Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri): 1766.12.25

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Index Entry Flute, played by Stewart, David, who hired horse, but has not returned 
Location Warwick 
25 Dec 1766:42 (33)
December 10, 1766.  Hired of the subscriber at Warwick in
Chesterfield county, on Monday last by one David Stewart (as
he calls his name) a light bay horse, with saddle and bridle
. . . [3 lines, description]
The said Stewart is an Irish man, about 5 feet 10 or 11
inches high, of a dark complection, with long black hair; he
plays on the flute, and is remarkably fond of liquor.  Had
on when he went away, a blue cloth coat, black waistcoat and
breeches, a shoemaker by trade, and he hired the said horse
to ride to Rocky Ridge, about five miles from Warwick, and
was to have returned the same day; but never went there as I
can hear, neither is there any certainty which way he went,
but it is supposed he is gone to North Carolina.  Any
persons that will contrive the said horse to me at Warwick,
shall receive forty shillings reward, paid by [signed]
Thomas Bridgewater.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Ri) 
Date 1766.12.25 
Publisher Rind, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0049280
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