Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Thompson Fife, 1786

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7  Reveilly, The (t)  //3/2//1/1+//7/6//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
8  General, The (t)  //156/543//45/3//43/21//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
8  To Arms (t)  //5/54//32//13/21//2/  Thompson Fife, 1786 
8  Troop or Assembling (t)  //1+71+//671+//2+32//15//1+71+//671+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
8  Doublings of the Troop (t)  //1+1+/77//1+1+/5//454/343//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
9  Troop (t)  //11234//51+7//654//54565//11234//51+7//
Thompson Fife, 1786 
9  Doublings (t)  //17-1/212//323/434//543/21//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
9  Troop for the Colours (t)  //11234//5535//4424//331//44654//11+1//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
9  Doublings When Colours Is Receiv'd (t)  //1/5//323/1//1+5/321//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
10  Troop (t)  //31/123//42/254//321/217-//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
10  Doublings (t)  //55/1+1+//77/1+76//565/454//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
10  Troop (t)  //345/1+71+//543/24//345/1+71+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
10  Doublings (t)  //531+/565//422+/454//313/424//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
10  Grenadiers March (t)  //12/34//5/56//4/1+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
11  Foot March In 8 Divisions (t)  //135//1+71+//2+1+7654//313//54565//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
12  Retreat, The (t)  //321/567//1+1+7//65/43//212//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
12  Tattoo (t)  //1232//2343//3454//4565//1+765//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
12  Reveilly, The (t)  //17-12/3234//5456/5//1+71+/2+1+76//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
13  General, The (t)  //1234/55//556/5//321/43//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
13  To Arms (t)  //1345//3231//1+5654//3231//1345//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
13  Gathering, The (t)  //651//234//565//434//211+//765//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
13  Grenadiers March (t)  //112/3335//3/113//5556/534//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
14  Foot March (t)  //1234/532//1/1234//564/5//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
14  Retreat (t)  //321/567//1+1+7//65/43//212//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
14  Tattoo (t)  //2/234//3/345//4/456//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
14  Rogues March (t)  //33/345//66/6//55/56//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
15  Drums Call, The (t)  //1234/55//31/6//23/44//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
15  Scotch Reveilly, A (t)  //15-/12//32/1//567/1+5//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
15  To Arms (t)  //2123//161+//76545//55//1+54//321//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
15  Queen of Hungary's Tattoo, The (t)  //321/545//66/5//345/43//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
15  Tattoo (t)  //12345//654//543//43212//33//12123//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
16  Hessian Tattoo, The (t)  //5-121//315-//12345565//3654//345//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
16  French Tattoo, The (t)  //554/5432//31/554//5432/112//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
16  Bellisle March, The (t)  //113/224//31+6/54//3531/2427-//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
16  Singling of a Troop by Mr. Weideman, The (t)  //565//1+76//534//5345//671+//543//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
17  Lord Loudons Singling of a Troop (t)  //531/65//531/25-//531/65//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
17  Bank, The (t)  //5-6-7-1/1//5-6-7-1/25//3/12345//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
17  Singling of Johnson's Troop (t)  //1+5353//1234//527-27-//5-23//42+32//31
Thompson Fife, 1786 
17  Doublings of Johnson's Troop (t)  //531+/565//422+/454//313/424//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
18  Singling of Pools Troop (t)  //13136//543//1+7654//3231//1315//1311+/
Thompson Fife, 1786 
18  Doublings (t)  //121/22//33/434//5/55//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
18  Tattoo, The (t)  //1234/51+//72+7/5//5-54/321//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
18  Lango Lee (t)  //5-6-7-/123//465/432//316-/5-12//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
19  Marionets Cotillon (t)  //13/535//646/5//424/313//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
19  Pioneers March (t)  //543/432//11/134//543/432//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
