Early American Secular Music and Its European Sources, 1589-1839
Table of Contents - Johnson CD-3, 1744

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1  Honest Miller (t)  //1+71+2+1+7/654321//1+71+62+3+/4+2+1+76
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
1  Peace & Plenty (t)  //1/1231//25-/5-//6-/6-7-16-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
2  Honest Philpot (t)  //121/345//1+/3+//3+2+1+/71+2+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
2  Cuckfield Place (t)  //567/1+53//425/31//123/456  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
3  Popes Worms (t)  //6-7-17-/6-5-//6-3/32//1232/17-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
3  Borne Races (t)  //1+71+/1+76//52+4/321//434/4654  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
4  Parham Place (t)  //1+3+1+3+/1+7655//671+671+2+7/1+5//1+3+
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
4  Barbadoes, The (t)  //13/24//31/7-5-//13/24  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
5  Bunters Joke, The (t)  //121/31+//76/5//676/1+3+3  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
5  Charlton Lads, The (t)  //5/4//5/5//65/43  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
6  Farinelli's Maggot (t)  //155/3455//1234543/25-//1555/5456565  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
6  If Were Twedy (t)  //6/567//427-/246//6/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
7  Eltham Assembly (t)  //15/311+//76/5//654/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
7  Mar Ross (t)  //7/2//4444/1+6//7/5  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
8  Prince William's March (t)  //15-/5-1//2123/25//6543/4321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
8  Hot Grey Pease (t), or Pipeing Phips, (at)  //5-1/12//32/23//43/21  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
9  You Be Welcome Here Again (t)  //11156/5356//1111+6/5323//11157/561+2+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
9  Black Boy Ally (t)  //31/7-6-//136/316-//31/7-6-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
10  Downfall of Ginn (t)  //6-13//6543217-16-//1+761+765763//24321
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
10  Trip to Tunbridge Wells, A (t)  //1+54321//4+3+4+2+3+1+2+71+//1357654323
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
11  Grey Joak, A Country Dance, The (t)  //671+76//5654/32//136/421  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
11  Barley Cake (t)  //12/351+//5321/27-6-5-//12/351+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
12  Star, The (t)  //311/1//422/2//1+76/564  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
12  Trip to Hanover, A (t)  //5-1531//34565//34512325-//5-232//14564
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
13  Key of the Cellar (t)  //16-3-6-//16-17-127-//16-16-1//7-5-17-1
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
13  New Prince of Orange's March (t)  //55/56//5432/11+//71+/2+3+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
14  Miller of Mansfield, The (t)  //121/321//531/25-//121/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
14  Prince of Wales's Birth Day (t)  //1+/76//51/12//345/43  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
15  Highland Reel, A (t)  //3/134//5432/31//222/31  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
15  London Scotch Measure (t)  //13/51+//5313/561+3//41+/531+3  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
16  Dear Mother What Shall I Do (t)  //131/356//1+2+1+/765//1+66/66+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
16  Jockey Has Got a Wife (t)  //432/26-2//23/432//26-2/313  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
17  Lass of Perth, The (t)  //321/5-1//217-/24//321/5-1  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
17  Take My Bitt (t)  //1234/53//62/46//1234/53  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
18  One In Ten (t)  //135/27-5-//12/33//456/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
18  Drink & Be Sow (t)  //123/1+671+//1+53/56//123/1+671+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
19  Chark's Hornpipe (t)  //11-327-6-5-//6-643217-25-4-//3-5-134-7
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
19  Pig In the Parlour (t)  //317-1/317-1//6543//43/21  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
20  Scotch Pedlar, The (t)  //13/321//7-2/217-//13/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
20  Strickland, The (t), or Trip to Philo, (at)  //34/5//32/1//43/217-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
21  Queen's Jigg, The (t)  //17-1/212//3/5//323/123  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
21  Cock's March (t)  //1-/3-5-//12//323/43  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
22  Hay to the Cooper (t)  //121/34//51+/531//41+/31+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
22  Drunken Peasant (t)  //1/5//3453/1//5/1+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
23  Lanstram Wake (t)  //1/121//7-5-/1//7-1/27-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
23  3 Merry Boys, The (t), or Barkin's Whim, (at)  //6-6-/6-3//676/5//654/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
24  Skimmer, The (t)  //1231/543//4321/7-6-5-//1231/543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
24  Boatswain, The (t)  //2+5/67//1+11+//76/54  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
25  Jilt's Progress (t)  //32/31//1234/51+//765/654  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
25  Edmonton Frolick (t)  //345/646//531+/421//27-2/24  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
