Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1739.02.02

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Index Entry Actors, English, in London, in gaol, cause of riot over French actors 
Location London 
26 Jan-2 Feb 1739:22 (131)
London, Oct 12.  When the French Strollers attempted to act
L'Embarass des Richesses last Monday night at the New
Theatre in the Hay-Market, the noise in the house began
between 4 and 5 o'clock; the cry on one side or the
galleries was, no soupe maigre, and other side answer'd in a
different tone, beef and puding, and the general cry was,
pray remember the poor English players in goal; no French
Strollers.  The French Embassador was in the box, but went
out as soon as the noise, etc. began, and vast numbers left
the house thro' fear, tho'  their places were immediately
supply'd; but notwithstanding this uproar, the Strollers
began to play, and continue'd acting by peace meal (being
continually interrupted) near one act; but there was such a
hissing, catcalling, etc. that scarce a word was to be
heard; then they attempted a dance, and to please the
audience, one of the mademoselles fairly shewed her a---,
but it being foreign goods, gave no content; for they
continu'd hissing and pelting them in such a manner, that
the Strollers were drove out of back windows into Suffolk-
Street, crying out, morblieu, morblieu; and several of the
audience were forc'd to go out the same way, for the mob in
the Hay-Market, at first pelted with dirt, even them that
cry'd down the Strollers, imagining (by the fulness of the
house) they were for encouraging them; happy therefore was
he that could prove himself a true Englishman, then he
escap'd unmolested.
    We hear a noble lord has waited on the French
Embassador, to assure him no affront was intended, either
against him or the French Nation, by the behavior or the
gentlemen against the French Strollers on Monday night last
at the Hay-Market.
    A contribution is raising among several of the nobility
for the French Strollers, who we hear will speedily embark
for Boloigne, on their way home; tho' some Papists pretend
to give out they will act again.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1739.02.02 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1739 
Bibliography B0048988
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