7-1//7-5-/7-53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
115  Three Pence Wett and Three Pence Dry (t)  //345327-/6-4-4-4//345327-/114//345327-/
Vickers MS, 1770 
115  Who Can Help It Now (t)  //1216/5321//1+2+1+6/53//1+2+1+6/5321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
115  Ye Lassess Liking (t)  //3453/1+5/313//46/422/24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
115  Joyful Days Is Coming (t)  //4/131/512//5/131/27-2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
116  Whitby Abbey (t)  //321/7-227//3135/1+3+54//321/7-227//  Vickers MS, 1770 
116  Whitby Pear (t)  //35/1+2+//3+2+1+/765//61+6/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
116  Gold Ring, The (t)  //1+/567//1+5/1+//51+/76//  Vickers MS, 1770 
117  Bouncing Hussy, The (t)  //55/313//44/27-2//55/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
117  Keelmans Pertertion, The (t)  //135/4224//3151/7-5-7-//6-5-4-/3-5-42//
Vickers MS, 1770 
117  Over the Moor to Betty (t)  //3+1+2+7/1+654//3153//4225+4+//3+1+2+7/
Vickers MS, 1770 
118  Figer, The (t)  //1+12/3153//2345/671+//3+2+1+/7654//  Vickers MS, 1770 
118  Mery Thing, The (t)  //15-1/15-1//22/25-2//345/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
118  Just As She Was In the Mornin (t)  //1+5/313//24+/3+2+//1+5/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
121  Thrashers, The (t), or Buttons 3 Farthings A Pair (at)  //111/111//234/427-//111/111//  Vickers MS, 1770 
121  Shoulder of Mutton, The (t)  //51+5/313//61+6/424//51+5/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
121  Welcom Home My Dery (t)  //12/34/53//27/74/27-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
122  Padlock, The (t)  //331/4231//331/27-5-34//331/4231//  Vickers MS, 1770 
122  Goulding Lacess (t)  //5/3/1//35/51+/75//  Vickers MS, 1770 
122  Bucks Contention, The (t)  //31/31//21/7-6-5-//13/24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
123  Flirt, The (t)  //3234/3554//3217-/15-5-7-//3234/3554//  Vickers MS, 1770 
123  Two Brewers, The (t)  //1+1+/536/55//671+/2+1+/765//  Vickers MS, 1770 
123  Sukky Bids Mee (t)  //15-6-/16//5321/27-6-5-//15-6-/16//  Vickers MS, 1770 
124  Scipton Lassess (t)  //315-4/351+5//315-3/42254//  Vickers MS, 1770 
124  Bread and Butter (t)  //135/1+53//453/427-2//135/1+54+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
124  Lass White Stokings, The (t)  //313/531+5//313/4262//313/531+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
125  Buckton Rake (t)  //1351+/3+1+5+1+//3+1+53/4223//1351+/3+1
Vickers MS, 1770 
125  Filley Fair, The (t)  //313453/7654//313453/4224//313453/1+654
Vickers MS, 1770 
125  Barnards Will (t)  //3551+/6445//3113/27-7-2//3551+/6445//  Vickers MS, 1770 
126  Lord Holderness Rant (t), or York Rant (at)  //131/3531//221/7-27-5-//6-4-6-/7-5-7-//
Vickers MS, 1770 
126  Lady Harriet Hope's Reel (t)  //1351+/543//1+3+2+1+/2+224//1351+/543//
Vickers MS, 1770 
126-127  Black Mary Hornpipe (t)  //3453/1353//11+/1+2+1+//71+2+7/51+2+7//
Vickers MS, 1770 
127  Mills Hornpipe (t)  //15-/5-42//3531/217-6-//5-53/217-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
127  New Hornpipe (t), or Grants Rant (at)  //56/5313//531+6/5313//4642/3531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
128  Lass with Yallow Patecoat, The (t)  //111/131+5//1+7671+42+224//111/131+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
128  Jarman Dance, The (t)  //117-12/131//22123/242//34/464//  Vickers MS, 1770 
128  Shealds Hornpipe, The (t)  //5313/5313/42//5313/5671+/2+2//  Vickers MS, 1770 
129  Clap Hir Warm They (t)  //315432/15-6-//7-123/445//315432/15-7-/
