The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1746.07.29  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Song [t] [beg] Night sable mantle o're the world is spread 
1772.12.07  Philadelphia  CITATION Solomon's Song [t] [beg] Of fairest, thou art fair, my love 
1746.03.11  Boston  CITATION Solomons Song [t], paraphrase by Mr Adams, lost to public 
1746.03.11  Boston  CITATION Solomons Songs [t] [beg] No brighter colour paints the crimson rose 
1779.06.05  Providence  CITATION Solomon's Temple [t], an oratorio, for sale by Carter, John 
1779.06.26  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.07.03  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.07.10  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.07.17  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.08.07  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.08.14  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.08.28  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1779.09.04  Boston  CITATION Solomon's Temple, an Oratorio [t], in Collection of Masons Songs [t] 
1775.09.06  Philadelphia  CITATION Solomon's Temple [t], with Freemasons Songs, for sale by Gallagher, James 
1775.09.20  Philadelphia  CITATION Solomon's Temple [t], with Freemasons Songs, for sale by Gallagher, James 
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