Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Irving MS, 1796

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1r  Banks of the Tweed, The (t)  //135//1+76//5654//355//1+3+2+1+76//5657
Irving MS, 1796 
1v-2r  Time Has Not Thin'd (t)  //111/11//66/55//5223/46-6-7-//  Irving MS, 1796 
2v-3r  See the Dawn How It Rises (t)  //355//51+1+//1+2+3+2+//1+55//646//53+5/
Irving MS, 1796 
3r  Rose Tree, The (t)  //1+6/53//5/56//1+/3+2+1+2+//  Irving MS, 1796 
3v  Since Then I'm Doom'd (t)  //1+/76//6/54//55/56//  Irving MS, 1796 
3v-4r  Poor Recruit (t)  //5653/131//6-16-/55//1346/5313//  Irving MS, 1796 
4r  Pauvre Jacques (t)  //3/3//54/44//23/42//  Irving MS, 1796 
4v  How Imperfect Is Expression (t)  //5/5//65/43//3/3//  Irving MS, 1796 
4v-5r  How Sweet the Breath of Milky Kine (t)  //56/53//42/343//23/43//  Irving MS, 1796 
5r  Tell Me Babbling Echo, Canzonett (t)  //1+/71+//76/56//5/454//  Irving MS, 1796 
5v  Alone by the Light of the Moon (t)  //4323/131//6-7-16-/5-12//4321/6543//  Irving MS, 1796 
6r  Ashley's Hornpipe (t)  //11/17-1//22/242//7-6-5-/6-7-//  Irving MS, 1796 
12-13  Marseillois March (t)  //11/22//53/1131//6-4/27-//  Irving MS, 1796 
12-13  How Sweet In the Woodlands (t)  //13232//112//35454//334//56565//4564//  Irving MS, 1796 
14-15  Way Worn Travellers, The (t)  //1/21//7-5-/6-7-//1/3//  Irving MS, 1796 
16  In Airy Dreams (t)  //5/64//5/345//4/234//  Irving MS, 1796 
16-17  Somebody (t)  //66/671+//55/54//33/345//  Irving MS, 1796 
16-17  Come Who'll Buy Primroses (t)  //555/556//234/354/311/16-4//  Irving MS, 1796 
18  In Thee Each Joy Possessing (t)  //11/12//3/12//33/34//  Irving MS, 1796 
19  Gypsey's Song, The (t)  /1//3/21//1/1//6-5-/  Irving MS, 1796 
20  Yet Awhile Sweet Sleep (t)  //535/424//3123//27-5-//1223/3445//  Irving MS, 1796 
21  O Dear What Can the Matter Be (t)  //5/5//531+/531//4/4//  Irving MS, 1796 
21  Oscar and Malvina (t)  //535/32135//32135/422//35321/355//  Irving MS, 1796 
22  From Night Till Morn (t), or Pauvre Maudelon (at)  //33/33//2123/123//4321/1234//  Irving MS, 1796 
22-23  Moulines Maria (t)  //54/31//2342/11//7-1/43//  Irving MS, 1796 
23  Sweet Robinette (t)  //1+3+2+7/1+2+3+51+//7654/432//3456/71+2
Irving MS, 1796 
24-25  God Save the King with Variations (t)  //112//7-12//334//321//24217-//1//  Irving MS, 1796 
26  Come Dearest Sister (t)  //333/322//111/27-//111/217-//  Irving MS, 1796 
26-27  Midwatch, The (t)  //15-12/1234//321/13//16-5-/5-5//  Irving MS, 1796 
27  Rondo (t)  //11/22//7-6-5-/5-6-7-//11/22//  Irving MS, 1796 
28  London March (t)  //333/32//1351+/65//61+51+/41+31+//  Irving MS, 1796 
28-29  Visitte, La (t)  //12/13//46/6//51/4321//  Irving MS, 1796 
29  Lord Macdonald's March (t)  //1-12/34-3-//2-23/45-4-//3-565/4321//  Irving MS, 1796 
