The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-J

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1741.02.16  New York  CITATION J--es wondrous bow of various dyes [fl] 
1773.11.02  London  CITATION J, A, author of lyric [beg] Statesmen and patriots, all made alike 
1782.04.27  New Jersey  CITATION J, author of lyric [beg] Cheer'd at the return of spring 
1781.11.24  Boston  CITATION J, author of lyric [beg] Sweet son of music, once our guide 
1761.02.07  Charleston  CITATION J, author of lyric [beg] Sweetest of blessings, heavenly light! 
1773.08.19  Boston  CITATION J, G, author of lyric [beg] Heavy in clouds behold the morn appears 
1733.09.03  Boston  CITATION J, J, author of lyric [beg] Country spark address'd a charming she, A 
1782.07.06  Jamaica  CITATION J, J, author of lyric [beg] Twas at th' imperial throne below 
1776.04.11  New York  CITATION J, J, author of lyric [beg] Why toils the world so eager after fame? 
1761.10.03  Port-Royal  CITATION J, M, author of lyric [beg] When Robin's sloven pen his cause betrays 
1777.02.27  Philadelphia  CITATION J, P, author of lyric [beg] How blest is he, who unconstrain'd 
1777.03.11  Baltimore  CITATION J, P, author of lyric [beg] How blest is he, who unconstrain'd 
1769.01.05  Philadelphia  CITATION J, S, author of lyric [beg] At length imperial Sol, in lucid car 
1765.01.26  Providence  CITATION J, S, author of lyric [beg] First, the great gods thy utmost rev'rence claim 
1760.10.16  Annapolis  CITATION J, T, author of lyric [beg] Of polish'd manners, and of gen'rous mind 
1771.11.18  Philadelphia  CITATION J, W, author of lyric [beg] With hollow blasts the winds arise 
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