The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
Text Index-CEASE

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1771.09.05  New York  CITATION Cease a while, ye winds, to blow [fl] 
1771.09.16  New York  CITATION Cease calumny, ye heirs of envy fly [fl] 
1770.02.26  Philadelphia  CITATION Cease courtiers longer to complain [fl] 
1767.09.10  New York  CITATION Cease, Delia, oh! cease thy disdain [fl] 
1783.10.11  Philadelphia  CITATION Cease now my mirth, let gaiety be o'er [fl] 
1783.12.04  Savannah  CITATION Cease now my mirth, let gaiety be o'er [fl] 
1783.10.30  Norwich  CITATION Cease now my wrath, and now my fury cease [fl] 
1771.06.27  London  CITATION Cease! O cease! Thou Vile Seducer! [t] 
1771.06.13  London  CITATION Cease! O cease! thou vile seducer! [t], song in satirical program 
1775.04.20  Norwich  CITATION Cease, O fond parents! cease thy fruitless grief [fl] 
1771.06.27  London  CITATION Cease Rude Boreas [t] 
1771.06.13  London  CITATION Cease, rude Boreas [t], song in satirical program 
1783.04.17  Eastern Shore  CITATION Cease that strepent trumpet's sound! [fl] 
1783.05.17  Portsmouth  CITATION Cease that strepent trumpet's sound [fl] 
1772.02.06  Williamsburg  CITATION Cease then to chase the meteor as it flies [fl] 
1774.11.21  Boston  CITATION Cease, thou worst of gingling swains [fl] 
1774.12.02  Boston  CITATION Cease, thou worst of gingling swains [fl] 
1772.03.05  Annapolis  CITATION Cease to enquire, my restless friend [fl] 
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