The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1771.10.31  Williamsburg  CITATION Content [t] [beg] Attend, all ye nymphs and ye swains of the green 
1773.03.12  New Haven  CITATION Content [t] [beg] Farewell, aspiring thoughts no more 
1781.12.12  Chatham  CITATION Content [t] [beg] I do not know a cheerless hour 
1782.06.11  Baltimore  CITATION Content [t] [beg] I do not know a cheerless hour 
1772.08.10  Philadelphia  CITATION Content [t] [beg] O'er moorlands and mountains, rude, barren and bare 
1781.05.14  Boston  CITATION Content [t] [beg] O'er moorlands and mountains, rude barren, and bare 
1783.10.13  London  CITATION Content thou dear delightful guest [fl] 
1783.10.27  London  CITATION Content thou dear delightful guest [fl] 
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