26  Bandy Leg Walk (t)  //35/321//51+3+/2+1+71+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
26  Suffield's Fancy (t)  //11/17-1//27-5-23//432321/217-17-6-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
27  Tunbridge Rocks (t)  //5-11/111//133/335//551+/1+3+1+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
27  Mathew's Humour (t), or Trip to Norwood, A (at)  //671+/765//656/643//471+//2+4  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
28  Slip It In Easy (t)  //456/77//71+7/65//422/21  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
28  Bung Your Eye (t)  //1234/5//3543//4232//1234/5  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
29  Bucket, The (t)  //345/531//13/456//642/24  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
29  Duncie's Corrant (t)  //66-/6-7-17-12//343/21217-//7-6-/67767  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
30  Gray's-Inn Walks (t)  //543651+//65432654321//1+2+3+2+1+765456
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
30  Gullet's Maggot (t)  //3-4-5-6-/3-1//2-2/5431//612/7-6-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
31  Reap Hook, The (t)  //5432/31//51+76//5432/17-12  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
31  Allister (t), or What D'ye Think of Yorkshire, (at)  //6-6/5323//15-3-/5-5-//6-6/5323  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
32  Berwick Jocky (t)  //51156543//1+22346//51156543//422346//1
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
32  Lantrum's Curse (t)  //565/54//323/1//55/535  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
33  Huzzy Muzzy (t), or Fuzzy Muzzy, (at)  //1234/56//564/321//1234/54+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
33  Stadholder, The (t)  //3-5-/13//231/7-16-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
33  Hill's Minuet (t)  //66-67//1+671+671+//75-71+//2+71+2+71+2
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
33  Captain's Lady, The (t)  //1234/5//15/6543//423  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
34  Mumper Nell (t)  //1+154/3111+7//1+1123/27-7-1+7//11+154/
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
34  Ld. Drumore's Rant (t)  //16-31/4321//16-31/5-7-127-//16-31/4231
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
35  Merry Doctor (t)  //6-12/316-/316-//6-7-1/27-5-/217-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
35  Leather Lane's Favourite (t)  //321/567//1+53/16//543/234  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
35  All Alive and Merry (t)  //1+/567//6/456//54/34  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
36  Bath Trumpet Tune (t)  //15-/12//31/34//5/43  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
36  J'en Ne Scai Quoi (t)  //123/231//7-16-/5-//123/567  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
37  Farthing Rowles (t)  //13217-123//35432345//5-6-5-43//2345617
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
37  Livery Mens Choice, The (t)  //31/51+//7/1+76//543/432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
38  Stratham, The (t)  //32/1231//27-/5-5//35/1+3  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
38  Bacchus's Feast (t)  //676/545//676/37//1+76/564  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
39  Hunting the Stag (t)  //11/55//671+2+/767//1+765/4321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
39  Swiss, The (t)  //11/43//2/321//2/5-6-7-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
40  Foxhunters Jigg, The (t)  //123/32//354/32//16-6-/6-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
40  Harlequin Shipwreck'd (t)  //351+/1+53/1+53//572+/2+75/2+4  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
41  Cady Lady, The New Way (t)  //13515//6543423//13511+//7653//1+//761+
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
41  New Dancers (t)  //343/35//232/25-//17-1/212  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
42  Loggerhead (t)  //1+1/34//55-/7-1//234/345  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
42  Brae Mare (t)  //2-2-2-6-5-/6-2-2-3//11113/1234  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
43  Bung Her Eye (t)  //676/1+2+//3+2+1+/76//565/76  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
43  Gimblet (t)  //3453/13/1//3453/23/432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
44  Merry Dancers, The (t)  //323/416-//121/14//323/416-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
44  Confederacy, The (t)  //3521/661+//5321/225//3521/671+6  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
45  Highland Reel (t)  //7/571+//2+1+76/75//666/75  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
45  Astrope Wells the New Way (t)  //1/121/7-6-5-//1/7-1/27-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
46  Lovely Nancy (t)  //1113//22234//31+653//232//1153  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
46  Stay & Take Your Breeches with You (t)  //11113-/2-2-2-2//11113-/1-1-1-1//23431/
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
47  Life of Pleasure (t)  //321/1+76//543/434//234/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
47  Hop and Go Forwards (t)  //33/44//3/6//432/17-6-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
48  Duke of Lorrain's March (t)  //111/11//1/1//23/432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
48  Foston Meads (t)  //32/15-12//34/5//644/533  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
49  Worm Doctor (t)  //1+/7//1+56//54/32  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
