The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:

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1783.01.20  Boston  CITATION Complain not, Cupid, of my truth [fl] 
1748.03.21  New York  CITATION Complain to Monsieur Maurepas, A [t] [beg] O my Renown! Maurepas is fled 
1768.04.11  Hartford  CITATION Complainant (No 9) [t] [beg] Ticklish the point, I grant, and hard to find 
1768.10.31  Hartford  CITATION Complainant (No 21) [t] [beg] Nymph, and a swain to Apollo pray'd, A 
1774.02.17  New York  CITATION Complaint is made on statute law [fl] 
1767.10.08  New York  CITATION Complaint of a Ring-Dove, The [t] [beg] Far from the smiles of blue 
1749.03.27  London  CITATION Complaint of Idalia, The [t] [beg] Where is my wandring love, ye Lydians say 
1775.02.27  Taunton  CITATION Complaint of Poor Tib, The [t] [beg] Hear now all ye yahoos who ride on hors 
1773.09.02  Boston  CITATION Complaint of the Trade, The [t] [beg] Our schemes are bad! and we repent too 
1774.02.03  Williamsburg  CITATION Complaint, The [t] [beg] Capricious power! to whom all nature bends 
1772.07.13  Philadelphia  CITATION Complaint, The [t] [beg] Oh! thou for whom I tune my pensive strain 
1773.08.05  Boston  CITATION Complaint, The [t] [beg] We that subscribe to this edition 
1756.10.25  New York  CITATION Complaint to the God of Sleep, A [t] [beg] All night invoking sleep's 
1772.07.13  Boston  CITATION Complaints of the Several Counties [t] [beg] Suffolk exclaims against her 
1772.07.17  Boston  CITATION Complaints of the Several Counties [t] [beg] Suffolk exclaims 
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