Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1737.03.18

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Index Entry Hum, author to himself 
Location Williamsburg 
11-18 Mar 1737:31 (33)
[11 paragraphs discuss a dream narrative that appeared in a
previous issue (30).  The third paragraph follows:]
   He took out a paper, and humm'd something to himself; 
this put me into a greater consternation than ever, not
being able to make out either sound, &c.)  I dare say, the
judicious reader will acknowledge this humm to have been of
a most extraordinary and singular nature, since it had no
sound in it.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1737.03.18 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0048891
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