Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri): 1774.01.20

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Index Entry Draper, John, owner of runaway Negro woman, singer of indecent songs 
Location Williamsburg 
20 Jan 1774:33 (402)
Run away from the subscriber, in October last, a middle
sized Negro woman, about 35 years of age, has a few specks
of black about the lower part of her face, some scars on her
breast, and has a very impertinent countenance;  she was
formerly the property of Mr. Morse, at Poquoson.  Her common
dress, when she went away, was blue plains.  I expect she
may be in Norfolk or Hampton.  Whoever secures the above
Negro in any of his Majesty's gaols shall receive a reward
of twenty shillings from me, in Williamsburg. [signed] John
*** She is fond of liquor, and apt to sing indecent and
sailors songs when so.  It is probable she will endeavour to
pass for a free woman.  All masters of vessels and others
are hereby forewarned from harbouring the said Negro.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri) 
Date 1774.01.20 
Publisher Rind, Clementina 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0049511
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