Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Arbeau Orchesography, 1589

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22-34  Tabulation. All the Different Drum Rhythms (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
35  Swiss Drummers (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
36-38  Marching to the Drum (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
40-43  Tabulation for the Fife or Arigot In the third Mode (t)  //5567/1+//5567/1+71+2+//1+2+1+76/7//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
44-46  Tabulation for the Fife or Arigot In Triple time (t)  /567//1+1+/567//1+2+1+/567//1+1+/  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
52  Basse Dance (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
58  Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie, A Pavan (t)  /6//65/67//1+/1+3+//2+1+/1+7//1+  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
67  I Will Give You Joy, A Basse Dance (t)  //222//4321//45345//66//654567//1+1+76//
Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
76  Comfort Me, A Basse Dance (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
76  All Forlorn (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
76  Patience (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
78  Galliard (t)  Drum notation  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
94-97  Tordion or Galliard (t)  //1+7/62+/1+7//65/45/43//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
99  Because of the Traitor I Die (t)  //33/21/7-//7-6-/6-5-/3//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
99-102  Antoinette (t)  //51+/45/5//1+1+/76/5//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
102-104  Love Let Us Kiss (t)  //33/31/1//44/45/5//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
104-107  Whether I Love or No (t)  //33/3/33//12/3/44//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
108-110  Weariness (t)  //55/43/2//11/23/1//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
111-112  Girl From Milan, The (t)  //123/212//343/212//343/21//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
113-115  I Would Rather Lie Alone (t)  //11/11/11//22/23/3//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
115-118  Grief That Tortures Me, The (t)  //11/13/33//34/45/3//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
122  Lavolta (t)  //111/55//443/21//443/21//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
124  Coranto (t)  //6-7-123213217-6-6-5-6-6-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
126  Alman (t)  //111222312344//4654312211//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
129  Double Branles (t)  //6-6-11/7-6-5-5-//1231//2211//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
132-133  Single Branle (t)  //661+1+7651+//1+71+1+//661+1+7651+//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
133-134  Gay Branle (t)  //116-6-/7-7-5-3-//3311/27-6-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
134-135  Burgundian Branle (t)  //116-6-/7-7-5-3-//3311/27-6-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
135-137  Haut Barrois, A Branle (t)  //5671+71+55//44334321//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
138-139  Cassandra, A Mixed Branle (t)  //111/11//2341/26-6-//311/27-7-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
139-140  Pinagay, A Branle (t)  //1111223543//1111223543543543//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
141-142  Charlotte, A Mixed Branle (t)  //6-6-11/223//6/3//27-12/36-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
143-144  War, A Mixed Branle (t)  //1+71+2+1+1+/641+//7654/31//5671+1+1+/2
Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
145-146  Aridan, A Mixed Branle (t)  //34556654321//23154321127-1231//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
146-147  Poitou, A Branle (t)  //3455542//321127-1//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
148-151  Scottish Branle (t)  //6-7-16-//7-12//217-6-/123//3543/217-6-
Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
151-152  Trihory of Brittany, A Branle (t)  //1233221127-1//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
153-155  Maltese Branle (t)  //17-1233217-6-5-6-6-5-//17-1234234//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
155-157  Washerwomen's Branle (t)  //6666551+2+1+76656//63+1+3+2+1+76//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
157-159  Pease Branle (t), or Margueritotte, Pease Branle (at)  //112333432236-//6-7-5-6-7-16-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
159-161  Hermits' Branle, The (t)  //1111117-1217-6-6-5-6-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
161-163  Candlestick Branle, The (t), or Torch Branle, The (at)  //671+1+7761+7655671+1+72+1+767766//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
163-165  Clog Branle, The (t)  //11217-6-7-5-6-6-5-117-1//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
165-167  Horses Branle, The (t)  //123343243217-6-5-//1233432431221//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
167-169  Montarde Branle, The (t)  //56751+67555554321//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
169-172  Hay Branle, The (t)  //6-22236-6-6-7-116-17-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
173-174  Official Branle, The (t)  //11217-6-5-5-6-117-11//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
175-176  Gavotte (t)  //32123455//671+7655//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
177-179  Morris Dances (t)  //5556531127-5-//3112311231127-5-//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
179-181  Canary, The (t)  //123123453231//154345443221//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
181-182  Spanish Pavan, The (t)  //216-7-12327-123333543212432//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
182-195  Buffens, The (t)  //1233/4//3231/2//1233/4//  Arbeau Orchesography, 1589 
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