Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Malecot MS, 1779

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1r  March In Deserter (t)  //12/32//15-/6-5-//12/32//  Malecot MS, 1779 
1  Handel's Water Piece (t)  /11//11/33//33/55//543/  Malecot MS, 1779 
2  Martini's Favourite Minuet (t)  //132//243//123//42//43217-6-//5-6-7-//  Malecot MS, 1779 
3  Lovely Nancy with Variations (t)  //1113//2224//31+543//232//1113//221+6//
Malecot MS, 1779 
3r  Lady Coventry's Minuet with Variations (t)  //111123//21//333345//43//51+6//51+6//  Malecot MS, 1779 
4  Cuckoo Solo (t)  /1/5-7-//11-/1//23/454//  Malecot MS, 1779 
16-17  Colledge Hornpipe (t)  //11-/1-/5-4-//3-5-1/1321//22-/2-21//  Malecot MS, 1779 
17  Minuetto (t)  //11111//11+2+3+//2+754//43//5-5-5-5-5-/
Malecot MS, 1779 
17  Miss Pratts Minuet (t)  //132//2111//243//32234//543217-6-//5-43
Malecot MS, 1779 
18  Rondeau (t)  //11/12//31/35//65/61+//  Malecot MS, 1779 
18  Black Joke (t)  //5-17-/17-1//22/21//34/543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
5  Air In the Horn Stile (t)  //111/132//111/12//333/354//  Malecot MS, 1779 
5  Sure Saly Is the Lovelyest Lass (t)  //131/5321//7-127-/5-4-//3-5-1/6-432//  Malecot MS, 1779 
6  Overture In Thomas and Sally, Presto (t)  //351//217-1//43/21232//351//217-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
6-7  Overture In Thomas and Sally, Affettuoso Gavot (t)  //34/5364//531+/3//46/5321//  Malecot MS, 1779 
7  Overture In Thomas and Sally, Allegro Con Spirito (t)  //135/4321//2346-2/7-6-5-//15-3/25-4//  Malecot MS, 1779 
7  Soldiers Joy (t)  //5313/5313//51+/76//5313/5313//  Malecot MS, 1779 
7  Dumfries House (t)  //1/11+//531/123//416-/6-7-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
8  Topsy Torvey (t)  //15-15-/1321//7-5-7-5-/7-217-//15-15-/1
Malecot MS, 1779 
8  Castle Town (t)  //12/31//42/31//3453/27-5-//  Malecot MS, 1779 
8  Red Wood Ticket (t)  //3+52+5/3+554+//3+52+5/6444+//3+52+5/72
Malecot MS, 1779 
8  Harlequin Ranger (t)  //5/6//543/21//7-12/5-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
8  Shambuy (t)  //15/535//671+3/21//15/535//  Malecot MS, 1779 
41  Sincere Cottillon, La (t)  /1234//51/35//15/1+5//323/  Malecot MS, 1779 
41  Sincere Cottillon, La, Minuer (t)  /17-6-7-//14/36//27/7-4//321/  Malecot MS, 1779 
41  Waterman Dance (t)  //564/342//17-1/27-5-//5-6-5-/5-6-5-//  Malecot MS, 1779 
41  Four Seasons Dance (t)  /565//313/543//25-/15-//25-/  Malecot MS, 1779 
41  Lango Lee Dance (t)  //5-6-7-/123//465/432//316-/5-6-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
42  Polonese, La, Cottillon (t)  //1+71+/54//323/12//345/543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
42  Blenheim House Dance (t)  //12/13//23/24//53/21//  Malecot MS, 1779 
42  Prinsteins Cottilon, Le (t)  //33/345//66/671+//2+4/432//  Malecot MS, 1779 
43  Duet (t)  //5/5//5/1+//54/32//  Malecot MS, 1779 
43  Duet (t)  //3/234//35/54//32/17-//  Malecot MS, 1779 
43  Duet (t)  //3/432//31/12//36/54//  Malecot MS, 1779 
44, 9  Reel of Tulloch, The (t)  //6245/6422+//6234/5317//6245/6242//  Malecot MS, 1779 
11  Charles 12 the Kg Swedns March (t)  //32/1231//4/45//32/1231//  Malecot MS, 1779 
12-37 [next pag  I'll Kiss the Wife She Bade Me (t)  //5313/5313//5356/757//6424/6424//  Malecot MS, 1779 
38  Pratling Roaring Willy (t)  //321/121/356//765/427-/46//  Malecot MS, 1779 