30  Duke of York's March (t)  //111/333//5353/15//1+51+5/1+531//  Irving MS, 1796 
30-31  Duke of York's March, Trio (t)  //13/2127-//13/13//35/4342//  Irving MS, 1796 
31  Gen Robinson's March (t)  //111/12212//333/34434//555/5671+//  Irving MS, 1796 
32-33  Duke of Clarence's March (t)  //53456/53456//533/5544//33456/53456//  Irving MS, 1796 
33  March In Battle of Prague (t)  //1+1+1+/1+2+1+76//555/53+1+//64+2+/72+7
Irving MS, 1796 
34  President's March (t)  //1/32//15-/1//3/54//  Irving MS, 1796 
35  Prayer of the Sicilian Mariners (t)  //5/6//54/34//5/6//  Irving MS, 1796 
35  Duke of York's Cotillion (t)  //5-6-5-/13//22/23//123/6-2//  Irving MS, 1796 
36  Trump of Fame, The (t)  //51+/53//51+/53+//2+3+/4+3+//  Irving MS, 1796 
36  Strathpey Reel, A (t)  //5-7-/12//43/21//42/23//  Irving MS, 1796 
39 [37-38 lacki      Irving MS, 1796 
39  Fishers Minuet (t)  //54321//542//351+3//217-6-5-//54321//54
Irving MS, 1796 
40  No Good Without an Exception (t)  //543/345//671+/2+75//3+1+6/567//  Irving MS, 1796 
40  Tho I Am Now a Very Little Lad (t)  //33/321//3234/31+//6543/4321//  Irving MS, 1796 
40  Waxen Doll, The (t)  //31/13//25-/5-4-//3-5-/13//  Irving MS, 1796 
41  How Happy the Soldier (t)  //3+1+6/543//22+2+/2+1+2+//3+1+6/535//  Irving MS, 1796 
41  Birks of Invermay, The (t)  //56/5321//2123/6-1//5-6-5-3-/5-15-//  Irving MS, 1796 
41  Minuet de La Cour (t)  //3343455//543//131313//54342//3343455/5
Irving MS, 1796 
42  Duke of Yorks Troop: Adagio (t)  //1/3//5/3//5/3//  Irving MS, 1796 
42-43  Duke of Yorks Troop: Allegro (t)  //1+51+51+531/53535315-//3131315-3-/15-1
Irving MS, 1796 
43  What a Beau. March (t)  //3+1+2+7/1+654//351+3+/2+24+//3+1+2+7/1
Irving MS, 1796 
44  March (t)  //1-1-1-/3-3-5-5-//1133/55//45424/34313/
Irving MS, 1796 
44-45  March (t)  //11+5/3513//5-13-5-/1-5-6-7-//111/17-5-
Irving MS, 1796 
46-47  March (t)  //117-12/33234//55654/3//42/17-6-5-//  Irving MS, 1796 
47  Turkish March (t)  //54/33//32/11//21/27-//  Irving MS, 1796 
48  March (t)  //334/2123//1351+/543//4564/3453//  Irving MS, 1796 
48-49  March (t)  //132/154//31+/53//243/271+71+//  Irving MS, 1796 
50  March (t)  //1+1+/55//61+6/55//5-13/543//  Irving MS, 1796 
50-51  March (t)  //11/17-1//217-1/2//22/212//  Irving MS, 1796 
51  Gen. Tryon's March (t)  //112/321//7-6-7-1/25-//6-6-7-/17-6-//  Irving MS, 1796 
52  Dorsetshire March (t)  //3-1-3-/5-3-5-//15-1/313//565/4323//  Irving MS, 1796 
52  Belleisle March (t)  //113/224//31+6/54//3531/2427-//  Irving MS, 1796 
53  Down the Burn Davy (t)  //3216-/5-3-2-1-//3-5-5-1/12//3235/5-143
Irving MS, 1796 
53  Come Haste to the Wedding (t)  //534/55+3+//2+1+2+/3+1+6//535/61+3//  Irving MS, 1796 
53  Bneath a Green Shade (t)  //43332//2112//31531+3//3254//43332//211
Irving MS, 1796 
54  Dusky Night, The (t)  //1+1+/54//323/15//65/43//  Irving MS, 1796 
