Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760

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1  Trip to Brighthelmstone, A (t)  //123451+/5313//4231/7-5-7-//6-4-6-/46-6
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
1  Laddy Harriot Benticks Fancy (t)  //321231/27-5-1//7-6-5-4-/3-2-1-2//316-1
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
2  Patty Swan (t)  //3+5+72+/1+531//1+53+5  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
2  Lawsons Frollick (t)  //1351+/3+1+3+//2+1+76/757//1+654/351+6/
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
3  Lewis Pettit (t)  //1+531/1+3+//2+1+76/5432//3135  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
3  Steane, The (t)  //13/3//42/2//31/27-//1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
4  Sheaver, The (t)  //1+53/11//13/24//35/67//1+53  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
4  Stolen Kiss, The (t)  //1/31//25-/42//35/46//54  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
5  Kitty's Whim (t)  //1+76/543//234/321//27-5-/5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
5  South Downs (t)  //13453/6453//4231/217-6-5-7-//13453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
6  Stanmore House (t)  //3153/1+3+2+7//1+653/4224//3153  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
6  Hull Hampleford (t), or Monster, The (at)  //321/5-3-5-//5-3-5-/234//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
7  Mercy Jack (t)  //121/121//11+6/531//232/232  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
7  Rose, The (t)  //135/1+76//564/321//7-25/135  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
8  Faithfull Swain, The (t)  //3113/4227//1+3+2+1+/2+224//3142/531+6/
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
8  Preaching Quaker, The (t)  //6-7-/12//343/24//37-5-/3-4-//3-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
9  Strip Me Naked (t)  //34/535//646/567//1+76/543//422  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
9  Tom Edwards (t)  //121/313//535/1+53//121  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
10  Malheureux, La (t)  //35+3/46+4//35+3/24+//3+2+1+/765//4  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
10  Foudroyant, The (t)  //5321/1+1+3+//2+1+71+/424//3153/1+6//54
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
11  Fly, The (t)  //1+5/31//46//51+/53//42/2  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
11  Whistling Bob (t), or Grants Jigg, (at)  //3-5-1/6-14//321/7-125-//4-64-/3-54-//2
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
12  Dobbins Whim (t)  //1351+/5342//317-1//27-6-5-//1351+/5313
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
12  Merry Lasses, The (t)  //313/1+3+//2+1+7/1+6//531+/531//422  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
13  Mantua Makers Frolick, The (t)  //1+/654//311+/35//1+/3+2+1+//75  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
13  Miss Dawsons Hornpipe (t)  //11/1234//53/13//23/23  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
14  Ballance a Straw (t)  //333/543//222/234//543/432//1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
14  Royal Volunteers, The (t)  //1+1/1+1//654/321//345/671+//2+3+1+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
15  Trip to Goree, A (t)  //1/51+//71+2+7/1+5//646/535//424  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
15  Crack of the Whip, The (t)  //13/53//464/53//422/622  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
16  Kitty Fisher (t)  //1234/53//11+/1+//1234  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
16  Chances, The (t)  //1/54//313/27-5-//6-16-/242//7-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
17  Long Live the King (t)  //5/54//32//13/27-//15-/3-1-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
17  Trip to Aberdeen, A (t)  //135/1+5//646/535//135/1+53//642  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
18  Lilly, The (t)  //1+71+5/654//321//22225//1+71+5  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
18  Alcove, The (t)  //3/15//3/1//5-1/11//1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
19  Galloping Clark, The (t)  //3153/471+6//51+31/4224//3142  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
19  Whistling Billy (t)  //121/531//642/531//121  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
20  Knees and Elbows (t)  //1/5-1//2/5-2//3/1234567//1+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
20  Lets Begin Again (t)  //1+/543//432/315-//1+/54  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
21  Mc. Donalds Jigg (t)  //1+2+3+/11//234/32//1+2+3+/11  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
21  Parson on Horseback, The (t)  //3+2+1+71+5/313//4225/3112+//3+71+5/313
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
22  Warman's Fancy (t)  //1+536/5313//462+1+/7657//1+3+53/1+3+53
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
22  Limerick Lasses, The (t)  //1+54/321//1+54/321//456/51+3/422  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
23  Jockeys Jigg, The (t)  //313/424//313/1+5//531+/531//422  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
23  Braes of Strathdown, The (t)  //531+3/531+3+//2+1+2+3+//2222//531+3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
24  Sir Charles Rant (t)  //11/531//642/531//11/531//4  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
24  Lady Weymouths Fancy (t)  //135/1+53//642/531//135  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
25  Huzzar, The (t)  //11+/76//5/1//22/23//2  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
25  Lady Bells Jigg (t)  //51+5/51+5//61+6/5//456/543//231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
