Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1752.07.03

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Index Entry Ballad, Tate and Brady's psalms and Song of Solomon cited as 
Location Williamsburg 
3 Jul 1752:12, 21, 22, 31 (79)
To Mr. Walter Dymocke.  Sir, As you have carefully concealed
your real name and character, you have obliged yourself not
to take it ill, if I should ignorantly treat you out of
character. . . . [continues for 3 columns alternating poetry
and prose, including reference to Tate and Brady's psalms
and the Song of Solomon as a "meer love-song or ballad."]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1752.07.03 
Publisher Hunter, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0048184
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