54  Hark Hark the Joy (t)  //121/13//343/35//565/1+35//  Irving MS, 1796 
54  New Lango Lee (t)  //5-6-7-/123//465/432//316-/5-6-1//  Irving MS, 1796 
54  March of the 15th. Regt (t)  //555/5654//333/3123//246/5432//  Irving MS, 1796 
55  Within a Mile of Edinburgh Town (t)  //5323/131//6-15-3-/5-12//3561+/5313//  Irving MS, 1796 
55  He's Aye a Kissing Me (t)  //12/13//53/53//23/24//  Irving MS, 1796 
55  Paddy Whack (t)  //135/1+71+//654/321//135/1+71+//  Irving MS, 1796 
56  Willy's Rare and Willy's Fair (t)  //5-3-1/15-3//315/315-//6-7-1/5-13//  Irving MS, 1796 
56  Pitty Patty (t)  //34321//434562+//1+76567//1+12//3454321
Irving MS, 1796 
57  Ye Lingring Winds (t)  //1/2//34/51//42/17-//  Irving MS, 1796 
57  Broom on Cowdenknows, The (t)  //3124/321//3546/543//61+46/246-2//  Irving MS, 1796 
58  Rise Cynthia Rise (t)  //1212//3//3434//55//6567//1+51+5//  Irving MS, 1796 
59  Dear Nancy I've Sail'd (t)  //353/4217-//123217-6-/5-17-//6-123/46-2
Irving MS, 1796 
59  Homeward Bound (t)  //15-1/31234//53/3242//17-2/17-1//  Irving MS, 1796 
60  Sailor's Epitaph, The (t)  //1+1+/46//54/4321//43/6564//  Irving MS, 1796 
60  Bonny Jem of Aberdeen (t)  //34/32//31/11//23/23//  Irving MS, 1796 
60  Fop, The (t)  //1+71+/543//61+6/531//535/543//  Irving MS, 1796 
61  Bright Phoebus (t)  //111//13454//315-//5-17-//6-5-17-//6-5-
Irving MS, 1796 
61  My Dog and My Gun (t)  //111/15-3-5-//111/112//334/5321//  Irving MS, 1796 
62  Tally Ho (t)  //313//535//1+55//564//535//424//  Irving MS, 1796 
62  When William at Eve (t)  //3-5-1/17-1//7-24/44//315-/6-27-//  Irving MS, 1796 
62-63  Jackson's Morning Brush (t)  //132/231//135/535//656/1+2+//  Irving MS, 1796 
63  Twins of Latona, The (t)  //15-4-/3-5-1//565/54//343/212//  Irving MS, 1796 
63  Disconsolate Sailor, The (t)  //353/131//6-17-2/11+75//5651/35432//  Irving MS, 1796 
64  Hush Every Breeze (t)  //3/33//3/5//43/21//  Irving MS, 1796 
64  Irish Washerwoman (t)  //311/5-11//313/543//422/5-22//  Irving MS, 1796 
65  Genl Washingtons March (t)  //15-1/313//535/1+//61+6/51+6//  Irving MS, 1796 
66  Captivity. Supposed to Be Sung by Maria Antoinette In Prison (t)  //13/565//4/321234//3/45671+//5654/32//  Irving MS, 1796 
66  Sinclear's Farewell (t)  //3135/1+76//555/543//2345/6543//  Irving MS, 1796 
66-67  Rhode Island March (t)  //11/7-127-//111/15-//33/2342//  Irving MS, 1796 
67  Fishers Hornpipe (t)  //1+535/4654//3535//4654//3131/4242//  Irving MS, 1796 
67  Roslin Castle (t)  //6-34/323//4321/7-17-//6-67/1+76//  Irving MS, 1796 
68  Begone Dull Care (t)  //1/2//3/4//565/434//  Irving MS, 1796 
68  Poor Richard [in Quotes] (t)  //5453//1342//1171//23//671+2+//3+1+7//  Irving MS, 1796 
68  Poor Richard [in Quotes], Ando. Affeto. (t)  //671+2+//3+1+6//654//3453//1//345//  Irving MS, 1796 
