The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-WHEREAS

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1775.10.19  Williamsburg  CITATION Whereas a certain Matthew Squire [fl] 
1774.09.12  Philadelphia  CITATION Whereas certain persons rebelliously witty [fl] 
1769.03.20  New York  CITATION Whereas--I Timothy Tickle, Esquire [fl] 
1776.02.03  Providence  CITATION Whereas I'm chas'd from place to place [fl] 
1781.06.06  Chester County  CITATION Whereas Jane, my wife [fl] 
1778.10.13  Hartford  CITATION Whereas my dearest comfort, Anna [fl] 
1774.10.27  New York  CITATION Whereas on th' first day of September [fl] 
1777.01.02  Boston  CITATION Whereas our former declarations [fl] 
1777.01.09  Worcester  CITATION Whereas our former declarations [fl] 
1774.11.24  Norwich  CITATION Whereas some people last October [fl] 
1774.12.01  Boston  CITATION Whereas some people last October [fl] 
1779.04.05  Boston  CITATION Whereas the Congress, leagu'd with France [fl] 
1775.07.21  New London  CITATION Whereas the rebels here about [fl] 
1775.06.28  Boston  CITATION Whereas the rebels hereabout [fl] 
1775.07.17  Boston  CITATION Whereas the rebels hereabout [fl] 
1775.07.19  Norfolk  CITATION Whereas the rebels hereabout [fl] 
1775.07.19  Philadelphia  CITATION Whereas the rebels hereabout [fl] 
1769.04.17  Philadelphia  CITATION Whereas there appear'd, as all very well known [fl] 
1778.11.12  Worcester  CITATION Whereas we've found, that certain folks [fl] 
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