Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri): 1771.05.02

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Index Entry Playhouse, in London, clerk saw young lady there, elopes with her 
Location London 
2 May 1771:21 (260)
London. . . A certain banker in the city, being guardian to
a young lady aged near 17, a few weeks since proposed a
marriage to his ward with his only son.  The lady for some
time favoured the son's addresses, but a smart attorney's
clerk happening to see her at the play, soon carried off the
prize, by a trip to Scotland; from whence they are just
returned, to the great grief of the disappointed father and
son; as the lady, on attaining the age of 21, is actually
entitled to a freehold estate of 700 L. a year, besides a
great deal of ready cash in the funds.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri) 
Date 1771.05.02 
Publisher Rind, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0049420
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