Citation - Weekly Rehearsal: 1732.01.24

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in Leopoldstadt, in procession for Elector of Mentz 
Location Leopoldstadt 
24 Jan 1732:12 (18)
Vienna, Sept. 8.  On the 6th about four in the afternoon,
the emperor set off from the Favourita, to meet his highness
the Elector of Mentz, preceded by the chamberlains, all the
ministers of state, and also the members of the privy
council, in their respective state coaches and six, to the
number of 70, with footmen and heydukes on each side of
them, and follow'd by the Imperial Horse Guards, with
trumpets and kettle-drums.  In this magnificent manner his
majesty pass'd through the suburb of Leopoldstadt to the
great bridge of the Danube, the place appointed for the
reception of his Electoral Highness; when the Elector came
on the bridge, and saw the Emperor's coach at about 70 paces
distance from him, his Highness alighted and marched
forwards . . .
[37 lines more]

Generic Title Weekly Rehearsal 
Date 1732.01.24 
Publisher Gridley, J. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0049636
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