The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-SWEET

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1770.09.13  Williamsburg  CITATION Sweet angel of my natal hour [fl] 
1783.09.22  Boston  CITATION Sweet are the Jess'mine's breathing flowers [fl] 
1768.08.04  London  CITATION Sweet are the joys that flow from moderate use [fl] 
1774.04.20  Newburyport  CITATION Sweet are the joys that flow from moderate use [fl] 
1783.01.01  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet as the favorite offspring of the May [fl] 
1781.11.08  New York  CITATION Sweet Billy, precious royal boy [fl] 
1781.11.21  New York  CITATION Sweet Billy, precious, royal boy [fl] 
1781.11.28  Boston  CITATION Sweet Billy, precious, royal boy [fl] 
1782.09.30  Boston  CITATION Sweet contemplation to pursue! [fl] 
1772.09.11  Portsmouth  CITATION Sweet contentment, heavenly bright [fl] 
1772.08.13  New York  CITATION Sweet contentment, heav'nly bright [fl] 
1768.05.02  New York  CITATION Sweet Eccho [t], from Milton: Comus [t], Miss M Storer to sing 
1768.05.02  New York  CITATION Sweet Eccho [t], from Milton: Comus [t], Miss M Storer to sing 
1773.06.21  New York  CITATION Sweet Eccho [t], Hallam, Miss, to sing in Comus [t] 
1773.06.17  New York  CITATION Sweet Echo [t], Hallam, Miss, to sing in Comus [t] 
1764.08.10  Newbern  CITATION Sweet fields, beyond the swelling flood [fl] 
1776.01.27  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet inchantress in the bloom of life, The [fl] 
1774.02.01  Hartford  CITATION Sweet innocence, and artless truth [fl] 
1774.02.23  Newburyport  CITATION Sweet innocence, and artless truth [fl] 
1739.12.27  London  CITATION Sweet is thy voice, and manly is thy strain [fl] 
1771.06.06  London  CITATION Sweet Liberty [t], duet in satirical program 
1747.05.04  New York  CITATION Sweet nature smiles! and to the raptur'd eyes [fl] 
1774.07.14  Williamsburg  CITATION Sweet object of the Zephyr's kiss [fl] 
1778.05.02  London  CITATION Sweet peace, restore my wonted rest [fl] 
1738.08.14  New York  CITATION Sweet Philomel renew thy sacred strains [fl] 
1782.12.21  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet Poll of Plymouth was my dear [fl] 
1769.09.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet Robin [t], from Padlock [t], Hallam, Miss, to sing 
1769.09.25  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet Robin [t], from Padlock [t], to be sung after pantomime 
1774.05.12  Norwich  CITATION Sweet robin! from thy liquid throat [fl] 
1770.11.30  New Haven  CITATION Sweet Sally! Philomela of our land! [fl] 
1771.07.11  New York  CITATION Sweet, social bird! whose soft harmonious lays [fl] 
1771.06.13  New York  CITATION Sweet solitude! when life's gay hours are past [fl] 
1782.02.26  Baltimore  CITATION Sweet Soliture! thou placid Queen! [fl] 
1781.11.24  Boston  CITATION Sweet son of music, once our guide [fl] 
1772.08.22  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet Willy, O! [t], to be sung by Smith, Mr, in concert 
1772.08.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Sweet Willy, O! [t], to be sung by Smith, Mr, in concert 
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