The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1760.07.12  Charleston  CITATION Happiness. A Thought [t] [beg] Blest thought! from whence proceeds this joy 
1772.01.02  New York  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] As happiness is all our aim 
1772.01.14  Hartford  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] As happiness is all our aim 
1772.01.31  Portsmouth  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] As happiness is all our aim 
1772.02.14  New London  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] As happiness is all our aim 
1774.12.08  Williamsburg  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] Be gone! ye vulgar and profane 
1749.01.17  Bewdley  CITATION Happiness of Conjugal Love, The [t] [beg] Ye pairs, the happiest of your 
1769.01.19  Philadelphia  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] With endless wars and martial toils opprest 
1748.12.27  London  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] You bid me tell you what I crave 
1749.03.09  Boston  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] You bid me tell you what I crave 
1750.03.05  Charleston  CITATION Happiness [t] [beg] You bid me tell you what I crave 
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