69  Favorite Catch, A (t)  //56/51+//54/43//13/32//  Irving MS, 1796 
69  Return Enraptured Hours (t)  //543/671+76//65/4//345642/17-//  Irving MS, 1796 
69  When Rural Lads and Lasses Gay (t)  //565/1+5//35/12//33/345//  Irving MS, 1796 
70  My Native Land I Bade Adieu (t)  //1-565//53342//1146//517-123//32565//53
Irving MS, 1796 
71  O Nanny Wilt Thou Gang Wi' Me (t)  //51+76/534//5653/257-//11/13//  Irving MS, 1796 
71  Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes (t)  //333/44//543/234//514/32//  Irving MS, 1796 
72-73  Hail, Hail, to Thy Living Light (t)  //3/3+//2/2+//543/42//  Irving MS, 1796 
74-75  Spirit of My Sainted Sire, Allo (t)  //15-/3-5-13//1//1/3//54/  Irving MS, 1796 
76  Poor Thomas Day, A Catch (t)  //5/44//3//4/4//4/  Irving MS, 1796 
76  Caledonian Laddy, The (t)  //12/3235//6561+/2+3+//1+765/61+53//  Irving MS, 1796 
77  Anna's Urn (t)  //55/5351+//66/6461+//51+71+/52+1+2+//  Irving MS, 1796 
77  Galley Slave, The (t)  //1/22//3/13//42/17-//  Irving MS, 1796 
78  Streamlet That Flow'd Round Her Cot, The (t)  //5-6-5-3-/4-6-16-//5-12/31+7//7665/5443
Irving MS, 1796 
78-79  Wither My Love (t)  //5/55/53/3//43/45//  Irving MS, 1796 
80  Desponding Negro, The (t)  //1113//21234//56543//215-//1113//2134//
Irving MS, 1796 
80  Sweet Little Girl That I Love, The (t)  //565/51+3//461+/565//453/212//  Irving MS, 1796 
80  Haymaker's Dance, The (t)  //13/24//31/27-5-//13/24//  Irving MS, 1796 
81  Lullaby, The (t)  //531/6-1//5-3-/5-6-7-//14/32//  Irving MS, 1796 
81  Lassie of My Heart, The (t)  //35/567//1+6/46//5564342/12//  Irving MS, 1796 
82  Mellow Toned Horn, The (t)  //3-5-1//351//17-7-21//117-//6-5-4-//3-5
Irving MS, 1796 
83  Sailors Consolation, The (t)  //131/425//316-/27-5-//131/425//  Irving MS, 1796 
83  Death or Victory (t)  //32/17-//6-5-/5-5-//4-6-/21//  Irving MS, 1796 
84  Lucky Escape (t)  //333/343//3234/567//1+543/4321//  Irving MS, 1796 
84-85  Mansion of Peace, The (t)  //5-3//321//432//5671+//4531+76//5434//  Irving MS, 1796 
85  Jack Ratlin (t)  //12/34//7-1/5-17-//6-5-6-/5-4-3-4-//  Irving MS, 1796 
86  Triumph of Wine, The (t)  //11/22//34/322//31/17-//  Irving MS, 1796 
86-87  Larks Shrill Notes, The (t)  //1/2//3/34//343/212//  Irving MS, 1796 
87  Crazy Jane (t)  //11/22//323/41//143/12//  Irving MS, 1796 
88-89  Maggie Lawder with Variations (t)  //1213/1213//234321/7-234//3111/1213//  Irving MS, 1796 
89  Had Awa Fra' Me Donald (t)  //16-/1//5-3-/5-//16-/12//  Irving MS, 1796 
90-91  Lovely Nancy with Variations (t)  //1113//2224//31+543//232//1113//221+6//
Irving MS, 1796 
91-92  Donald (t), or From Thee Eliza (at)  //3+2+1+7/1+5//7654/5435//351+2+/3+2+1+/
Irving MS, 1796 
92  German Waltz (t)  //333//33453//444//3//222//111//  Irving MS, 1796 
93  Buonaparte's March (t)  //1/2//311/123//43/21//  Irving MS, 1796 
