Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pu): 1775.05.12

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Index Entry Rousseau, John Jean, taught music to daughter of his taylor, married her 
Location Geneva 
12 May 1775:11 (15)
London, March 6.  We hear that the celebrated Rousseau, the
Genevan Philosopher, is married to a young girl of 17 years
of age.  The wife of the celebrated John Jean Rousseau, is a
young pupil of his, whom he taught music and philosophy; she
is the daughter of his own taylor; and the reason this
celebrated sage gives for so unnatural an union is, that as
the father fitted him so well for these last 20 years past,
he was in hopes his daughter would do the same for these 20
years to come.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pu) 
Date 1775.05.12 
Publisher Purdie, Alexander 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0049096
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