38  March, A (t)  //111/12//333/34//565/5443//  Malecot MS, 1779 
39  As I Wass Kiss Ye Streen (t)  //232/235/671+3/2//2343/121//  Malecot MS, 1779 
39  From the East Breks the Morn (t)  //34321/535//1+2+3+/567//1+53/56543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
39  Lovly Nimph (t)  //345321//567//1+76//531//431+//65135//  Malecot MS, 1779 
39    //311+/642+//757/1+5//671+/543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
40  Mrs. Vernon's Hornpipe (t)  //1/3153/4217-//131/242/353//  Malecot MS, 1779 
40  Grants Rant (t)  //56/5313//531+6/5313//4642/3531//  Malecot MS, 1779 
40  Trip to Oatland (t)  //565/531//565/531/1+76/543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
40  Heigh Way to Dubliny (t)  //765/424//642/21+//765/424//  Malecot MS, 1779 
9  Birks of Endermay (t)  //51+/5321//2123/6-1//5-6-5-3-/3-4-5-1-2
Malecot MS, 1779 
10  Humours of Glen (t)  //6765/633//1+2+1+76/1+33//61+765/631+//
Malecot MS, 1779 
10  Giga (t)  //15/535//535/65//15/543//  Malecot MS, 1779 
13  Melony Jigg (t)  //345/535//535/543/454/345//  Malecot MS, 1779 
13  Huntrs Minuet, The (t)  //11111//15-135//1+1+1+1+1+//1+3+2+4+//3
Malecot MS, 1779 
13  Wheal Makers Rambel (t)  //16-12/3234//321/327-//1231/7-6-5-//  Malecot MS, 1779 
14  Bird That Hears Hir Nestling Cry, The (t)  //5321/12//12321/23//4564/5443//  Malecot MS, 1779 
14  Highland Queen, The (t)  //1-3-5-/15-1//5-7-2/424//354/321//  Malecot MS, 1779 
15  Birks of Envermay (t)  //56/5321//2123/6-1//5-6-5-3-/3-4-5-1-2-
Malecot MS, 1779 
15  Don Casino (t)  //32/32//17-/123//43/43//  Malecot MS, 1779 
15  God Save the King, Second (t)    Malecot MS, 1779 
16  Cuckow Minuet (t)  //11111//123231//11+7654//3231//15-25-35
Malecot MS, 1779 
16  Keswick Jigg (t)  //3151/313453//4262/424564//3151/6151//  Malecot MS, 1779 
16  Miller of Mansfield, The (t)  //121/321//531/25-//121/321//  Malecot MS, 1779 
33  Plato (t)  //321/543//1+76/55//65/43//  Malecot MS, 1779 
33  Lord George Lenox's March (t)  //333/3345//333/321//231+6/65434321//  Malecot MS, 1779 
33  Hook or by Crook (t)  //565/543//421/7-6-5//121/315//  Malecot MS, 1779 
33  Sheepherds I Have Lost My Love (t)  //12/332//2115-/5-5-//6-5-/17-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
34  Black & the Gray, The (t)  //313/1+54//313/1+54//313/1+54//  Malecot MS, 1779 
34  Jigg for James Lady (t)  //5-7-47-/3113//5-7-/47-/27-7-4-//5-7-47
Malecot MS, 1779 
35  Marionetts (t)  //13/535//646/5//424/313//  Malecot MS, 1779 
35  Come Rouse Brother Sportsman (t)  //1+2+7//1+53//425//15//671+//571+//  Malecot MS, 1779 
35  Lady Prisilla Berties Minuet (t)  //543//323//432//17-1//53353//42242//  Malecot MS, 1779 
35  Pantheon Cotilion, The (t)  //55/54//33/32//11/212//  Malecot MS, 1779 
36  Tally Ho (t)  //313//535//1+55//564//535//424//  Malecot MS, 1779 
36  Nancy of the Dale (t)  //12/13//6-4-3-/2-5-//1-1/321//  Malecot MS, 1779 
36  Jocky to the Fair (t)  //12/34//51+/54//351/17-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
45?  Parting Kiss, The (t)  //5/5434//5/5//6/1+76//  Malecot MS, 1779 
45?  Minuet by Mr. Hayes of Chief. . . Ller (t)  //136-//5-//2212342//5-13//5321//17-1//  Malecot MS, 1779 
45?  I Lock'd Up All My Treasure (t)  //56/53//1+/567//67/556//  Malecot MS, 1779 
45?  Sung by Mr. Bannister, Mr. Faucet & [illegible] (t)  //121/321//55/5/654/531//  Malecot MS, 1779 
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