94  Yellow Haird Laddie, The (t)  //3567//1+2+1+2+3+//56543//3212//3567//1
Irving MS, 1796 
94-95  Hark! the Goddess Diana (t)  //554//333//332//13//456//34321//  Irving MS, 1796 
95  March In Blue Beard (t)  //54/32//1/2//3234/543//  Irving MS, 1796 
96  Lee Rig, The, Slow (t)  //15-/5-6-//1/13//21/23//  Irving MS, 1796 
96  Lee Rig, The, Giga (t)  //15-/5-6//1/123//21/23//  Irving MS, 1796 
101  Lee's Waltz (t)  //333//34342//117-17-//11//222//5342//  Irving MS, 1796 
102  Copenhagens Waltz with Variations (t)  //463524//35113//245-7-2//135-35//463524
Irving MS, 1796 
103  Hunter's Hound, The (t)  //17-1/321//7-6-5-/15-//17-6-/5-4-3-//  Irving MS, 1796 
103  Spanish Fandango, A (t)  //653//542//431//13434//653//542//  Irving MS, 1796 
104-105  Lord Mcdonalds March (t)  //555/55//51+5/1+7//666/66//  Irving MS, 1796 
106-107  French Air with Variations, A (t)  //11/55//671+6/5//44/33//  Irving MS, 1796 
110    //11/16-//12/3//22/22//  Irving MS, 1796 
111  Henrieta (t)  //3513//322//247-2//211//3513//322//  Irving MS, 1796 
112-113  Rossians Dream with Variations (t)  //332/11//22/31//332/11//  Irving MS, 1796 
114  Auld Lang Syne (t)  //11/13//21/23//11/35//  Irving MS, 1796 
114  My Ain Kind Dearie (t)  //35-/5-6-//12/13//23/4321//  Irving MS, 1796 
114  Ap Shenkin Arranged as a Rondo (t)  //33/31+7//66/671+//565/543//  Irving MS, 1796 
115  Durham March (t)  //51+5/51+5//655/51+7//7665/5443//  Irving MS, 1796 
116  Saxon Dragoons Grand March (t)  //555/1+55//555/2+55//3+2+/1+765//  Irving MS, 1796 
116-117  Saxon Dragoons Grand March: Trio (t)  //533/533//1+/53//3222/2654//  Irving MS, 1796 
117  Crosskeen Laun (t)  //3667/1+71+//2+1+76/533//667/1+1+2+//  Irving MS, 1796 
118  Cotilions. No. 1 (t)  //17-17-/15-//17-17-/15-//2121/25-//  Irving MS, 1796 
118  Cotilions. No. 2 (t)  //11/64//11/16-//4-4-/6-6-//  Irving MS, 1796 
119  Cotilions. No. 3 (t)  //3-5-/3-5-//17-12/33//51/36-//  Irving MS, 1796 
119  Cotilions. No. 4 (t)  //1/31//2/42//35/64//  Irving MS, 1796 
120  1st Guards Quick Step. Middletown Cadets (t)  //123/321//27-5-/5-6-4-//3-4-/5-6-7-1//  Irving MS, 1796 
120  There's Nothing True but Heaven (t)  //54/36//542/1334//55/642//  Irving MS, 1796 
121  Govenors Brooks's March (t)  //13/531+6//53/531+6//561+2+/3+2+1+//  Irving MS, 1796 
121  Had I a Heart for Falsehood Framed (t)  //5653/671+6//5323/15//1+71+2+/1+765//  Irving MS, 1796 
122  Loves Young Dream (t)  /54//31/26-//16-/5-1//2/  Irving MS, 1796 
122  Saxe Coburgs Waltz (t)  //3-5-11//5-133//2247-2//135-5-4-//3-5-1
Irving MS, 1796 
123  Happy Tawny Moore (t)  //1//34/54//3//34/54//  Irving MS, 1796 
123  Flow on Thou Shining River (t)  //1+7/65//53/3//46/54//  Irving MS, 1796 
124    //342//136531//7-25427-//15-6-7-12//342/
Irving MS, 1796 
124    //111/13//111/15-//333/35//  Irving MS, 1796 
