Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1735.07.14

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Index Entry Bells, in Corsica, rung on attack 
Location Corsica 
14 Jul 1735:11 (198)
Corsica, April 25.  The Genoese in this Island, having been
informed that the advocate costra was fallen ill in the
house of the Sieur Louis Giafferi, two miles from St.
Pillerin, sent thither 300 archers and Corsicans of the
party of the Republick, to take him in the night time; but
coming to a place where there were five or six houses they
happened to be discovered by the inhabitants, who
immediately gave the alarm by ringing of bells; and whilst
the islanders were assembling to attack them, the
Republicans set fire to three or four of the houses, and
then seizing six bullocks, retired the same way they came: 
However, our islanders hearing that the aforesaid detachment
was cutting down timber in a certain wood, they marched
thither in a body, and surprized them; they killed 16 of
them, and the rest escaped, leaving behind them their
hatchets and fusils.

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1735.07.14 
Publisher Fleet, Thomas 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1735 
Bibliography B0049815
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