Vickers MS, 1770 
129  Houmours of Wapping, The, A Hornpipe (t)  //3-5-15-//17-6-//7-123/432//3531/2427-/
Vickers MS, 1770 
129  Collage Hornpipe, The (t), or Lankinshire Hornpipe (at)  //11-/5-4-/3-5-1/321//22-/21//  Vickers MS, 1770 
130  Over the Dyke and Att Hir (t)  //6-151/3113//6-151/4224//6-151/345313//
Vickers MS, 1770 
130  Duch Skipper, The (t)  //321/15-6-//11/123//11/123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
130  Brittish Hero, The (t)  //3454/313//424/314//3454/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
131  Hob a Nob (t)  //131+/531//353/32//131+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
131  Canny Hobee Ellett (t)  //61+/76/567//61+/2+3+/4+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
131  Up and War Em All Willy (t)  //6-6-6-16-/224//6-6-6-16-/7-7-3/6-6-6-1
Vickers MS, 1770 
132  Mortans Maggot (t)  //11153/5656//5373/22226//11153/5656//  Vickers MS, 1770 
132  Keep the Country Bony Lass (t)  //6-6-6-16-/7-124//6-6-6-16-/3136-//2413
Vickers MS, 1770 
132  West Indian, The (t)  //1+535/4525//1+535/4525//351+3+/4+3+2+1
Vickers MS, 1770 
133  I Cannot Get Time to Play with My Honey (t)  //353/42//353/422//353/42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
133  Carpenters Jigg (t)  //3+2+1+/72+75//654/3531//3+2+1+/72+75//
Vickers MS, 1770 
133  Barners of Falkirk, The (t)  //22226/446//313/1+1+3+//22226/446/  Vickers MS, 1770 
133  Out and Upon Ocation (t)  //15-/31//51/1+//565/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
134  Buttons Three Farthings a Pair (t)  //5-1+/764/5//642/313/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
134  Breaches Loos (t)  //354/321//7-21/7-6-5-//7-122/25-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
134  Cock Up Thy Bever (t)  //55/645//131/36-//55/6545//  Vickers MS, 1770 
137  Lads and Lassess (t)  //5321/7-224//3135/1+76//5321/7-224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
137  Tumblir Over Again (t)  //423/46//313/543//423/46//  Vickers MS, 1770 
137  What Do You Think of Hir Now (t)  //345/535//535/535//646/535//  Vickers MS, 1770 
138  Happy Cobler, The (t)  //511111/3131//62222/6262//51111/3131//  Vickers MS, 1770 
138  Riddle, The (t)  //11131/5313//11131/2346//5431+/531+3//  Vickers MS, 1770 
138  Lilly, The (t)  //1+71+5/654//321/22225//1+71+5/654//  Vickers MS, 1770 
139  Never Mind It (t)  //135/135//4632/7-25-4-//3-5-15-/6-432//
Vickers MS, 1770 
139  Houmours of Potrat (t)  //1+54/642//531/27-6-5-//1+54/642//  Vickers MS, 1770 
139  Musette, The (t), or Ammerans Goddess, The (at)  //1123/252//1321/7-5-7-//15-6-7-/1234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
140  Wintons Frolick (t)  //345/671+//2+3+4+/3+2+1+//64/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
140  Hunt the Whissell (t)  //66/1+64/1+64//34/531/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
140  Trip to the Heighlands (t)  //1234/5321//2342//7-6-5-//1234/5321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
141  Garland, The (t)  //1+5345/43//2345/3115//1+5345/43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
141  Princess Birth Day, The (t)  //5671+/76//5321/23432//1351+76//  Vickers MS, 1770 
141  Mad French Man, The (t)  //11131/5131//22242/61+//11131/5131//  Vickers MS, 1770 
142  Trip to the Forest, A (t)  //555/51+5//543/543//666/61+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
142  Jany of the Green (t)  //11131/531+//11131/127-5-//11131/531+3+
Vickers MS, 1770 
142  Pratling Pol (t)  //1+76/543//2654/321//1+76/51+3+2+//1+76
Vickers MS, 1770 
143  Ringing Post, The (t)  //531/61+6//531/242//135/61+1//  Vickers MS, 1770 