26  Millford Haven (t)  //123/32//1/5-//345/54//3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
26  Lady Caroline Stanhopes Birth-Day (t)  //131/516//571+6/5432//131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
27  Prince Edwards Delight (t)  //1+53/11//27-1/232//321/565//432  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
27  Hampshire Hunt, The (t)  //34/567//1+76/54//33+2+/1+76//2+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
28  Morgan of Pently (t)  //27-2/2342//313/3453//427-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
28  Boddies of the Braes, The (t)  //232/1235//61+65/1+2+3+2+//1+653/1235//
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
29  Melchers Rant (t)  //31/12//36/51+//72/21//7-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
29  Prusian Rant, The (t)  //51+6/543//4642/3531//571+7/1+531//4653
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
30  Wrights Reel (t)  //1-2-1-3-/5-6-12//3123/216-2//11-3-/5-6
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
30  Crooked Kitty (t)  //131//535//424//315-//131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
31  Take a Dance (t)  //6-7-/12//321/7-//6-7-/12//3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
31  Freegante (t)  //34/531//1+64/53//23/432//654  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
32  Hessian Dance (t)  //1+53//17-121//5-6-7-//17-121//1+53  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
32  Arne's Jig (t)  //131/34531//7-27-/23427-//131/5671+3//4
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
33  Nanny's Choice (t)  //531+/5346//5321/24-//3-5-12/3142//531+
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
33  Roy Stewart's Reel (t)  //313/56543//424/4226//313/5654//3115  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
34  Hamilton House (t)  //5134/5311+//5123/427-6//5134/5131//25-
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
34  Lads of Bonnytown, The (t)  //11/7-1//232/234//11  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
35  Dutchess of Hamilton's Rant, The (t)  //531/456//531/46//531/531//232  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
35  Swab the Decks (t)  //13354/3532//13354/351+5//13354/3532//6
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
36  Boyer's Maggot (t)  //15-5-6-/1231//27-6-5-/2342//3112  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
36  Eau de Luce (t)  //351+3+2+1+/71+//4534/2222//351+3+2+1+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
37  Under the Water (t)  //1+765/4321//1+765/61+//1+765  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
37  Highland Laddie (t)  //5131/53//6223/6223//531+3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
38  Duke of Hamilton's Reel, The (t)  //1353/26//13567//1+531//4631+/226//5432
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
38  Liecester House (t)  //3154/3164//311+3/4224//3153/671+6//312
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
39  Hibernian Frolick (t)  //1+54/321//1+54/321//23/45//642  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
39  Trip to the Nunery, A (t)  //1654/32//11+76/55//6432/5321//6453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
40  Ladies Breast Knott, The (t)  //22+2+1+/765//4664/3557//1+7651+3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
40  Sailors Rant, The (t)  //1+/535//61+6/535//1+76/543//231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
41  Highway to Scarborough, The (t)  //1+6/54//313/543//434/22+1+//71+6  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
41  Pretty Witch of Lancaster, The (t)  //1213/561+6//531+3/2222//1213  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
42  Castle Downe (t)  //12/31//42/31//353/217-//6-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
42  Kiss Me Sweetly (t)  //351+5/651+5//351+6/2+224//351+5/355+6+
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
43  Prince of Bevern's Jig, The (t)  //313/543//27-2/432//313/453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
43  Hessian Camp (t)  //1/2//312//3/4//535//535  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
44  Prusian Dance, The (t)  //567/1+76//55/543//456/543//231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
44  Strike Home Ye Britton's (t)  //61+51+/311+//61+51+/2+21+//61+51+/3142
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
45  Jackie Stewart's New Reel (t)  //153/5153//153/27-5-7-//153  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
45  Swan, The (t)  //113/27-5-//224/3113//446/5321//2432  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
46  Parson of Eltham, The (t)  //424/313//424/35//671+/71+2+//1+2+3+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
46  Sleepy Moggy (t)  //36-1/36-12//36-5/25-7-2//36-5/36-12//3
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
47  Brick Makers, The (t)  //313//27-2//16-1//7-5-/3-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
47  Jerry Buck (t)  //1+3+6+1++/72+5+7+//61+4+6+/5+2+1+7//1+
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
48  Wind Mill, The (t)  //11-/2-3-//4-5-6-/7-12/123/234//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
48  Badin, La (t)  //1/321//64/32//1/321//7-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
49  Eight Men of Moidert, The (t)  //3+2+1+71+5/315//34515/322+//3+2+1+71+5
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
49  No Matter for That (t)  //1232/15-//6-7-16-/5-3-2-1-//1232  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
50  Petit Doit, La (t), or De'el on Twa Sticks, (at)  //5-5-/11//234/32//355-/11  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
50  Betty Blue (t)  //56/54//32/34//56/53//2  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