49  Barley Sugar (t)  //31/3453//27-/2342//31/3453  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
50  Banks of Forth, The (t)  //134/51+2+//3+4+3+2+1+7/61+//5671+/6543
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
50  Parting Lovers (t)  //16/5342//7-1/5//1+3+/2+71+6  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
51  Royal Choice (t)  //13/543//23/432//321/217-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
51  Charles (t)  //543/33//3/1//432/22  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
52  All Alive and Merry (t)  //121/131//131/6//567/1+2+3+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
52  Ragged Sailor (t)  //123/1+76/531//235/62/23  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
53  Wanton God, The (t)  //1+3+/2+1+7//1+76/5//671+//43  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
53  Drummer, The (t)  //6766/334//556/71+2+7//671+6/334+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
54  Princess of Hesse (t)  //31/143//25-/5-54//3543/2432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
54  Coffee and Tea (t)  //1+/554//31/3453//1+3/32+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
55  Princess of Hesse's Jigg (t)  //12/313//4/3345//343/21  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
55  Piss Upon the Grass (t)  //11/1234//53/13//23/23  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
56  Villa, The (t)  //543215/6543//6543/1+543//543215/6543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
56  Porto Bello (t)  //15-1/25-2//33/3-//15-1/17-6-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
57  Richardson's Maggot (t)  //21+/75/642//75/642/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
57  What Ship (t)  //123456/5342//3127-/15-//123456/571+2+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
58  Watling Street (t)  //1-2-1-/3-5-//121/3//456/543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
58  Merry Thought, The (t)  //1+76/75553+4+//5+3+4+2+/3+1+75//1+76/7
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
59  Polly (t)  //121/16//543/432//121/11+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
59  Mopping Nelly (t)  //11/3//22/46//11/3  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
60  Neither Here nor There (t)  //3234/32//1321/7-6-5-//17-12/1234  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
60  Princess of Hesse-2 (t)  //71+/6434//51/316//5321/7-117-1  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
61  Collin's Rant (t)  //31/3543//25-/5-4-//3-5-/4342  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
61  Bob In the Bed (t)  //121/7-6-5-//6-7-/12//31/42  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
62  Porto Bello Seige (t)  //752+/756+7//644+/641+6//752+/752+7  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
62  Hampstead Assembly (t)  //6-13/17-6-//432/2//31/316-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
63  Maggot, The (t)  //1+1111/3153//1+1111/572+44+//3+1+1+1+1
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
63  Rakes of Mellow (t)  //1313/13521//7-27-2/7-2432//1313/13543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
64  Richd. Snary (t)  //1/321//64/32//1/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
64  Mad Cat (t)  //1+1/321//56/765//1+2+/3+2+1+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
65  Frisk It (t)  //343/232//127-/15-1-//343232/1217-17-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
65  Colonel, The (t)  //345/531/345//671+/531234  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
66  Hawkie (t)  //6331/235//6332/17-16-//6331/2342  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
66  Medley (t)  //1324/3546//5364/217-5-//123234/345671+
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
67  Poll's Whim (t), or What You Will, (at)  //343/217-//1/2//345/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
67  Chocolate Pot, The (t)  //6-7-12/364//363/217-//6-7-12/364  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
68  Drunken Peasant (t)  //1/5//3453/1//5/1+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
68  Harlequin (t)  //1+2+/3+1+5//1+531/217-6-5-//1+2+/3+1+5
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
69  Tambourine (t)  //2123/23//1/1+//1234/51  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
70  None Such, The (t)  //1+5/321//654/567//1+53/642  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
70  Caprice, The (t)  //3212/34555-//6-15-3-/2-2-2-2-5//3212/3
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
71  Lasses Tickled Me, The (t), or Cowitch, (at)  //5-6-7-/1234//567/756-//61+/51+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
71  Sweet Willie Come Away (t)  //254/3217-//25/2//254/3217-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
72  Always Drunk and Never Sober (t)  //5-6-7-/123//43/217-6-5-//6-7-1/234  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
72  Shew Me the Way to Wellington (t)  //6/7/1+//531/131/345//6/7/1+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
73  Pontius Pilate's Rant (t)  //3-5-1/321//7-12/6-5-4-//3-5-1/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
73  Piper's Maggot, The (t)  //31/131/531//3453/1+53/561+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
74  Why Did You Promise to Marry Me (t)  //11/131/7-5-//11/123/432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
74  Kingdom of Fife, The (t)  //1/34/543//27-2/74/32  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
75 ; 149  Yorkshire Trip, The (t)  //11+/531/535//11+/531/7-125-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