143  Role In the Hay Cock (t)  //3231/26-15-//3231//6-6-6-6-4//3231/27-
Vickers MS, 1770 
143  Bank of Cloyd, The (t)  //1/654//342/32//1/17-6-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
144  Lord Keller's Rant (t)  //6-242/6242//111/11+/1231//6-224/3546//
Vickers MS, 1770 
144  Soldiers Hornpipe, The (t)  //313/535//66/534//543/2432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
144  Miss Dawson Delight (t)  //3153/27-5-4//311+3/223//31+76/5364//  Vickers MS, 1770 
145  Real of Kilwining (t)  //6-6-6-36-/3235//5-5-5-27-/25-27-//6-6-
Vickers MS, 1770 
145  Lord Strafmoor Reel (t)  //5-5-5-56/653457-//6-6-6-41/6-4-4-6-//5
Vickers MS, 1770 
145  Shillina Jigg (t)  //345/567/1+//345/567/6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
146  We Will All Ly Together (t)  //11/5-1/321//121/5-1/7-12//  Vickers MS, 1770 
146  What the Deval Els You (t)  //16-6-45/6531//2342/5432//7-6-6-45/6542
Vickers MS, 1770 
146  For Aw That and aw That (t)  //11115-/6-124//3151/6-1//11115-/6-124//
Vickers MS, 1770 
146  Harmonan, The (t)  //1+53/1+53//6567/1+765//1+53/1+53//  Vickers MS, 1770 
147  I'le Make the Be Fain to Follow Me (t)  //345/1+7//2+42/21//345/1+2+1+//755/1+2+
Vickers MS, 1770 
147  Flaggon Real, The (t)  //31111/3154//31111/311+5//31111/3153//  Vickers MS, 1770 
147  Dumb Water, The (t)  //313/4642//321/7-24//313/424//  Vickers MS, 1770 
148  High to Way to Ardonilland, The (t)  //34515/3153//43456543/4224//34515/3153/
Vickers MS, 1770 
148  Strothspey Real, A (t)  //5-5-5-5-6-/16-6-//151/6135//3-5-15-/6-
Vickers MS, 1770 
148  Parks of Kilburn, The (t)  //34551+/3+2+1+71+6//5363/4224//34551+/3
Vickers MS, 1770 
148  Lads of Kilwining (t)  //1+6666/5313//1+6666/1+2+3+2+//16666/53
Vickers MS, 1770 
149  Lady Ann Hambletons Rant (t)  //15/5345//535/53//15/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
149  Jack Ill Tikkle The (t)  //34/531//642/531//7-1/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
149  Love for Ever (t)  //5-6-/12//343/321//343/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
152a  Irish Lass, The (t)  //15-5-3-/5-13//325/3223//15-5-3-/5-12//
Vickers MS, 1770 
152a  Lads of Leath, The (t)  /12//343/21//7-16-/5-4-3-//6-7-1/  Vickers MS, 1770 
152a  Trip to Chester, A (t)  //1+5/3453/531//1+5/3453/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
152a  Millers Doughter, The (t)  //5-5-5-6-5-/2123//5-5-5-6-5-/13//5313/2
Vickers MS, 1770 
152b  Lass Trumponey (t)  //4565/425//426/642//4565/424//  Vickers MS, 1770 
152b  Down the Bank (t)  //5321/3436//5321/2326//5321/1+2+3+2+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
152b  Marias Frolick (t)  //35/535/646/543/22+/2+3+1+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
153a  Militia Jigg, The (t)  //1/17//61+6/531//456/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
153a  Carpenters Raff Yard, The (t)  //13/313//52/7-5-7-//13/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
153a  Lithon Lasses (t)  //3127-/11-1-4//3127-/2-4//3127-/11-1-4/
Vickers MS, 1770 
153b  Creef Fair (t)  //56/54//34/56//71+/75//  Vickers MS, 1770 
153b  Admiral Rodneys Delight (t)  //1+53/642//531/27-5-//1+53/642//  Vickers MS, 1770 
153b  Invation, The (t)  //15/35//222/21+//15/35//  Vickers MS, 1770 
154a  Elizabeth Cannon (t)  //3517/651+//4635/42254//3517/651+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
154a  Glalscow Lasses (t)  //1216/425//671+2+/3+2+//3+2+1+5/671+53/
Vickers MS, 1770 
154a  Lass of the Grass, The (t)  //123/321//355/53//462/351//  Vickers MS, 1770 
154b  Mopping Nelley (t)  //64/6222+//64/3111+//62654/6222+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