19  March In Judas Maccabeus (t)  //17-12/12//324//324//324//3546/543//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
20  Pantheon, The (t)  //55/54//33/32//11/212//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
20  March In the Deserter (t)  //12/32//15-/6-5-//12/32//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
21  Albinia Quick March (t)  //12/343//217-/15-//12/343//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
21  Duke of Gloster's March (t)  //5311/13//217-6-/5-4-3-2-//3-5-17-/6-42
Thompson Fife, 1786 
21  Duke of Gloster's New March (t)  //17-17-/17-13//217-6-/5-4//3531/2427-//
Thompson Fife, 1786 
22  March In Scipio (t)  //3/5//1+12//3456/543//25//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
22  Paddy Whack (t)  //135/1+71+//654/321//135/1+71+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
22  Bedfordshire March (t)  //555/54//333/32//123/234//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
23  King of Denmark's March (t)  //555/56//5432/11+//71+/2+3+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
23  Marquis of Granby's March (t)  //15-/15-//17-12/321//3234/543//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
23  Turkish March (t)  //5456/54//3234/32//123/4345//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
24  When Wars Alarms (t)  //536/24//316-2/7-6-5-//11/1234//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
24  King George the 3ds March (t)  //17-12/11//2/2342//15-/2342//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
24  Saw You My Father (t)  //12/34//5/5//6/4+2+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
25  O the Days When I Was Young (t)  //5313/21+6//5313/51+6//5313/62+4//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
25  Had I a Heart (t)  //5653/671+6//5323/15//1+71+2+/1+765//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
25  Coxheath March (t)  //112/334//51/21//43/65//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
25  Warley Common March (t)  //17-6-/5-5-//12/1234//321/543//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
26  Row Dow Dow (t)  //5/5//5/34//5/5//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
26  Camp March, The (t)  //15-/11//12/33//5654/32//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
26  Prince Eugenes March (t)  //3-/5-//134//53/13//2123/  Thompson Fife, 1786 
27  First Coldstream or 2d Regt of Guards Ma (t)  //16/5432//15-/15-//6-4/46-//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
27  Second Coldstream March (t)  //11+5/353//44+2+4+//3+5+13+/2+4+72+//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
27  Shambuy, The (t)  //135/535//671+6/531//135/535//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
28  Third Coldstream March (t)  //1/3//54/32//1/5-//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
28  Cassino, The (t)  //32/32//11/123//43/43//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
28  Waterman, The (t)  //564/342//17-1/27-5-//5-6-5-/5-6-5-//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
29  Capt Reids or 3d Regt Guards March (t)  //111/132//15-/12//333/354//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
29  Janizaries March, The (t)  //13/24//34/55-//6-4321/7-5//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
29  Third Regt Guards March (t)  //1234/555//65+4+3+2+/1+765//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
30  Cupids Recruiting Serjeant (t)  //5323/123//427-2/5-7-24//31+76/5432//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
30  Prince Fredericks March (t)  //111/131/25-5-/5-//222/234//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
30  Social Pow'rs (t)  //55/54//34/5//671+/1+76//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
30  Capt Money's March (t)  //321/531//66/534//543/2432//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
31  He's Aye a Kissing Me (t)  //12/13//53/53//23/24//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
31  Fifteenth Regts March (t)  //555/5654//333/3123//246/5432//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
31  Count Brown's March (t)  //1+1+1+/2+4+2+7//1+76/51+7//6543/4654//
Thompson Fife, 1786 
32  Dusky Night, The (t)  //1+1+/54//323/15//65/43//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
32  Coronation March (t)  //5/34//5/1//2345/43//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
32  Wiltshire March (t)  //575/61+6//7671+/2+3+//2+2+1+7/1+1+76//
Thompson Fife, 1786 
33  French March (t)  //555/54//333/32//1234/565//43/2//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
33  Dorsetshire March (t)  //3-1-3-/5-3-5-//15-1/313//565/4323//  Thompson Fife, 1786 
34  While the Lads of the Village (t)  //3234/55-16-//5-4-5-6-/5-31//7-6-42/17-
Thompson Fife, 1786 
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