125  Di Tanti Palpiti (t)  //3/33//3234/5//454343/25//  Irving MS, 1796 
125  Bay O Biscay O (t)  //5-1/13//16-/7-1//23/217-6-//  Irving MS, 1796 
126  Arabey's Daughter (t)  //54/654//545/644//432/146//  Irving MS, 1796 
126  Russian Dance (t)  //35-1/313//5434/25-7-//25-7-/254//  Irving MS, 1796 
127  Home Sweet Home (t)  //34/45//53/3//43/42//  Irving MS, 1796 
127  Jesse the Flower o' Dumblane (t)  //343/232//17-1/27-16-//5-6-4-/3-5-1//  Irving MS, 1796 
127  Air From the Play of Mahomet (t)  //343/232//17-1/27-16-//5-6-4-/3-5-1//  Irving MS, 1796 
127  Free Masons March (t)  //123/321//7-12/27-5-//23/321//  Irving MS, 1796 
129  Sailor's Hornpipe (t)  //17-6-5-/3-5-13//217-6-/5-7-24//3431/7-
Irving MS, 1796 
129  Bailey's Farewell to Queechy (t)  //13/56//53/531//153/531//  Irving MS, 1796 
130    //17-//21//5-5-5-//5-//17-//21//  Irving MS, 1796 
130    //1/7-//5-2/15-//5-//1/  Irving MS, 1796 
131  Spanish Voluntary, The (t)  //32//43//211//5-5-1//32//43//  Irving MS, 1796 
131  Lord Mcdonald's Reel (t)  //56/531+3//531+3/2+223//56/531+3//  Irving MS, 1796 
132  Into t's Triumphal Entry into Mecca (t)  //334/332//11/17-1//25-53/25-53//  Irving MS, 1796 
132  Braes of Balquither (t)  //565/523//454/4313//51+65/51+1//  Irving MS, 1796 
135  Lassie Wi the Yellow Coatie with Variations (t)  //11114/351+5//651+5/65671+//11114/351+5
Irving MS, 1796 
135  Life Let Us Cherish (t)  //3/434//51+/1+//1/212//  Irving MS, 1796 
137  Down the Burn Davy Love (t)  //3216-/5-2-2-1-//3-5-5-1/12//3235/5-143
Irving MS, 1796 
137  Prince of Hesse's Waltz, The (t)  //1315-13//565313//2427-5-7-//132435//13
Irving MS, 1796 
139  When Pensive I Thought of My Love (t)  //565/531//1+3+2+/1+5//671+/1+62+//  Irving MS, 1796 
139  Yellow Hair'd Laddie, The (t)  //3567//1+2+3+//56543//212//3567//1+71+2
Irving MS, 1796 
143  Ah Say Lovely Emma (t)  //3/23//54/43//2/12//  Irving MS, 1796 
143  Rosy Cheek, A (t)  //1535//1+535//4575//2+754//35//1+7//  Irving MS, 1796 
144  Irvings Richmond Waltz, Taught Him by Miss M. G. R. (t)  //3432/65//346-7-1/7-12//3432/6534//  Irving MS, 1796 
145  Coming Through the Rye (t)  //55/53+//2+1+/2+3+//55/65//  Irving MS, 1796 
147    //116-/5-5-//22/5//66/6543//  Irving MS, 1796 
147    //313/571+//714/71+2+//513/543//  Irving MS, 1796 
148  We May Roam Through This World (t), or Cary Owen (at)  //654/321//343/31+7//654/321//  Irving MS, 1796 
149  Madam Nouville's Waltz (t), or Celebrated National Waltz, The (at)  //56542//31//2346//53//56542//31//  Irving MS, 1796 
149  Bath Waltz, The (t)  //111//15-1//333//313//531//642//  Irving MS, 1796 
150    //15-5-/25-5-//321/23//4321/7-6-5-4-//  Irving MS, 1796 
155    //5-6-/5-3-//132/132//11/22//  Irving MS, 1796 
155    //5/31//222/23//44/33//  Irving MS, 1796 
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