154b  Scoth Lilt (t)  //26654/3153//26671+/7564//61+1+2+3+/1+1
Vickers MS, 1770 
154b  Lass with the Yallow Cotte (t)  //113/561+5//6661+5/6561+//113/561+5//  Vickers MS, 1770 
154b  Old Stewards Back Again, The (t)  //3121/7-124//3127-/36-6-4//3121/7-124+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
155a  Scant of Siller (t)  //6-223/2424//6-113/1313//6-224/2424//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155a  Miss Bane Mcquires Real (t)  //3/217-//316-/1231//2/217-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155a  Heighland Man Dawn the Hill, The (t)  //653/216-//1234/543213//653/216-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155a  Badin, Le (t), or Carle Came Through the Crop, The (at)  //1321/6432//1321/7-5-7-5-//1321/6432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155b  Rout, The (t)  //1-3-5-/15-1//313/53//252/161//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155b  Joyners Jigg, The (t)  //311/511//711/65//422/622//  Vickers MS, 1770 
155b  Ken You Not You Little Jack Rob (t)  //565/542//11/12//454/421//  Vickers MS, 1770 
156  True Britton, The (t)  //1321/1321//1+653/2123//1321/1321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
156  Bristol Fair (t)  //123/3//234/4//53/42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
156  Galloping Horse, The (t)  //323/123/454/27-2//323/123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
157  Bristol Lasses (t)  //1353/671+6//5321/27-6-5-//1353/671+6//
Vickers MS, 1770 
157  Four Drukken Madens, The (t)  //3127-/6-12//3153/212//3127-/6-12//  Vickers MS, 1770 
157  Old Glenvillee (t)  //1+5/1+3+//2+1+7/1+//671+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
157  Lassess of Lynn (t)  //3235/115-//5-7-23/424//3235/111+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158a  Nanoine, La Cottillon (t)  //12/343//321/25-//12/343//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158a  Portonists a La Mode, Les. Cottillon (t)  //11/123/321/25-//22/234//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158a  Marionets Cottillon (t)  //13/535//646/5//424/313//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158b  Paire de Bris, La. Cottillon (t)  //5-6-7-5-/11//11/5-//15-13/25-24//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158b  Marionettes, Less. Cottilon (t)  /3235//35/543//21/3234//35/  Vickers MS, 1770 
158c  Cottilon (t)  //131/22//131/2//3531/2427-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158c  Cottilon (t)  //5-1/7-1//2123/2//5-1/7-12//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158c  Cottilon (t)  //11/44//454/32//34/55//  Vickers MS, 1770 
158d  Pierfitoise, La. Cottillon (t)  //533453/422//311234/55-5-//533453/4224/
Vickers MS, 1770 
158d  Nouvelle Provence, La. Cottilon (t)  //13/51+//71+2+7/5//24/3531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159a  Country Dance In Genii, The (t)  //13/27-5-//6-7-2/34//5676/532//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159a  Petit Ballot, Le. Cotilon (t)  //343/21//17-6-/5-//15-/6-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159b  Ballott, La. Cotillian (t)  //54/321//217-/15-//54/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159b  Profalia, La. Cotillon (t)  //353/135//1+76/5//654/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159c  Capuchine, La. Cottilon (t)  //1+5/31//2123/1//2123/43//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159c  Country Dance (t)  //3212/3453//4231/25-5-5//3212/3453//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159c  Fir Tree, The (t)  //3167/1+564//27-56/7425//3167/1+564//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159c  Whors March, The (t)  //543/432//11/134//543/432//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159d  Buslir In the Blanket (t)  //15-3-5-/15-3-5-//1324/3452//15-3-5-/15