51  Ecossoise, L' (t)  //54321/27-6-5-//123234/32//54321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
51  Hay Makers Dance, The (t)  //13/2342//31/27-5-//13  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
52  Peasants Dance, The (t)  //34/565//43/234//531/6-2//7-5-7-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
52  Tom Jones (t)  //5/4//313/27-5-//13/27-2//13  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
53  Vant Contraire, La (t)  //15-1/313/535/1+//56/543/234  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
53  Irish Vauxhall (t)  //1/3217-//15-1//23/45//31  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
54  New Daniel Cooper (t)  //5/61+//76/57//64/34//5  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
54  So Merrily Danced the Quakers (t)  //123/5-3//21/7-6-5-//123/5-5-//6-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
55  Sally's Fancy (t)  //531+/754+//3+5+71+/2+1+7654//311+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
55  Shambuy (t)  //15/535//671+3/21//15/535  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
56  Orange Grove (t)  //31/123//27-/6-5-//31/12//35  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
56  North Ashton Frolick (t)  //15-/15-//123/432//31/31//345  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
57  Ally Croaker (t)  //1/11//1/1//21/7-1//2  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
57  Settee, The (t)  //1/5//353/123//4/6//464  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
58  Scampton Cade (t)  //123453//1+353//1+353/2+23//123453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
58  Stur the Guill (t)  //112/17-6-5-4-3-2-1-//113/24345//112  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
59  Windsor Forest (t)  //13/51//7-2/57-//6-43/21//7-6-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
59  Patties Whim (t)  //531/123//43/21//531  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
60  Jenny Nettles (t)  //43/22+//671+6/543213//43  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
60  Jacks A-Live (t)  //1/323//2/424//53/42//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
61  Cadger In the Canongate, The (t)  //1313/5671+6//531+3/2222//1313  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
61  Lady Elizabeth's Delight (t)  //15-/5-5-//6-/5-//13/24//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
62  Irish Brogues, The (t)  //1+/765//671+/3//654/321//7-16-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
62  Lovely Fanny (t)  //31345/314//27-2343/27-2//311+765/3123  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
63  Sauney's Jigg (t)  //5131/47-2//5131/1+13//5131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
63  Bath Assembly (t)  //1131/47-27-//1131/5136//71+2+1+76/7427
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
64  He Tilt and She Tilt (t)  //72222/661+//7676/5331+//71+2+2/661+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
64  Carle Is Your Daughter Ready? (t)  //2667/6242//3661+/5131//2667  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
65  Scotch Fishery, The (t)  //321/345//1+671+6/53453//4564/3453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
65  Pudding Moggie (t)  //11153/5113//11153  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
66  Lady Boyd's Reel (t)  //11115/3153//22224/27-7-2//11115  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
66  Pease Straw (t)  //1231/4231//25-5-5-5-/7-7-2//1231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
67  Rathick Fair (t)  //6265/3153//6265/6265//6265/3153//35653
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
67  Epie Mc. Nabb (t)  //575/542//11/12//47/421  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
68  Lasses of Lethgow, The (t)  //351+/531+//2+1+761+3/22224//351+/531+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
68  Trip to York, A (t)  //31+/654/3//31+/531/27-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
69  Casks of Brandy (t)  //131/345/345//131/345/27-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
69  Fox Chace (t)  //11+/531//6-22/23//11+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
70  Miss Cochrine's Rant (t)  //345/567//646/535//622/234//531  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
70  Lord Aberdower's Reel (t)  //3151/3115//3235/6225//5353  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
71  Davie Rea (t)  //6661+2+/3+2+3+5+//55576/5675//6661+2+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
71  Red Wood Fiket, The (t), or Dutchess of Hamiltons Reel, The (at)  //7262/7221+//7262  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
72  Had the Lass 'Till I Win at Her (t)  //2661+/7564//2661+/3153//2661+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
72  Fresh Herring (t)  //1+2+1+5/313453//1+2+1+7/6171+2+//1+2+1
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
73  Highway to Gedburgh, The (t)  //123/27-5-/27-5-//123/27-5-/6-7-1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
73  Charlie's Reel (t)  //665/6223//5653/1235//665  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
74  Cow the Lasses Bare Man (t)  //5313/5313//5356/757//6424  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
74  Ball Gownie's Bowling Green (t)  //232/21+//531/13//232/2  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
75  Lennox Love (t)  //11131/4231//25-/5-5-5-/7-127-//11132/4
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
75  Card, The (t)  //135/3531//246/4642//351+/51+3+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
76  Whigs of Fyffe, The (t)  //1+113//3221+//1+113/1+2+3+2+//1+113/32
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
