Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1771.09.05

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Index Entry Arnold, sonatas, for harpsichord, for sale by Purdie and Dixon 
Location Williamsburg 
5 Sep 1771:33 (1049)
By the Virginia, Capt. Robertson, Purdie and Dixon have
imported a fresh assortment of all kinds of paper . . . [6
lines ] German flutes some of a new construction) violins,
Hardham's best rappee, &c. &c.  Also the following musick,
namely instructions for the harpsichord, violin, and German
flute:  Pasquali's thorough bass for the harpsichord;
Boccherini and Burgess Senior's lessons for the harpsichord;
Midas, the Padlock, and Love in a Village, for the
harpsichord, voice, German flute, violin or guitar; the Maid
of the Mill, and Cunning Man, for the harpsichord, violin,
German flute, and hautboy; periodical overtures for the
harpsichord, piano forte, &c. eight Italian sonatas for two
violins or flutes, with a thorough bass for the harpsichord,
by several eminent composers; Fisher's minuets, with
variations for the harpsichord; Arnold, Galuppi, and
Mazzinghi's sonatas for the harpsichord; Pasquali, Campioni,
Schobert, Just, Pugnani, Florio, Lates, and Richter's
sonatas; Stamitz's concertos, duets, and grand orchestra
trios;  Gasparini's trios; Corelli's solos; Vivaldi's cuckoo
concertos; Barbella and Reinard's duets. . . . [6 more

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1771.09.05 
Publisher Purdie, Alex., and John Dixon 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0048522
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