Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1738.07.07

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Index Entry Ball, in Paris, given by Freemasons for Carnival, Salle's dance performed 
Location Paris 
30 Jun-7 Jul 1738:21, 22 (101)
Paris Mar 7.  By letters from Luneville, of March the 2d, we
hear the Free Masons gave a fine entertainment on account of
the carnival.  It began at eight in the evening, with a
concert of vocal and instrumental musick; after which there
was a grand supper, at a table spread for 50 guests, who, as
well ladies as the gentlemen, were masqued.  The Free Masons
were dressed in white taffata, but the Court of Luneville,
which conforms to the customs of that of France, would not
suffer the Free Masons to appear with their aprons, or any
badge of their fraternity, nor to have their usual desert of
a structure of sugar, encompassed with trowels, compasses,
and like instruments of masonry.  After the supper was over,
there was a magnificent ball, at which a new dance was
exhibited, call'd, The Free Mason's Dance, which was lately
executed at the Opera Theatre at Paris, by the famous Miss
Salle.  This ball held till next morning, and there was play
all the time in two rooms contiguous to that where they

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1738.07.07 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0048958
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