76  Robin Shore In Harst (t)  //345135//345151+5//345156543//2456//1+3
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
77  Leith Wynd (t)  //5321/6-5-6-1//553/56//5321/6-5-6-1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
77  Highland Queen, The (t)  //32/345//1+/56//74/27  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
78  Mary Nairn (t)  //6-7-6-/36-//565/323//232/45  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
78  Hay Jenny Come Down to Jock (t)  //121/1+2+//765/65//671+3/234//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
79  Lads of Saltcots (t)  //13/2123//16-5-6-/2222//13  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
79  Fair and Lucky (t)  //321/5-5-//7-7-/234//321  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
80  Miss Blair's Reel (t)  //3231/26-15-//3231/6-6-6-6-//3231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
80  Auld Criple Dow, The (t)  //671+3+/2+1+75//671+5/1+5//671+3+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
81  Miss Betty Mc. Donald's Reel (t)  //15-6-7-/15-3-1-//1231/2222//17-6-7-/11
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
81  Miss Polly Skinners Reel (t)  //11+31+/22223//11+31+/11+31+//2+1+761+3
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
82  Miss Calderwood's Reel (t)  //5131/5136//5135/22246//5131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
82  Mc Farland's Reel (t)  //3+5555/2+1+62+//3+5555/2+1+2+//3+5555  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
83  Lady Doll St. Clair's Reel (t)  //11131/4231//274/27-7-2//11131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
83  Whisle O'er the Lave Ont (t)  //15-13/213//5631+/216-//15-6-1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
84  Isle of Skie, The (t)  //1+535/1+535//4221+/2+667//1+535  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
84  Three Milk Maids of Blantyre (t)  //11131/4131//25-5-5-5-/7-127-//11131  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
85  Parkes of Kilburnie, The (t)  //34551+/3+2+1+71+6//5363/4224//34551+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
85  Auld Carle Come O'er the croft (t)  //1215/31345//74/23427-//1215/31345  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
86  We're A'kiss'd Sleeping (t)  //1/5-//7-232//1/5-//11+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
86  Crooked Horn'd Ewe, The (t)  //5-13/217-6-5-//5-13/4231//2343/217-6-5
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
87  We Are All Dead with Drinking (t)  //3455-5-/325//3455-5-/16-6-5//3455-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
87  John Ocheltrie (t)  //671+/76//71+2+/55//671+/76//73+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
88  Animal Comedians, The (t)  //11-3//21/7-2//11-3//217-/1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
88  Sigr. Spoonatissimo (t)  //123/3//1+53/3//123/3  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
89  Woo'd and Married and a' (t)  //54/342/1//55/51+3/51+  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
89  Spick and Span (t)  //311/27-7-//123/456//671+/531//7-12  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
90  Humours of Finchly, The (t)  //353/535//464/646//353/535  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
90  Johnny's Frolick (t)  //35/46//567/1+3//432/345//27-5-  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
91  Sceptre, The (t)  //22265/6223//11153/7113//22265/6221+//2
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
91  White Cockade, The (t)  //33/4321//156//53/4321//32  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
92  British Heroe, The (t)  //3454/313//424/313//3454/313//27-1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
92  French Milliner, The (t)  //36-17-//36-17-127-//36-17-//25-27-127-
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
93  Old Sadlers (t)  //131/531//7/61+//51+5/531  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
93  Miss Hamelton's Reell (t)  //3453/15//1+2+1+/1+53//3453  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
94  Suggar Candie (t)  //3215/654351//13451/6-4//3215  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
94  Jakie Stewart's Reel (t)  //36-12/316-1//27-5-7-/57-5-7-//316-1  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
95  Monro's Speech (t)  //3231/3551+//61+53/22224//3231  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
95  Go & Marry Kattie (t)  //11113/5431+//31111/34523//111111/5435  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
96  Cammeron Has Got His Wife Again (t)  //1+563/55553+//1+563/22222+//1+563  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
96  Lads of Air (t)  //3212/15-14//3213/45//3213  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
97  Drunken Friday (t)  //1+1+1+3+2+/1+556//71+75/43217-2//1+1+1
Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
97  Miss Mc. Kenzie's Reel (t)  //5134/5131//4653/22226//5134  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
98  Apron, The (t)  //533/1+33//3+33/522//533  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
98  Any Thing (t)  //35/536/51//35/535/72  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
99  Lady Mc. Intoshes New Reel (t)  //6-65/671+6//5432/127-5-//6-65  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
99  Highland Man Kiss's His Mother, The (t)  //1553/5153//1553/27-5-7-//1553  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
100  Willie with His Tartan Trues (t)  //531/456//545/36//531/543//232  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
100  Betty's Whim (t)  //1+3+2+7/1+563//4653/2222+//1+3+2+7  Rutherf CD-2.2, 1760 
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