The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-WOMEN

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1772.07.30  London  CITATION Women Search also for "woman" in Citation file 
1769.05.25  New York  CITATION Women attempted some few years ago, The [fl] 
1743.11.21  Charleston  CITATION Women Born to be Controul'd [t] [beg] How wretched is a woman's fate 
1772.02.13  Annapolis  CITATION Women, by nature, cruel are [fl] 
1772.03.13  New London  CITATION Women, by nature cruel are [fl] 
1741.01.26  New York  CITATION Women, education consists chiefly of dancing, singing, and dressing 
1738.07.20  Macclesfield  CITATION Women, in Macclesfield, beat drums in riot over woven buttons 
1730.09.17  England  CITATION Women, instruments as simile 
1752.02.20  Williamsburg  CITATION Women, music associated with, in essay on human condition 
1780.09.07  Worcester  CITATION Women, on stage, in lyric [beg] If Women's true virtue consists in their 
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