Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Thorowgood Guitar, 1763

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5  Horse Grenadiers March (t)  //15-/15-//15-12/31//3234/543//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
5  God Save the King (t)  //112//7-12//334//321//217-//1//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
6  Lesson (t)  //12/22//321543/217-6-5-1//12/22//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
6  Double Entendre, La (t)  //3/53//4/24//3/53//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
7  March (t)  //555/54//333/32//12/212//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
7  Lady Coventrys Minuet (t)  //111123//21//333345//43//51+6//51+6//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
7  Betty Blue (t)  //56/54//32/13//56/53//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
8  Country Wedding, The (t)  //1+53/424//3513/223//464/3453//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
8  Kitty Fell (t)  //17-12/321//2123/432//12/321//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
9  Ecchoing Horn, The, In Thomas and Sally (t)  //121//15-1//15-1//12//345//432//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
9  Because I Was a Bonny Lad (t)  //3217/61+53//4653/2225//3217/61+53//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
9  From the Man Whom I Love (t)  //333/543//222/234//543/432//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
10-11  Lovely Nancy with Variations (t)  //1113//2224//31+543//232//1113//221+6//
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
12  Bellisle March, The (t)  //113/224//31+6/54//3531/2427-//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
12  Highland Laddie, The (t)  //113/223//113/23//1+76/543//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
13  When Phoebus (t)  //17-1//212//3432//12//323//434//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
13  What Shepherd or Nymph (t)  //535/432//3/5//671+/46543//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
14  Dorsetshiremarch, The (t)  //313/535//1+51+/3+1+3+//5+6+5+/4+32+3+/
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
14  Nancy (t)  //3457-/123//5432/32//3142/54//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
14  Lass with the Delicate Air, The (t)  //321123//25-5-//17-1234//53//217-127-//
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
15  When Late I Wandered (t)  //31+/5321//7-2/24//317-1/6-115//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
15  Ye Fair Married Dames (t)  //353//464//51234//334//523//17-6-//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
15  Give Me Love and Liberty (t)  //34/54//32/17-//12/34//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
16  In Infancy (t)  //12/12//34/34//6543/5432//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
16  Britons Strike Home (t)  //112//345//123//234//543//2//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
17  Hope Thou Nurse of Young Desire (t)  //12//345//432//1//22//32//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
17  Hamsted Bells (t)  //531/531//1+76/531//531/531//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
18  My Hearts My Own (t)  //15-/32//17-/12212//3142/5361//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
18-19  O Had I Been by Fate Decreed (t)  //3455/55//671+1+/1+1+2+3+//671+/2+3+4+3
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
19  Honest Heart, The (t)  //531/423//657-/13//15-/6-7-1//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
20  Still In Hopes to Get the Better (t)  //51+5/51+5//543/246//51/217-//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
20-21  Cupid God of Soft Persuation (t)  //5432/24//4321/13//3243/21//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
22  Oh! How Shall I (t)  //531/1111//13217-/13217-6-//5-135/5443/
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
22-23  Young I Am (t)  //34555/55//671+1+1+/1+5//45624/34515//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
24  Cease Gay Seducers (t)  //51+76/54//3654/32//11+/72+54//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
25  Since Hodge (t)  //3-5-1//7-15//432//35//66-246//55-7-35/
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
25  Minuet (t)  //5456//571+//1234//345//5-12//12345//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
26  In Love Shou'd There Meet (t)  //132/345//51+6/56//535/432//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
26-27  Tis Not Wealth (t)  //3525//3525//11+7//65//43//4342//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
27  Britanias Promise (t)  //51/31//7-1/24//31/51//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
28-29  Traveller Benighted, The (t)  //5115/651//2435432/3546517-1//6-17-2132
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
29  When We See a Lover (t)  //51//217-1//65671+//43//244332//31+3+1+
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
29  Come Come My Good Shepherds (t)  //3-5-1/135//432/334//522/27-2//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
30  All I Wish (t)  //534//56//54342//345//1+76//54321//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
30-31  Dear Sylvia No Longer (t)  //27-135//42313//27-135//43//64246//5313
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
31  Cast My Love Thine Eyes Around (t)  //123/43//2/54//321654/32//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
31  Contented All Day (t)  //3451+7//1+2+3+//2+1+1+554//35//6546//7
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
32  How Happy Were My Days (t)  //534/55//561+/1+3+//61+/53+2+1+//  Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
32  To Dear Amaryllis (t)  //1+1+3+1+//766671+//34321//543//45671+2
Thorowgood Guitar, 1763 
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