Vickers MS, 1770 
159d  Fox In the Dumps, The (t), or Excisemans Hornpipe, The (at)  //1-1/7-6-//7-2/17-//13/21//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159d  Duke of Yorks Rant (t)  //13131/5131//24242/6242//57575/1+675//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159e  Websters Fancy, Mr. (t)  //1213/5651+//1213/4321/7-2//1213/5654+/
Vickers MS, 1770 
159e  New Cottilon Al Demene (t)  //11/15-3//22/25-4//321/5-17-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159e  New Cottilon (t)  //3-5-1/235//432/15-4-//3-5-1/135//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159f  Lads of Saltcots, The (t)  //113/2123//16-5-6-/2222//113/2123//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159f  Farmers Barn, The (t)  //6-7-1/7-6-5-//22/234//321/7-6-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159f  Pump Room, The (t), or Dogg, The (at)  //1111/531+//1111/7-122//1111/531+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
159f  Sherriffs Whim (t)  //11112/351+3+//4+3+2+/1+75//64+53+/44//
Vickers MS, 1770 
160  Quean Mab (t), or Maids Got Milk Down the Lane, the (at)  //1345/31+56//1345/2727-//1345/31+56//  Vickers MS, 1770 
160  Cloehs Dream (t)  //1535/1535//461+3/2222//1535/131+2+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
160  Belman, The (t)  //135/6531+//5331+/532//135/6561+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
160  Maddam Blars Real (t)  //2224/31+31//2224/31+31//2224/62+42//  Vickers MS, 1770 
161  Trip to Garmony, A (t)  //316-/5-3-2-//1-43453/224//316-/5-4-2-1
Vickers MS, 1770 
161  Dankin Gray, The. Hornpipe (t)  //13/2342//5321/7-6-5-//13/2342//  Vickers MS, 1770 
161  Sweet Ritchard (t)  //5-17-6-/7-217-//1321/2344//3453/6453//
Vickers MS, 1770 
162a  Norfolk Freeholders, The (t)  //111-/3-2-1-//321/27-5-//15-4-/3-4-5-//
Vickers MS, 1770 
162a  Success to the Campaign (t)  //113/224//3135/1+//1+765/6543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162a  Rose Hill (t)  //1+53/456//531/7-12//6-14/5-13//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162b  Robert Canedeys Real (t)  //1351/6151//1+653/4223//1351/6151//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162b  Lessess Hopping (t)  //1+1+/1+6//531/353//1+1+/1+6//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162b  Noman's Jig (t)  //64567/1+117//64567/1+7//64567/1+554//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162b  Miss Minie's Reel (t)  //5153/5163/5153/4223//5153/513+2+//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162c  Grants of Strathspey, The (t)  //3231/3455//1+565/1+561+//3231/3455//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162c  Dance, The (t)  //31/135//27-2/42//31/135//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162c  New Irish Jigg (t)  //113/224//334/5//331/224//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162d  Mistake, The (t), or Daffeedowndilley, The (at)  //131/1+//131/1+//671+/531//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162d  Fair Maid of Whikam, The (t)  //11/123/454/3//434/254//  Vickers MS, 1770 
162d  Narrow Bottom (t)  //33/321//44/432//55/543//  Vickers MS, 1770 
163  New Sheilds Lassess (t)  //121/1+5//654/345//654/321//  Vickers MS, 1770 
163  Jenne Camrons Rant (t)  //6-6-6-32/16-16-//6-6-6-32/16-16-//6-6-
Vickers MS, 1770 
163  Boy In the Basket, The (t)  //121/321/351+//121/345/27-5-//  Vickers MS, 1770 
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