The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1767.05.21  Boston  CITATION Kneeland and Adams, sell psalters, Tate and Brady's Psalms, Watts Hymns 
1767.05.28  Boston  CITATION Kneeland and Adams, sell psalters, Tate and Brady's Psalms, Watts Hymns 
1739.06.21  Boston  CITATION Kneeland and Green, sell Choice Collection out of the Psalms of David...[t] 
1739.06.28  Philadelphia  CITATION Kneeland and Green, sell Choice Collection out of the Psalms of David...[t] 
1739.07.05  Philadelphia  CITATION Kneeland and Green, sell Choice Collection out of the Psalms of David...[t] 
1739.07.19  Philadelphia  CITATION Kneeland and Green, sell Choice Collection out of the Psalms of David...[t] 
1758.08.10  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells New-England Psalm Book [t] 
1758.08.17  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells New-England Psalm Book [t] 
1758.08.31  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells New-England Psalm Book [t] 
1758.08.28  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells New-England Psalm Book [t], new edition 
1757.10.10  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells Watts's Hymns and Spiritual Songs [t], in three books 
1757.10.17  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells Watts's Hymns and Spiritual Songs [t], in three books 
1757.10.31  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, S, sells Watts's Hymns and Spiritual Songs [t], in three books 
1734.04.15  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, Samuel, sells psalms books with and without tunes 
1734.04.29  Boston  CITATION Kneeland, Samuel, sells psalms books with and without tunes 
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