The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1764.03.29  New York  CITATION Yet a few years, or days perhaps [fl] 
1768.06.27  Newport  CITATION Yet Britons, how chang'd! [fl] 
1772.02.20  Boston  CITATION Yet fortune, when she meant to wreak her hate [fl] 
1776.10.28  London  CITATION Yet Goddess, sure thou must agree [fl] 
1782.01.14  London  CITATION Yet, in their face, superior beauty glows [fl] 
1768.08.18  New York  CITATION Yet Lamento, these pains, 'spite of all thou has said [fl] 
1768.01.04  London  CITATION Yet, Planter, let humanity prevail [fl] 
1768.02.05  New London  CITATION Yet, Planter, let humanity prevail [fl] 
1781.12.27  London  CITATION Yet shores there are, blest shores for us remain [fl] 
1782.01.14  London  CITATION Yet shores they are, blest shores for us remain [fl] 
1758.12.01  Charleston  CITATION Yet summer fallows best your crops ensure [fl] 
1776.02.12  Norwich  CITATION Yet winter wields his scepter o'er our land [fl] 
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