The Performing Arts in Colonial American Newspapers, 1690-1783:
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1756.07.01  Charleston  CITATION Be all thy labours, all thy cares pursu'd [fl] 
1756.07.05  Charleston  CITATION Be all thy labours, all thy cares pursu'd [fl] 
1783.07.16  Charleston  CITATION Be calm my soul these thunders harmless play [fl] 
1739.02.19  London  CITATION Be calm ye seas, ye noisy winds be still [fl] 
1782.10.08  Baltimore  CITATION Be early wise, lest prudence come to late! [fl] 
1782.10.30  Chatham  CITATION Be early wise, lest prudence come too late! [fl] 
1774.12.08  Williamsburg  CITATION Be gone! ye vulgar and profane [fl] 
1760.12.26  Portsmouth  CITATION Be good with spirit, and with parts be just [fl] 
1772.05.19  Charleston  CITATION Be good with spirit, and with parts be just [fl] 
1771.03.21  Richmond  CITATION Be hush'd, ye waters, Boreas, cease to roar [fl] 
1769.03.16  Williamsburg  CITATION Be hush'd ye winds, let softest zephyrs play [fl] 
1768.03.10  New York  CITATION Be just in all thy actions; and if join'd [fl] 
1769.07.31  Coventry  CITATION Be merry, John Bell, be merry [fl] 
1769.08.11  Coventry  CITATION Be merry, John Bell, be merry [fl] 
1769.08.12  Coventry  CITATION Be merry, John Bell, be merry [fl] 
1768.01.11  London  CITATION Be niggards of advice on no pretence [fl] 
1782.08.07  Chatham  CITATION Be niggard's of advice on no pretence [fl] 
1769.06.15  New York  CITATION Be not, my friend, by youth deceiv'd [fl] 
1769.06.30  New London  CITATION Be not, my friend, by youth deceiv'd [fl] 
1769.07.10  Newport  CITATION Be not, my friend, by youth deceiv'd [fl] 
1770.08.02  New York  CITATION Be not, my friend, by youth deceiv'd [fl] 
1764.10.15  Newport  CITATION Be quick ye m-----l band [fl] 
1768.09.29  Williamsburg  CITATION Be Quiet [t] [beg] Tother day I met Jenny and flew to her arms 
1783.11.04  New Brunswick  CITATION Be silent mirth, stop't be ev'ry smile [fl] 
1774.03.30  Newburyport  CITATION Be still my heart; ah beat no more! [fl] 
1760.04.12  Charleston  CITATION Be still, nor anxious thoughts employ [fl] 
1769.03.01  Savannah  CITATION Be taxt, or not be taxt, that is the question [fl] 
1769.03.16  Savannah  CITATION Be taxt, or not be taxt, that is the question [fl] 
1770.08.14  Boston  CITATION Be taxt, or not be taxt, that is the question [fl] 
1773.05.20  New York  CITATION Be thine the task, with pleasing skill to blend [fl] 
1723.12.24  Whitehaven  CITATION Be this auspicious day renown'd in story [fl] 
1737.07.11  New York  CITATION Be useful where thou livest, that they may [fl] 
1782.08.24  Philadelphia  CITATION Be wicked as you will, do all that's base [fl] 
1764.07.21  London  CITATION Be wise to day, 'tis madness to defer [fl] 
1754.07.11  London  CITATION Be wise to-day, 'tis madness to defer [fl] 
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