75  Camstroden's Rant (t)  //11+/12/3//7-7//65/427-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
76  In Behind the Door (t)  //1-/1//12/32//16-/15-//3-4-/3-2-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
76  Drive Hockee Thro' the Water (t)  //1/1//2/22//3/65  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
77  Mowdewort (t)  //531/236//62/21+//531/342  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
77  Miller of Dron, The (t)  //121/536//531+/531//454/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
78  Berwick Lasses-1 (t)  //121/1+57//654/345//654/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
78  What D'ye Call It, The (t)  //1/6-2//7-5-5/54//315/315  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
79  Morton's Maggot (t)  //1+5/671+5//45654/3451//1+5/671+54  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
79  Pease Straw (t)  //1231/4231//25-6-/7-6-5-//1231/4231  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
80  Steg Knetter'd at the Sneck Band (t)  //5/313//4/2//313/535  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
80  Fair Maid of Wickham (t)  //11/123//454/3//434/254  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
81  Bread and Cheese (t)  //75/55//5/4//31/11  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
81  Tea Room, The (t)  //1+3+/2+75//671+6/531//46/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
82  Kentish Cricketters (t)  //531+3/5316//531+2+/7234//531+3/5313+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
82  Chance, The (t)  //531/531//567/1+//531/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
83  Berwick Lasses-2 (t)  //11/121//131+5/321//22/232  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
83  Unfortunate Joak (t)  //15-1/15-1/15-1/31//7-2/26-2/6-26-/7-5-
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
84  Countess of Murray's Reel (t)  //5353+/2+1+71+//5356/1+2+1+6//5353+/2+1
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
84  Parity (t)  //11112/3213//2123/6561+//11112/3213  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
85  Lac'd Waistcoat, A (t), or Fibea Dea, (at)  //121/1+3//23+/2+75//121/1+76  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
85  Prince of Orange (t)  //636/76/753//631+/76/531  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
86  Sea Nymphs (t)  //1+/76/5673//6/54/3457-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
86  Jovial Clown (t)  //51+/71+//2+1+76/5//1+5/643  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
87  Bonny Sue (t)  //3-5-5-1/5-5-5-13-//1231/2222-//3-5-5-5
Johnson CD-3, 1744 
87  Bride That Was Married Last Night, The (t)  //676/672+//7+4+5+7/6//755//56  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
88  Trip to Ranelaugh (t)  //1+2+3+/2+1+7//1+76/543//456/543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
88  I Wou'd But I Dare Not (t)  //1233/2344//3453/422//1233/422  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
89  Tumble Down Dick (t)  //5321/1+76//5545//6432/5321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
89  April Day (t)  //17-12/15-//3-5-6-7-//112/33  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
90  Scholar, The (t)  //345/567//1+76/567//1+76/543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
90  Parson of Eltham (t)  //424/313//424/35//671+/71+2+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
91  Bite the Biter (t)  //315/1+76//564/321//351+/351+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
91  Shrewsbury Cakes (t)  //1/321//345/5//1+1/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
92  Westminster Bridge (t)  //34/51+//54/32//31/35  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
92  Scots Bridge (t)  //311/123//422/234//345/61+3  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
93  Mac Pherson's Farewell (t)  //1353/21//7-127-/5-4//3135/671+6  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
93  Miss Hoyden's Rant (t)  //11+5/323//5-7-2/432//11+5/323  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
94  Narrow Bottom (t)  //33/321//44/432//55/543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
94  Molly Lamb (t)  //1+5/5//35/5//16/54  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
95  Vernon for Ever (t)  //345/5//345/51+//534/5432  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
95  Brays of Bochither (t)  //2+41+/661+//2+41+/6541+//2+41+/661+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
96  Lass May Look Down, A (t)  //321/3453//622/25//321/351+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
96  Hertingfordbury Tambourine (t)  //3234/32//17-/1//671+/671+  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
97  Faufan's Maggot (t)  //1332/2443//34543/21//1332/2443  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
97  Trip to May Fair (t)  //13/3453//14/4564//13/3456  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
98  Number One (t)  //1+54/313//217-1/212325//1+54/313  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
98  Stage Mutineers, The (t)  //1+5/321//2342/31//1+5/321  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
99  Make Shift, The (t)  //21/15//654/51//1+765/6543  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
99  Bumpers 'squire Jones (t)  //4-2-1-/12//321/217-//11-3-/4-5-  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
100  Last Merry Night (t)  //6-4-6-/14//34/34//6-4-6-/12  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
100  Widow's Delight, The (t)  //1+53/11+7//1+53/143//464/353  Johnson CD-3, 1744 
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