The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-THO

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1780.08.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho' age at my elbow has taken his stand [fl] 
1738.11.29  Cambridge  CITATION Tho' all men fondly pleasure will pursue [fl] 
1729.03.17  Boston  CITATION Tho' angels could infuse their holy fire [fl] 
1759.10.06  Charleston  CITATION Tho' Billingsgate most copious stile [fl] 
1783.10.06  Boston  CITATION Tho' blest with abundance mankind will repine [fl] 
1783.10.30  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho' blest with abundance mankind will repine [fl] 
1783.11.13  Madras  CITATION Tho' blest with abundance mankind will (repine;) [fl] 
1750.02.27  New York  CITATION Tho' Britain's genius hung his drooping head [fl] 
1750.02.26  London  CITATION Tho' claiming not a prophet's name [fl] 
1766.08.14  Plymouth  CITATION Tho' Damon (unfortunate swain!) [fl] 
1772.02.06  Williamsburg  CITATION Tho' else unsung, you trill the flimsy lay [fl] 
1752.08.31  Boston  CITATION Tho' for a while the wretch escapes [fl] 
1744.11.26  Boston  CITATION Tho' France and Spain, invited, join their arms [fl] 
1762.02.18  New York  CITATION Tho' Frenchmen may promise him Madam Victoire [fl] 
1762.03.01  Boston  CITATION Tho' Frenchmen may promise him Madam Victoire [fl] 
1760.03.28  Portsmouth  CITATION Tho' gay luxurious [ ] their time will waste [fl] 
1777.09.22  New York  CITATION Tho' guilt and folly, tramble o'er the grave [fl] 
1777.10.11  New York  CITATION Tho' guilt and folly, tremble o'er the grave [fl] 
1732.03.11  Charleston  CITATION Tho' heav'nly musick dwelt upon my tongue [fl] 
1782.04.13  London  CITATION Tho' I am old, yet I am strong and lusty [fl] 
1782.03.23  Richmond  CITATION Tho I have wealth, no venal sop I'll gain [fl] 
1780.01.05  London  CITATION Tho' I'm slim, and am young, and was lively and fair [fl] 
1782.03.16  Richmond  CITATION Tho' I've no wealth a venal heart to gain [fl] 
1783.12.06  New York  CITATION Tho' Justice bids him bleed, yet Ryland's name [fl] 
1773.08.23  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho' lately dead a princess, and of Spain [fl] 
1759.08.11  New Haven  CITATION Tho' life is but a narrow span [fl] 
1759.08.20  New Haven  CITATION Tho' life is but a narrow span [fl] 
1767.05.23  Providence  CITATION Tho' lofty may be some religious tool [fl] 
1768.04.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho' mad I appear [fl] 
1770.11.09  New London  CITATION Tho' man has long boasted an absolute sway [fl] 
1773.11.11  Norwich  CITATION Tho money is the root of evil [fl] 
1772.07.27  New York  CITATION Tho' Neptune's waves, and Boreas' blasts [fl] 
1772.08.08  Amboy  CITATION Tho' Neptune's waves, and Boreas' blasts [fl] 
1748.09.05  London  CITATION Tho' peace may discharge all our hands at a jerk [fl] 
1748.09.12  Boston  CITATION Tho' peace may discharge all our hands at a jerk [fl] 
1761.06.22  Boston  CITATION Tho' Pitt has lost a legge [fl] 
1737.01.04  New York  CITATION Tho' rhyme serves the thoughts of great poets to fetter [fl] 
1771.09.12  Boston  CITATION Tho' skill'd in Greek and Latin tongue [fl] 
1766.12.01  New York  CITATION Tho' snarling critics, void of wit [fl] 
1775.12.14  Cambridge  CITATION Tho' some folks may tell us, it is not so clever [fl] 
1775.12.22  Boston  CITATION Tho' some folks may tell us, it is not so clever [fl] 
1775.12.22  Newburyport  CITATION Tho' some folks may tell us, it is not so clever [fl] 
1775.12.23  Boston  CITATION Tho' some folks may tell us, it is not so clever [fl] 
1776.01.06  Boston  CITATION Tho' some folks may tell us, it is not so clever [fl] 
1771.08.02  New London  CITATION Tho' summer exerts her sweet pow'r [fl] 
1771.08.15  New York  CITATION Tho' summer exerts her sweet pow'r [fl] 
1782.12.10  London  CITATION Tho' the fate of battle of battle, on to-morrow [fl] 
1782.11.23  London  CITATION Tho' the fate of battle of battle, on to-morrow [fl], to French tune 
1782.11.30  London  CITATION Tho' the fate of battle of battle, on to-morrow [fl], to French tune 
1774.10.26  Lancaster Cty  CITATION Tho' this is metre it's no fun [fl] 
1768.09.12  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho' wedlock's despis'd and stale virgins not rare [fl] 
1768.06.02  Philadelphia  CITATION Tho wedlock's despised and slate virgins not rare [fl] 
1735.01.20  Boston  CITATION Tho' wit by vulger souls be set at nought [fl] 
1763.02.14  London  CITATION Tho' you have try'd that nothing's born [fl] 
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