Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1755.04.18

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Index Entry Concertos, by Giardino, on harpsichord in genteel lady's dressing room 
Location Williamsburg 
18 Apr 1755:12 (223)
[In long essay inspired by publication of Johnson's
Dictionary, concerning spelling and orthography, the
following reference:] . . . Spelling, as well as music, is
better performed by the book, than merely by the ear, which
may be variously affected by the same sounds.  I therefore
most earnestly recommend to my fair countrywomen, and their
faithful or faithless servants, the fine gentlemen of this
realm, to surrender, as well for their own private, as for
the public utility, all their natural rights and privileges
of misspelling, which they have so long enjoyed, and
vigorously exerted. . . [1/2 column, anecdotes of
misfortunes caused by mis-communications, puff for Johnson's
Dictionary.]  I must also hint to Mr. Johnson, that such a
small supplemental dictionary will contribute infinitely to
the sale of the great one; and I will make no question but
that under the protection of that little work, the great one
will be received in the genteelest houses, we shall
freqeuntly meet with it in ladies dressing-rooms, lying upon
the harpsicord, together with the knotting bag, and Signior
De Giardino's incomparable concertos; and even sometimes in
the powder-rooms of our young nobility, upon the same shelf
with their german flute, their powder mask, and their four-
horse whip.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1755.04.18 
Publisher Hunter, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0048219
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